The impact caused by digital failure will only become more serious as these institutions deepen and popularize digitalization.Perhaps this is the new digital and the Internet era that rang us alert.

Last month to return to the camp for training, the troops originally planned to take the lead in trying the newly launched mobile application registration and reporting. As a result, the back -end system was in a condition. A large number of voters pressed for a long time, and the display was still turning.Later, I had to hurry to start the most primitive artificial records, so that I did not delay the next training arrangements.

The new application is just a small problem. On Wednesday (November 1), all local government hospitals and comprehensive clinic websites have a comprehensive failure for up to seven hours to difficulty.The payment service was affected, and the public could not even make an appointment online.According to the latest investigation, The failure was dueAnd the attack is still continuing, so the website may still be disturbed in the near future.

Also, on the 14th of last month, the digital and offline services of Star Fair Bank also had large -scale interruptions, causing inconvenience in shopping consumption.The situation is still in the ear, Nets QR code and the ENETS payment system also had a short failure the day before yesterday. Fortunately, it has been repaired quickly on the same day.

Rather than that this is an inevitable pain after technology and digital transformation, it is rather to say that this is a new digital and the Internet era.Remind us that it will not be dealt with timely and may be harmed in the future.

When the main force rushes forward, does the two sides have sufficient protection forces?Can the reserve military force keep up?Can the grain and grass supply continue to cooperate?

These supporting considerations must be planned as a whole.Digital transformation is the same.

There is no turning arrow in opening the bow. The automation and digitalization of various public departments and private enterprises will not be U -turned. The question is whether these departments and enterprises have a sound mechanism improvement, maintenance and regular inspections to ensure that the system operation is unobstructed to open the smooth system operation.Nothing?If a failure occurs, is it capable of finding a problem and fix it quickly?During the failure period, is there still a reserve plan to ensure that the service continues and the business continues to operate?

Network and digital services are not limited to the above -mentioned pharmaceutical and financial fields. Other important institutions such as national defense, transportation, information, communication, education, catering, and enterprises of all sizes have shifted to digitalization.Go deep into our daily life.The impact caused by digital failures will only become more serious as these institutions deepen and popularize digitalization.

The reason why bank digital service interruptions have attracted widespread attention is that Singapore has actively shifted to the "cashless" trading model in the past few years. The use of code -scanning and electronic transfer has greatly improved, and once the situation is out, it has a profound impact.

The Singapore Financial Authority issued a statement a few days ago, instructing Non -necessary information technology system changes , and it is not allowed to reduce its branches in Singapore and automatic withdrawal machines to ensure the resilience of restoring digital banking services.However, this method does not cure the standard, and at most, it can only be regarded as stepping on the brakes to slow down the speed of digitalization; if the Star Fair Bank cannot significantly improve and improve the system and talent deployment during this period, it will not be harder to guarantee.

To make digital transformation sustainable and tough, it is protracted, and must be invested in valuable resources such as human resources and infrastructure.

Taking the Singapore Armed Forces as an example, the three troops of the sea, land, and air have always had individual digital technology and communication information agencies, but in October last year, the Digital and Intelligence Service (Digital and Intelligence Services), and even evenLate it as the fourth troops outside the three army, sea, land and air.This approach is rare to look at other global troops, and it is evident.

Once it becomes an independent army, whether in architecture and personnel preparation, position arrangement, budget listing, and decision -making power and discourse rights, it will be upgraded to another step.

What extent does the current government departments and institutions, or company companies attach importance to digital technology and the extent of the investment in resource investment?

As early as 2019, the five pillars of Singapore's comprehensive defense: psychological defense, social defense, economic defense, civil defense and military defense have added the sixth pillar: digital defense.

Now, the follow -up impact of insufficient digital defense has become increasingly apparent, and we can no longer stay in the form of shouting slogans.

The training of professional talents in this area requires time and government planning. Institutions and other institutions of public and private are also required to identify and establish related departments to plan and promote it; and strengthen the testing and maintenance or set up reserve solutions, which means burning more to burn moreIs it willing to pay for shareholders and consumers?

Digitalization is like a high -speed forward subway train, which supports key elements such as signal systems, rail maintenance, and management systems.If we do not lay out planning early, the dead sheep will be made up when the situation is out. The cost of the back of the time may not be what we are willing to bear.