Source: Ming Pao

Ming Pao Society Review

The State Council of China issued the overall plan of the China (Xinjiang) Free Trade Zone on Tuesday, which is the 22nd Free Trade Zone in the mainland.For the first time, the plan proposes Xinjiang's future triple positioning: "Construction of Comprehensive Logistics Hubs of Unicom Eurasia", "Important Hubs that integrate into the domestic and international dual cycles", and "bridgeheads that are open west".At the time of interwoven and changing the situation in the at home and abroad, the further opening up of Xinjiang actually has a more far -reaching geographical meaning.The industries along the eastern coastal transfer to Xinjiang, and then exported to the hinterland of the Asian and European continent through large arteries such as the Central European trains. At the same time, the talents and energy of Central Asian countries are introduced.EssenceIf Shenzhen is the "South Gate" open to the outside world, Xinjiang will be the "West Gate", revealing the new direction of China's open strategy.

located in the center of Asia and Europe

Bianzhang becomes core hub

Since the launch of the Shanghai Free Trade Zone in September 2013, the mainland includes 22 free trade pilot zones including Hainan Free Trade Port, involving more than 50 areas, with less than 4 thousandths of land area.18.4%of the country's foreign capital was absorbed, and imports and exports accounted for 18.6%of the country.The establishment of the Xinjiang Pilot Zone this time is the first expansion of the Mainland Free Trade Zone in three years.

From the map of the country, Xinjiang is located in the northwest, but from the world map, Xinjiang is in the center of Asia and Europe.node.In the first three quarters of this year, the import and export of Xinjiang exceeded 250 billion yuan for the first time, which has exceeded the total value of the annual value of 2022, an increase of 47.3%over the same period last year, a record high.Xinjiang is rich in resources, cotton output accounts for 90 % of the country, and Oil-Gas Valent Weight ranks first in the country. Semiconductor raw material polysilicon production ranks first in the country.

The new strategic positioning of Xinjiang is related to the new progress of the country's "Belt and Road" initiative.This year marks the 10th anniversary of the "leading way" initiative.The five Central Asian countries adjacent to Xinjiang are all in the "Silk Road Economic Belt". The top three trading partners in Xinjiang are Kazakhstan, Gilgis, and Tajik in Central Asia.In July last year, President Xi Jinping pointed out in the Urumqi International Land Port District that "with the in -depth advancement of co -construction 'Belt and Road', Xinjiang is no longer a remote area, but a core area and a hub."

According to the overall plan of the State Council, the total area of ​​the Xinjiang Free Trade Zone is 179.66 square kilometers. Like Shanghai, Zhejiang, and Hainan Free Trade Port, it is greater than the scale of 120 square kilometers in other local free trade zones.The positioning of the three areas is: Urumqi is an important platform for exchanges and cooperation with neighboring countries such as Central Asia; Kashgar builds a product processing distribution base in China Unicom Central Asia and South Asia;Template.

It is precisely because of the important position of Xinjiang in the Silk Road that its hub effects are outstanding.Xinjiang is adjacent to the five Central Asian countries, and it also borders Russia, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Mongolia and other countries. It is the nearest region of China ’s Caucasian country (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia). It is a natural international logistics channel.Nowadays to Europe in the western region to Europe, the role of China -Europe freight trains has surpassed the sea transportation. The Central European trains from Chongqing, Chengdu, Zhengzhou, and Xi'an all exported through Holgos.The highly anticipated Central (country) Gill (Irgis) Ukrak Railway has completed feasibility studies. After completion, it will be connected to the Gaoco Corridor.It is the starting point of this artery.

Internal stability to maintain Guoan

Create Central Asia RCEP

In addition, the plan also mentioned that Xinjiang and the "leading way" countries carried out cross -border settlement in the fields of commodity trade, overseas contracted projects and border people's cities;Important platform for cycle.It helps to promote the internationalization of the RMB, Kashgar has the opportunity to become a cross -border e -commerce town like Hangzhou.Others such as jointly creating cross -border tourism routes in the neighboring countries, running international tourism trains, implementing the "study abroad in Xinjiang" plan, introducing high -end medical resources and medical teams at home and abroad, and supporting "cloud hospitals" that support the creation of neighboring countries."The concept of" people's hearts "in proposal is in line with.It is showing that the establishment of a free trade zone in Xinjiang is by no means a simple channel construction and increased trade.

In August of this year, after Xi Jinping's return to the BRICS Summit from South Africa, Xi Jinping made a special trip to Urumqi to listen to the work report of Xinjiang.The overall situation of national rejuvenation. "He specifically pointed out that Xinjiang is facing new opportunities and must have new actions.This time, the central government approved the establishment of a free trade pilot zone in Xinjiang, which has both considerations to stabilize Xinjiang internally and maintaining Guoan.In the overall plan of the State Council, it is specifically mentioned that the Xinjiang Free Trade Zone must "give full play to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, 'China-Central Asian Five Kingdoms' related cooperation mechanisms, Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (Carec) and other international exchange platforms and multi-bilateral mechanisms.Function, support participation or undertaking related framework activities ".

10 years ago, the Shanghai Free Trade Pilot Zone was listed at the beginning of the regional comprehensive economic partnership agreement (RCEP).Ten years later, new changes have appeared in geopolitics, competition, and domestic development. When Xinjiang has changed from border to the core hub area, the "lead" initiative is also changing from "roadmap" to "construction map" and "real scene map" and "real scene map"."China's opening up to the outside world must also change from east to west.The planning of the free trade zone in Xinjiang has the meaning of building the China -Asian version of RCEP. It is of great significance to ensure China's food and energy security and maintaining the stability of Xinjiang's social stability.

Hong Kong is the largest source of foreign investment in Xinjiang. By last year, the cumulative investment amount was US $ 8.65 billion, and Xinjiang's investment in Hong Kong also had a investment in Hong Kong 2.66 billion US dollars. Six Xinjiang enterprises were listed in Hong Kong.Both parties are also important economic and trade partners. As active participants in "leading the way", Hong Kong businessmen and professionals should be full of opportunities on this bridgehead that opened west.