Source: China News Network

Recently, a notification letter issued by Hangzhou Dingjin Food Co., Ltd. circulated on the Internet.

Notification letter shows that starting from November 1, Master Kang's packaging tea/juice series is recommended to be adjusted from 3 yuan/bottle to not less than 3.5 yuan/bottle.The element/bottle is adjusted to not less than 5 yuan/bottle.

The news of

"Master Kang's price increase" has made a hot search, which has attracted greater attention.Some netizens commented, "Overnight, there is no cost -effectiveness." Some netizens questioned, "Can you still buy drinks under 3 yuan in the supermarket?"

Why did we have one or two cheap beverages from one or two, why did they disappear from us?

Informal posts, the price of offline supermarkets has not been adjusted

In response to this notification letter, a reporter from Zhongxin Financial contacted the letter and published the letter from Hangzhou Dingjin Food Co., Ltd., and the company's propaganda department said, "From the current situation, it is not officially posted by the company. I don’t know who published it.It is not clear whether the price adjustment is true. "

The National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System shows that Hangzhou Dingjin Food Co., Ltd. is wholly -owned by Master Kang Drink Investment (China) Co., Ltd.According to media reports, Hangzhou Dingjin Food Co., Ltd. is the earliest beverage company of Dingxin International Group Master Kang Holdings. It is responsible for the production and sales of beverages in the four provinces and first cities in East China.

Regarding the price adjustment issue, the reporter also consulted the official customer service of Master Kang and the flagship store customer service of Master Taobao.In continuous adjustment. "

Zhongxin Financial reporter noticed that in the flagship store of Taobao Kang, in the current 500 ml of ice, green tea, green tea, rock sugar Sydney, etc., the Master Kang's 500 ml is below 3.5 yuan.

In some offline supermarkets, Master Kang's tea/juice series has not adjusted the price.For example, a supermarket in Haidian District, Beijing, the pricing of ice black tea, green tea, and jasmine tea in Master Kang's 500 milliliters is 2.8 yuan; 1 liter of ice black tea, green tea, and jasmine tea are priced at 4.5 yuan.

Rising costs, or reasons for Master Kong's price adjustment

As for the adjustment of the price of some drinks, Master Kong's customer service responses to the Financial Association that the national retail price will be uniformly adjusted due to rising raw materials and rising employment costs.

According to the report of Haitong Securities Research Report, in the cost of the soft beverage industry, the manufacturing of the raw material side is 20%, 15%, 10%, and 15%of the manufacturing of the raw material side.The reporter noticed that Master Kang's product ingredients were the second place in the ingredients of the product ingredients of green tea and green tea.

But this year, sugar prices have continued to rise.According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, the sugar price index in September increased by 9.8%from August to the highest level since November 2010.Although the sugar price index in October decreased by 2.2%month -on -month, it was still 46.6%higher than the same period last year.However, the price of the main raw materials of the beverage packaging bottle has declined, which offset some cost pressure.

In addition, Zhu Danpeng, a food industry analyst, told reporters, "Although some raw materials in the beverage have declined, management fees, personnel costs, channel costs, etc. have increased year by year."

It is worth noting that this is not the first time that Master Kong has attracted attention due to price increase.According to media reports, in the third quarter of 2021 and the first quarter of 2022, Master Kang raised its prices to varying degrees of price increases on some of its instant noodle products.Due to the high price of raw materials such as palm oil in the past two years, the interpretation of the industry at that time or the cost pressure of raw materials.

Price increase has also led Master Kang's instant noodle business to rise.Master Kang's 2023 interim reported that in the first half of 2023, the group's instant noodle business income was 13.950 billion yuan, an increase of 2.97%year -on -year, accounting for 34.10%of the Group's total income.During the period, the price and raw materials are favorable, so that the gross profit margin of instant noodles increased by 5.20 percentage points to 25.83%year -on -year.

The beverage business occupies a greater proportion in Master Kang's performance.Master Kang's 2023 interim report mentioned that in the first half of 2023, the overall income of the beverage industry was 26.606 billion yuan, an increase of 9.50%year -on -year, accounting for 65.04%of the Group's total income.

From the perspective of the industry, if the drinks of Master Kang increase the price, it will also promote sales.

Drinks below 3 yuan are disappearing

Affected by factors such as rising costs, in recent years, the price increase in the beverage field has frequently spread.

In May this year, there are reports that the Coca -Cola of multiple terminals has raised their prices to varying degrees, and netizens directly called "the fat house is unhappy."Earlier, products such as Pepsi, Qi Forest, Li Ziyuan, and Jun Yao Health have also been rumored to be raised.

In addition to the increase in price increases, Nongfu Spring, Vibration Forest and other brands have been priced at more than 5 yuan in recent years.In this regard, some netizens said, "Drinks are getting more and more expensive, you can only drink more boiled water."

The reporter noticed in multiple supermarkets that the price of bottled drinks is concentrated between 3 yuan and 7 yuan, of which 4 to 6 yuan are more common. There are only a few of about 3 yuan.Its tea and juice drinks.In some convenience stores, beverages under 3 yuan have "disappeared."

Now that Master Kang has passed the news of the price increase, it also makes the few low -cost drinks left more "scarce".

"The entire beverage industry is going in a high price and high -quality direction, which also allows brand drinks to say goodbye to the era of 3 yuan." Zhu Danpeng believes that Master Kang as a "leader" company in the Chinese beverage industry.It also matches its own needs and industry development trends.