Although the social security is good today, the national defense security is protected by strong national defense forces. It is not just law enforcement officers, but every resident.

The Singapore Internal Security Bureau held a 75th anniversary celebration dinner on October 24th. There is a historical picture exhibition on the sidelines. I saw a few "wonderful" photos from the United Morning Post report, including the Ministry of Political Department (the former of the Inner Security Bureau's predecessor) In November 1950, I received a threatening letter with three gun shells. Two short sentences on the letter: "Big dogs: These three babies give you these big dogs and try to visit you."Reading now is very interesting, but the "big dogs" who are "greeting" that year must not dare to take it lightly.In Singapore in the early years, plainclothes police detectives or sheriffs were called "big dogs" (Fujian dialect), which may be due to the people's disrespect or fear of the colonial government law enforcement officers.

Other pictures show that in September 1952, the Malaysian Communist Party attacked two cars that was bombed during two alarms with grenades; the Pan Men's pistol that worn for the threat of the Malaysian Communist Party in 1970; entered the 21st century, entered the 21st century,A self -aggressive 16 -year -old young man planned to attack the bulletproof vests purchased by the church.

These historical lenses show the internal security problems of different times. Although the social security is good today, the national defense security is protected by strong defense forces. It is not only law enforcement officers, but every resident.

In 2001, the US terrorist attack occurred in the United States in 2001. U.S. land was attacked by unprecedented foreign attacks. The global security situation changed. The operation of the aviation industry and the immigration policies of various countries have entered a new era.On October 7, the assault of Hamas's extreme organization of Palestine's extreme organization was described as its September 1 incident by Israel.

Israel bombed the Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza in the northern part of Gaza this week.This may constitute a crime of war.The more out of control of the Israeli retaliation operation, the deeper the root of the terrorist attacks buried in the extreme Muslim organization, which affects not only the land safety of Israel itself, but also the haze of terrorism in the world.Many terrorist organizations have issued a warning of terrorist attacks to the United States.

The outbreak of the Kazakhs is less than one month. The United States60%of the cases of religious hate crimes that occurred in the territory were targeted at Jews.The security of European allies is not optimistic, and they have entered the stage of frequent occurrence of religious hatred cases.

After the September 1st incident, Singapore also found the "Muslim Prayer Group" related to the Kaida organization in 2001.When the "Islamic State Organization" was mighty in Iraq, hundreds of people in Malaysia and Indonesia in Malaysia and Indonesia were inspired by the spirit of extreme Muslims and went to the Middle East to participate in the "jihad". Many of them took their wives and children.The current situation in the Middle East has deteriorated. Will the Muslims in this region have been called by extremism and joined the Middle East to join the war against Israel?The global hate Jewish case may be a nap, and Singapore must not help but be vigilant.

a few days ago, reminding the foreign country working locally to work locally working locally to work locally working locally to work locally working locally to work locally working locally to work locally working locally.Employees: It should not be publicly displayed publicly, cloth strips, and posters related to foreign politics; it should not publish text that may incite emotion, and create hatred or violence between different races and religions;But unwritten information.

The Ministry of the Interior and the internal Security Bureau also Obviously based on Singapore's past experience.

The government announced in January 2016 that the Singapore Inner Security Bureau detected an extreme religious organization of Bangladesh customer workers and detained 27 people.They were repatriated after they passed.It was only a few months after the incident, and the Ministry of the Interior announced the detection of the second similar case involving the Meng State's guest workers. Eight people were detained under the inner security order. They were members of the "Bangladesh Islamic State" underground organization.

On July 10, 2019, the Ministry of the Interior issued a statement to reveal several Burmese who worked locally through fundraising and gathering to launch a Burmese guest to support an anti -Myanmar government's armed organization "Arakan Army".EssenceIf the Kaijun attacked the Myanmar Police Station, snatched weapons, killed and abducted police and his family, and was listed as a terrorist organization by the Myanmar government.

Foreign employees who try to bring foreign political agenda into Singapore will be repatriated.After all, guest workers involving such behaviors are a minority.Singapore attaches importance to the contribution of customers to Singapore's economy, but it will not relax their controls on them.The latest statement of the Ministry of Manpower may be a prevention of prevention, or it may have been found to have some signs of worrying.

For the Harbin War, Singapore adopted a clear position and supported the resolution passed by the UN General Assembly Special Meeting to protect the safety of the life safety of Gaza civilians, and expressed the strict concern of the increasingly upgraded conflict of Harbin.

The Minister of the Interior and Minister of Justice Shang Morgan pointed out that the resolution was not comprehensive enough.Singapore believes that the resolution should include two principles, that is, A>, and acknowledging that Israel has the right to defend himself from attacking, but cannot to kill innocent civilians, Israel still must abide by international law.

In the early days of the founding of Singapore, Israel was helped to establish our defense forces.On the other hand, Singapore and Palestinian organizations have always maintained friendly relations and conform to our national interests.

Whether it is Israel or Palestine, it is a distinctive example of the small country's efforts to survive. Singapore is pushing themselves with "empathy" and taking a balance between the two, and it is also maintaining our own right to survive.