Source: rule of law Daily

On November 1st, some media learned from the doctor at the Huaxi Hospital to the treatment of the treatment. The right kidney of the girl was bite by the dog, and the condition was stable.

But the social discussion caused by the bite of the girl's bite has not subsided. One is that the sound of "clearing" the wandering pet has begun to attract social attention.One of the roots of repeated occurrences.

In this regard, the experts interviewed pointed out that the main source of stray pets is three categories: abandonment, loss, and breeding.Because Chinese law does not clearly prohibit and punish abandoned pets, coupled with the inadequate management law enforcement of dog breeding, no questioning of wandering pet breeding, etc., the wandering pets are out of control and disorder.

People interviewed by the industry believe that abandoning and breeding of pets has become a "new test question" that the city must face.Discarding pets is not only immoral, but also may spread diseases, disturb the people and hurt the people, pollute the environment, etc. From the perspective of good law and good governance, it is still necessary to prohibit and punish abandoned pet behaviors in accordance with the law., Solve the problem of wandering pets from the source.

Abandoned pets often occur in social risks

Wang Mei (pseudonym) is a salesperson at a clothing store in Xi'an, Shaanxi.A few years ago, she raised a bear, and the dog brought her a lot of joy.However, since 2021, the business of her clothing store is getting worse and worse, and her salary has dropped again.Later, she felt that she couldn't support it anymore, let alone raising dogs.

What made her even more stretched was to see the dog.On one occasion, the dog was diarrhea, and it took five or six hundred yuan (RMB, the same below) when I went to the pet hospital. "I really don't have so much money to see it."

In desperation, Wang Mei began to find the adopter for the Belle dog, but found no suitable one.In the end, she abandoned the dog outside a local stray pet rescue station.

There are not a few owners who abandon their pets like Wang Mei.

Zhang Nan (pseudonym) is the head of the Shaanxi Yan'an Stray Animal Assistance Public Welfare Association."In recent years, we have encountered a variety of abandoned pet dogs."


Li Qian (pseudonym), the head of the Shisan Sunshine Stream Reservation Center in Beijing, is also facing similar encounters.She said: "Some strangers called me directly to tell me that the dogs in the family could not support it anymore. If we do not receive it here, he will directly death or throw away the dog."

There are many "threats" calls like this.

"Sometimes, when we call back the phone, the dog owner said that he left the place of discarding. We can only go to the scene to find.Died of death "Li Qian.

"I have no ability to raise pets, and finally throw us to clean up the endgame." Zhang Nan said.

abandonment, in terms of pets, is the disaster to extinguish; in society, it is a hidden risk.

Du Fan, president of the Wuhan Animal Protection Association of Hubei Province, said that most of pets that are abandoned, especially abandoned pets, cannot survive.For the entire society, abandoning pets has become risks and hidden dangers. For example, stray dogs are easy to bite, and may even spread some diseases.

According to public information, in recent years, many places have frequently occurred in stray cats and dogs.According to the staff of some stray dog ​​rescue agencies, many of the stray dogs found in large dogs and even strong dogs.

In Du Fan's view, the consequences of abandoning pets are passed on to society. The society is pocked by abandoned behaviors and brings many problems to urban management.

Ye Fang, a professor at the School of Law of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, believes that abandonment, loss, and reproduction are the three major sources of stray pets.

The reasons for abandoning and breeding are limited for the strength of the shelters

According to the white paper in China's pet industry in 2021, the number of stray dogs in China reaches 40 million.

Why are so many pets abandoned?

Reporters interviewed a number of abandoned pets found that there are many reasons, some are restricted in economic capabilities, some feel that pets are not worry -free, and some are opposed by family members.

A staff member of the health department of a hospital in Beijing analyzed that there are many reasons for abandoning pets, the first reason is the economic situation.Not only do petitions spend time, but also requires a lot of economic inputs.

In this staff member, many people have insufficient understanding of pets: some people lack experience, and the concept of pets is still in the stage of being full of pets, but after raisingThe dog will "demolish home", not worrying about it.In addition, there is a major turning point in the owner's home, such as moving, illness, and childbirth, which is also one reason that affects whether pets are abandoned.

Ma Kai (pseudonym), who spontaneously set up a group of "Wuhan Stranging Animals Adoption" group, said that after some children are afraid of cats and dogs, they will be afraid of spreading diseases or hurting children, and they will also abandon pets.

