Source: Workers' Daily

Author: Dai Pioneer

The Mid -Autumn Festival is approaching, and the many types of moon cakes with a wide variety and sweet taste are listed again.As a traditional food, traditional moon cakes often have high sugar and fat. Ordinary people eat too much to get fat, and people with diabetes affect blood sugar.Therefore, sugar -free moon cakes are more and more popular as a food with a healthy halo.Wang Xia, a nutritionist at the Second Hospital of Nanjing, reminded that sugar -free moon cakes are not really sugar.(See Yangzi Evening News on September 9)

China's pre -packaged food label stipulates that the sugar content in food can be labeled as sugar -free food by less than 0.5 grams/100 grams.What if you don't add sugar but want to keep sweetness?Many businesses have therefore selected sweeteners such as pielisol and maltol to replace traditional sucrose.

Although this kind of sweetener is lower than ordinary sucrose, there are some side effects.For example, eating too much maltositol can cause diarrhea or even cause gastric cramps and abdominal distension, and gastrointestinal discomfort such as intestinal rosin, diarrhea, diarrhea.A few years ago, the topic of "low sugar moon cakes ate diarrhea" has caused heated discussions. The manufacturer involved in an apology said that its original intention was to provide healthier low -sugar moon cakes, which ignored that maltoseol may cause some people to be unattractive.For another example, there have been previous surveys that the overall oil content of some "low sugar moon cakes" is high.It can be seen that some moon cakes such as "sugar -free" and "health care" may not be really healthy.

For similar situations, the regulatory authorities should make a difference and strengthen the supervision of the moon cake market. For businesses who "hanging sheep heads selling dog meat" and false propaganda, for moon cakes that do not meet relevant standards or even have violations of laws and regulations, it is necessaryIt is investigated and punished in accordance with laws and regulations.When making "low sugar moon cakes" and "sugar -free mooncakes", the corresponding consumption prompts should also be indicated, and the ingredients and taboos are clarified to make consumers understand consumption.

At the same time, consumers need to be awake, treat some promotions of merchants rationally, as well as marketing concepts such as "health" and "sugar -free". We must realize that "sugar -free" is not directly related to weight loss and even health.Any food should be appropriate, let alone fall into the "sugar -free" consumption trap, because "sugar -free" ignores basic quality information such as the main raw materials and shelf life of moon cakes.

It should be clear that "sugar -free moon cakes" cannot be exaggerated. It cannot be surpassed by food safety red line, let alone it looks very "fragrant".Standardizing the food process and marketing methods, strictly control the food safety, and let the moon cake market truly realize order and health, is the correct posture over the Mid -Autumn Festival.