Source: Taiwan Economic Daily Society

The grievances between Israel and Hamas are endless, and the wrongdoing is unclear. It is the most profitable cutter in the world of different countries in the world.This cutter not only reshaped the international political order, but also affected the economic order, but also gradually increased the cutting force.

The UN General Assembly passed a decision with an overwhelming majority on the 27th of last month, requiring Israeli and Palestinian armed group Hamas to achieve "immediately, lasting and persistent humanitarianism", and required assistance supplies to enter the siege unimpededly to enter the besieged siegeThe Gaza Strip has received 120 votes in favor and 45 abstains. Only 14 votes such as Israel and the United States oppose it.This resolution is not binding, but has political influence, and the United States has become more and more isolated internationally internationally.

The Pakistani War is still dominated by air strikes. It has not been fully fought yet, and the spillover effect has been produced.The first is that Palestine's large number of civilians continue to be casualties, and the army is forced to block with the convenience of attack. Indirect deaths caused by water, grain, and medicine are difficult to count. Residents are also out of control in order to compete for survival substances.

The second is to promote the unity of the Arab world.For more than 70 years, the Arab countries and people have generally sympathized with the right to survival of the Palestinians and support their national power.This time, the Arab countries generally condemn Israel to violate international law, kill the civilians of Gaza, and accuse Israel of being a war criminal, the United States and some Western countries are the accomplices.EssenceAmerican politicians have received huge political donations from the Jewish consortia for a long time.

Due to different positions and views, the division of the Western world has increased, and the United States and Europe have been differentiated.France, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Ireland and other votes in the United Nations and the United States stand opposite the United States. Even Britain, Germany, Canada, and Italy are not angry with the United States, and have rendered.European is also split.The US -led post -World War II international order rules are facing the edge of deconstruction. First, politics, and then economy, it has previously entered a huge change of fetal movement, and it will change faster in the future.

The end -of -the -art relationship between the economic advanced country and the subsequent countries has formed. The southern countries with China as the leader actively accumulate the signs. Following the invitation of hundreds of countries in South Africa, China was invited last month.151 Guozhong attended the "Belt and Road Summit".The two alliances seeking a common development conference and the Middle East change in the Middle East where the soldiers are in danger have been formed, and they also show a sharp contrast to the game of the United States and China.The G7 countries led by the United States dominate the world economy, and the international economic order it constructs is deconstructing. After the Harbin War, the split western world has a stronger convergence of the Southern Kingdom of the Western world.When the face overflows to the economy, the political and economic relationships have now entered the turning point of great changes.

The United States will inevitably be more isolated in the international new economic order; the new international political and economic order is becoming more and more unfavorable to the United States.Among them, strength and abilities have been stretched, and the authority of the global strategy and the authority of the rules can not be led by the past as the arms are dominated, and its marginal utility decreases. The United States will eventually fall into the black hole of dominance and debt.

The U.S. military has been unable to dominate the order of the Middle East, and the US dollar's oil element status also faces challenges due to the Middle East change.The United States has originally actively promoted the establishment of diplomatic relations with Israel and hopes to promote the settlement of the Saudi country to settle with China. Now the establishment of diplomatic relations is stranded.Digging the feet and gaps.Moreover, under the tremendous changes in the Middle East, the Saudi Arabian country is imperative to reduce holding US Treasury bonds. The liquidity crisis of US Treasury bonds may be worse. The yield of US debt is highly solidified, and the economic damage is heavier.

I have seen in front of the United States to raise military aid in Israel and Ukraine. Recently, the budget of 100 billion U.S. dollars is proposed. Under the new situation in the Middle East, oil production countries will be added to the United States trip to Maso, which is imperative to reduce production, resulting in the inflation in the United States.The crisis is more difficult to alleviate, and the high interest rate is high, which has caused US government liabilities to increase and increase the cost of business operations without relief.The Pakistani War brought a deep haze for the US world economy and the glory of economic glory.