Zhang Nan said helplessly that many people have no sense of responsibility to raise pets, lack the knowledge of scientific pets and long -term planning, and often "abandon it" when encountering emergencies.

The reporter's investigation found that the mixed fish and dragon in the pet breeding market has also become one of the source of pet abandonment.Some people in the industry told reporters that some breeding people only leave a high -priced variety when breeding pets, and "throw ordinary varieties or illnesses" throw out ".

Faced with a large number of pets around, the wandering pet containment mechanism also loves to help.

Ping An Afu Association is a stray animal rescue center located in Nanjing, Jiangsu.Change grain and water, clean up the ground feces, change urine pads, treat patients with injuries, arrange rescue, and keep answering consultation calls and help calls.

"These things are not complicated, but they are very cumbersome. Volunteers are busy every day. There are countless stray dogs who need to be rescued." The staff of Ping An Afu Association told reporters.

The staff of the Ping An Afu Association also talked about the problems faced by the current institutions, that is, the volunteers on duty are unpaid. They need to face the pain and death of various animals.The association has a distress.

The Yan'an Stray Animal Rescue Public Welfare Association is also experiencing the same difficulties.

"Economically facing very large pressure. We previously released fundraising channels on social platforms, but the relevant departments said that the fundraising channels were illegal. If we cannot continue to be rescued, all stray dogs can only be released or reserve or can be reserved or can only be released or conserved or can only be released or conserved.Euthana. "Zhang Nan said.

Li Qian told reporters that from picking up a stray dog ​​to sending to the resettlement center, it is necessary to pass the hospital isolation, inspection, sterilization, immunity and other processes, which takes about 3,000 yuan, plus the usual dog food, rent, rentA series of expenses such as hydropower, and the operation pressure is very high. "At present, we are already in debt operations."

Animal rescue station and the containment agency are trying to find a new home for the abandoned pets, but "secondary abandonment" and even "multiple abandonment" occur.

A puppy that Du Fan had rescued was adopted 3 times and returned 3 times.For the first time, the adopter could not accept it to return everywhere at home; the second and third time, the family members of the adopter believed that more animals brought a lot of trouble to family life.

Difficult to abandon behavior is not responsible for local legislation,

From the perspective of many people who rescue stray pets, the key to reducing the number of wandering pets is to reduce the abandonment of pets and increase the abandonment cost of pets.

It is worth noting that there are many regions in China that have prohibited abandoned pets.

In 2020, Shanghai disposed of the first case of abandoned pet dogs, fined 500 yuan for abandoned people and revoked dog certificates.

The Hubei Provincial Animal Epidemic Prevention Regulations clearly mention that "Dogs who abandon the breeding of the dogs will receive a dog with a dog -raising authority and impose a fine of 1,000 yuan or less."

Fujian Province Animal Epidemic Prevention Regulations stipulate that units and individuals abandon raw dogs at will and cause animal epidemic dissemination shall be fined by the animal epidemic prevention department of local people's government at or above the county level.

"It is undoubtedly a progress in the prohibition of abandonment of pets in local regulations. But the current problem is that it is difficult to be tracked by abandoning behavior, and if the administrative penalty is too light, it may not be enough to prevent these behaviors from preventing these behaviors.. "Guo Peng, director of the" Shandong University Animal Protection Research Center.

Qian Yefang believes that the advocacy and presence of the above -mentioned local regulations are even more significant, but it is difficult to effectively eliminate the abandonment of pets because it is difficult to really implement punishment.

Wandering pets are stray creatures. After they cause damage to others, it is difficult to find specific responsible subjects for accountability.

"More and more local dog breeding regulations are written in the regulations on the management of dog breeding and abandoned dogs, but few can be implemented." Qian Yefang said.

In her opinion, at present, the legislation of pet abandonment is not sound, and the strength of each law enforcement department is relatively weak. "Individual law enforcement officials are basically passive law enforcement.Treatment and punishment.

In Du Fan's view, the work of governance of wandering pets requires multi -departmental normalization and joint law enforcement, and sports management cannot be performed, especially after a malignant incident, "do it."Because the uncertainty of the law enforcement subject also led to the different ways taken after a problem, a department could not solve this problem alone.

