Source: Economic Daily

Author: Kang Qiongyan

Recently, a star rushed to the hot search for the news of investing in a loss of hundreds of millions of yuan in catering. Many netizens spit out their names in the comments.This once -bursting catering brand once made a city in the city with its simple decoration, creative dishes, and star effects, but in the end, it failed to conquer consumers' taste buds and had to be bleak.

Cross -border catering is no longer a new thing.According to media statistics, in recent years, dozens of stars have invested or operated restaurants.From hot pot, barbecue to milk tea, and noodles, many stars use catering as the first choice for opening the sideline.Driven by the popularity of celebrities, these catering brands have attracted market attention.However, it is sighing that all kinds of restaurants on the top of the head have frequently encountered "turning" and even caught in a "short -lived" strange circle.

Some celebrity catering ended in failure, which is largely underestimated the difficulty of operating the catering industry.For consumers, the dishes are delicious and fair are the core indicators of measuring a catering company.Behind the seemingly simple appeal, it is a comprehensive test of the supply chain management capabilities and service level of catering enterprises.Throughout the well -known brand and enterprises in the catering industry, it has been explored a mature and stable supply system after a long period of time, and through unremitting strict management and innovation breakthroughs, it has adopted the test of the market and won the trust of consumers.EssenceIt can be seen that the threshold of the catering industry is not low, especially for food companies who want to take the chain to expand roads. If you want to ensure that the quality of catering quality is standardized and the quality of service is not landslide, it is even more difficult to add.Due to the lack of professional management and management capabilities, star food companies have caused insufficient consumer experience to form a stable customer base. The long -term profitability of enterprises is naturally stretched.

In addition, the short -sighted behavior of individual celebrities' meal companies earns fast money.In all fairness, celebrities use their own influence and popularity to open the market for enterprises and attract customers. However, if you only want to realize the realization of traffic relying on short -term popularity, ignore the taste of the dishes and the quality of services, which is tantamount to the end.Some celebrities have handed the store to the third party to take care of them. They did not participate in specific operations. This "shaking shopkeeper" model increased the operating risk of food companies.Frequent unlicensed operations, food deterioration, hygiene, worry, tax evasion and other issues are examples.In addition, some celebrity food companies quickly opened the copy mode after their popularity. By earning the franchise fee by "horse race" in major cities, but operation management, etc., can not keep up with the pace of expansion, resulting in a significant decline in the quality of dishes and store services., Even triggering events such as franchisees, contract disputes, and arrears of wages, the high heat has accelerated the brand's collapse.

Star Make is not a "universal key" for catering companies.According to the company's investigation data, in 2023, the Chinese catering industry has recovered rapidly. The number of national food companies in the first eight months was about 1.2 times the registration volume of the same period in 2022.However, while the number of dining companies has risen significantly, the cancellation and revocation of catering -related enterprises are also rising simultaneously.In the first eight months of this year, the number of catering -related enterprises that canceled and revoked it had exceeded 2022, and the difficulty of operating the catering industry increased significantly.

Being in such a fiercely competitive industry, only when we are serious and honest, do things are the king of consumers.In the context of increasingly rational consumers, I look forward to the fading of star catering to remove the halo, and use more careful products and better services to win market recognition, and truly grow into a "star restaurant" that has been red.