(Beijing Comprehensive News) The financial working group established last year in China and the United States held a two -day meeting in Beijing. The two sides communicated with a series of international financial issues, and the two sides agreed to continue to meet regularly.

The statement issued by the US Treasury Department on Friday (January 19) stated that the meeting was the first time since the establishment of the Sino -US financial work group.Continuous finance, cross -border payment and data, as well as anti -money laundering and anti -terrorist financing.U.S. officials also frankly proposed the fields of differences in the talks.

The statement issued by the People's Bank of China on Friday night stated that the two sides communicated with a series of issues "professional, pragmatic, frank and constructive".Both parties have agreed to continue their regular meetings.

The US delegation also met with He Lifeng, Deputy Prime Minister of the State Council of China and the leader of Sino -US economic and trade in China and the United States.The US delegation told He Lifeng that the US Treasury Minister Yellen welcomed the progress of the working group and discussed the importance of continuing to deepen the communication and cooperation between the two parties.They also said that Yellen was looking forward to visiting China again.

According to Xinhua News Agency, He Lifeng said during the meeting that China is willing to work with the United States to implement an important consensus on the meeting between the heads of state of the two countries and promote the development of relations between the two countries towards health, stability, and sustainable.

He Lifeng also said that the two sides should continue to use the mechanism of the financial work group, continue to accumulate results, and consolidate the development of cooperation in the development of the financial field.

After visiting China in July last year, China and the United States established the Sino -US Finance and Economic Working Group in September last year.The meeting was the third meeting of the Financial Working Group and was co -chaired by Xuanchang Neng, deputy president of the Central Bank of China, and Brent Neiman, Assistant Finance of the United States Finance.