"The most fundamental reason for the abandonment of pet dogs is the master of it. In fact, this is equivalent to the process of the" educator ". You can try to do work in front.The market supervision department stipulates that people without qualifications cannot conduct live -bodies and sell them, but also supervise whether they are sold, how much they are sold, and sold to anyone. "Du Fan saidIt is stipulated that dogs must inject the corresponding vaccine.

To this day, China has not yet had a legal provision specifically for wandering pets or animal welfare, and there is no law to clearly prohibit and punish abandoned pet behaviors. In addition, dog breeding management law enforcement is not in place.Pets are out of control and disorder.In this regard, Qian Ye Fang suggested that a law needs to be formulated at the national level. The means of punishment should include administrative detention, fines, and even criminal punishment, and consider the establishment of animal abandonment.

Du Fan suggested that specialized animal protection law should be introduced at the national level for top -level design, and the competent authorities and relevant management departments should be determined in accordance with the law to solve the problem of "single -sightedness" when the departments and local governance of wandering pets.

Abandon the control of the source of the single -end rescue, strengthen the supervision

In the interview, some people in the industry proposed whether it can try to solve the problem of pet abandonment with science and technology.For example, other countries have stipulated that practitioners engaged in breeding or selling pets must implant chips on pet cats and dogs, and pet owners must register names, address, phone numbers and other information within 30 days after purchasing cats and dogs.People or animal protection groups who have raised pets also have the obligation to implant cats and dogs into chips.

In Zhang Nan's view, it should be the obligation of the breeder for the "household registration" and implant the chip for their own pets.

In this regard, Guo Lin (pseudonym), a practitioner in the animal electronic chip industry, told reporters that China has introduced animal electronic chips since 2012. At present, the technology of implanting chips for animals has matured, not only pets, but also animal husbandry.Industry and water industries are applying chips to animals, combining handheld readers and system software in the Internet of Things industry to trace the individual information of each animal.For example, dog traffickers pull a dog, and some dogs are stolen. If the dog is implanted with a chip, it knows it with a machine.

"According to relevant regulations, in principle, all dogs need to be implanted in chips for management, but currently a large number of urban pet dogs have not implanted chips. In addition, chips in various cities and even provinces do not have a uniform number, which affects localities, affecting all places, affecting all places, which affects various places.The interconnection of such information. "Guo Peng said.

Qian Yefang believes that it is not enough to rely on implanting chips for pets without the execution and supervision of no one. "Some places have been fully promoted from 2020, but the phenomenon of uncivilized dog raising and abandoning pets is still the phenomenon.It is more serious, so the key issue is still in execution. "

"After finding abandoned people through the chip, the owner may abandon his pet for the second time. Even if he knows where the chip is, it may be removed directly, but it will cause greater harm to the pet."Ye Fang urged the majority of animal protection volunteers to transform as soon as possible, not just care about end rescue, but should pay attention to the source control and eliminate the top priority of pet abandonment is the supervision of uncivilized dogs.The power of the power to improve the awareness of animals. Starting from the side, starting from the community, we can control the pets of your community first, and then have the power to help other communities and jointly promote civilized pets.

"Including uncivilized dogs, including abandonment, can only be solved in the community with grass -roots autonomy and supervision between owners.The work began to do "Qian Ye's" Haitian Model "in Haitian Community, Qiantang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, that is, by cultivating and supporting community social organizations and formulating community conventions, exploring the bottom -up to build ecological civilization andThe road of animal civilization.

"Give full play to the autonomous advantages of self -management, self -education, self -service, and self -supervision of grassroots people. Mutual supervision between neighbors is an effective solution. Relevant government departments should encourage owners to participate in community autonomy spontaneously." MoneyYe Fang introduced that there must be a written agreement first. For example, the community convention is equivalent to a moral constraint. It is clear that they are not abandoned or abused.The next step is how to implement it. Now they are registering pets to raise pets from home to build community animal files to comprehensively grasp the information of the owner and animals. After that, if a pet is abandoned, it is possible to quickly query the owner's information according to the file.Essence

In order to encourage everyone to actively register pet information, Haitian Community has produced a small program for the "Wandering Cat Archives", and also provides a series of intimate services for registered owners, including finding pets, pets for pets, pets, medical offers and pet grainsGroup purchase, etc.