Singers: Sing Tao Daily

Sing Tao Society

Australian Prime Minister Albanis arrived in China yesterday. The focus of this trip was to push the former Prime Minister Morrison's destruction, push back to the right track, and is committed to expanding the export of Australian products to China. HoweverU.S.The Australian people's conditions are very negative to China. Albanis's attitude towards China can only be prudent and friendly. China -Australia relations have been rebounded from the bottom of the valley, but it is difficult to rehabilize the past friendship.

Albanis is the first visit to China Australia in 7 years and will meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping. His first trip in China will be the China International Import Expo held in Shanghai today to cheer for Australian businessmen. This also shows that heThe most important issue for visiting China is to improve the export of Australia to China.

China ’s total exports of Australia once exceeded 40 %, but due to the extreme anti -China of former Prime Minister Morrison, politically used issues such as crown disease, South China Sea, and Human Rights in Xinjiang to discredit China; military and American and Britain formed military conspiracy.The alliance targets China; economically, it is forbidden to participate in the Australian 5G construction and unilaterally cancel the "Belt and Road" agreement signed by Victoria Province and China, which has made Sino -Australian relations almost frozen. China accounted for less than 30 % of Australian exports last year.

Labor Albanis defeated Morrison's ruling alliance last year. After serving as the Prime Minister, he continued to release goodwill to China and is committed to improving Sino -Australian relations.China has resumed the imports of coal, wood, lobster and other products in Australia this year, making China accounted for Australian exports to return to 36%in the first half of the year.

China -Australia relations are still subject to two major constraints

In recent months, China Australia has accelerated the political and economic disputes left over in the Morrison era. China canceled or suspended additional tariffs on Australian barley and wine.Australian journalist who leaked national secrets and was detained by China for 3 years. He was sentenced to two years and 11 months in prison last month.statement.The contradiction between China and Australia's elimination has made Albanis easily visit China and develop a new chapter with China -Australia relations with China.

However, Sino -Australian relations will still be constrained in the future.

One of them, Albanis adopted a policy of political and economic separation, and actively developed friendship with China and China, and still followed the United States military.

One week before Albanis visited China, he went to the White House to meet with the US President Biden. Biden was set to "unprecedentedly important" for the US -Australian relations.This is because Australia is an important partner for the United States to curb China.Supporting the Philippines and other provocative China, as well as blocking China to expand towards the South Pacific.

For this reason, the United States has vigorously enhanced Australian military backup capabilities, formed a military alliance of the Three Kingdoms with Australia and Britain, provided nuclear submarines to Australia, and developed hypersonic weapons in Australia. In recent monthsProduction missiles.

Since Biden is promoting a Xi -worship meeting with Xi Jinping with President Xi Jinping this month, he did not oppose Albanis to visit China, but he asked him to "trust in China but must be verified".Biden asked him not to believe China.

Second, Albanis is subject to Australia's anti -Chinese people.After Morrison's discreditation of China and damage to China -Australia, Australians have impressed China in recent years.Australian polls show that in 2016, 30%of Australian interviewees believed that China is the best friend of Australia in Asia, ranking first, better than 25%of the second Japan, but last year Australians regard China as China.The good friends have fallen to 6%; in addition, there are only 15%of the respondents who expressed their trust in China, as high as 84%of the dislikes, and 75%believe that China will threaten Australia in the next 20 years.39%rise.

Eashing contradictions always better than hostile

In addition, Albanis defeated the Liberal Party of Morrison last year, but the Liberal Party now leader and former defense chief Daton is a tough anti -China.Albanis promoted a referendum that admitted the rights and interests of the indigenous people last month. The issue standing at the moral highland was originally supported by Australians, but was named the Australian in the name of the referendum to successfully overthrow the referendum.Show Daton's ability to control populism, indicating that it can vigorously snip the ruling Labor Party on anti -China issues.

Albanis must bear the pressure of the United States abroad, and to face the strong anti -China sound of public opinion and opposition internally.In the case of, it can ease the contradiction between China and Australia. It has always been better than the hostile of the two countries. Therefore, when Xi Jinping met with Albanis, he still tried his best to promote the relationship between the two countries.