One week before the weekend of the G20 summit was held on the weekend 20, the two seemingly unrelated news aroused international attention: one was that Saudi Arabia announced that it would extend the voluntary reduction of millions of barrels of oil to the end of the year;The US chip manufacturer Nvidia and ultra -micro (AMD) have reportedly received the US government's request to restrict the export of advanced artificial intelligence chips to the Middle East.So far, whether the two news is in control can not be determined, but what they present is obviously not a measure that Saudi Arabia and the United States are happy.

The New Middle East policy that the Bayeng government is committed to promoting will face a more severe test, and is expected to be a major international issue worth observing.

The Middle East countries such as the United States and Saudi Arabia have good relationships. Since the Persian Bay War in the early 1990s, the close defense relationship has further consolidated the foundation of friendship.However, with the outbreak of the Russian and U -wars and the increasingly tense Sino -US relations, coupled with the extension of polarization of the United States in the United States, various signs show that the relationship between the United States and the Middle East countries in recent years is not as harmonious as before.The re -consideration of their own interests and the requirements for each other is driving them to adjust their existing stable relationships.

In many discussions on relations between the United States and the Middle East, Saudi Arabia reporter Kashuji is often listed as an important factor for the tension between the Bayeng government and the Middle East, especially Saudi Arabia.Regardless of Saudi Arabia's opposition, the United States insisted on public evaluation reports, saying that Saudi Crown Prince Salman approved the killing of Kashuji, of course, a negative impact on the relationship.However, the Bayeng government quickly diluted the importance of this report and carried out the New Middle East policy this year, hoping to maintain this good relationship, and also add a meritorious achievement to re -election next year.

Bayeng strives

According to reports from major media in the United States so far, the New Middle East policy of Biden's government will focus on the normalization of Israel and Saudi Arabia.The United States is trying to persuade Saudi Arabia to reach normalization with Israel, so it is ready to provide Saudi Arabia with defense security guarantees and provide assistance for the civil nuclear plan; Israel will make some concessions to the Palestinians.This policy focuses on not only reflects the role of US diplomacy in the Middle East to promote peace agreements, but also supports the United States and China for global influence.Because if the persuasion is successful, the United States can curb the progress of Saudi Arabia in the field of military cooperation and technology transfer, so that Bayeng can achieve exaggerated diplomatic achievements before the presidential election next year.

But the new Middle East policy of the White House encountered a certain resistance in China, so that it was almost unsatisfactory in the past few months.Despite the dilute Kashuji case of the Bayeng government, the New Middle East policy not only lacks support of Republican members in the context of the current flag of the two parties in Parliament, but also caused uneasiness within the Democratic Party.

For the plan to defend the Saudi dictatorship, even the President of the Middle Eastern Committee of the Middle Eastern Group Committee of Biden's intimate ally and the Senate Foreign Relations Commission, Chris Murphy, has reserved attitude.Murphy plays a pivotal role in the promotion of Congress to pass any Middle East policy related proposal.

Strictly speaking, even if the Bayeng government can overcome domestic resistance and implement the new Middle East policy designed by the United States and Saudi Arabia, it may not be able to reach the level of the United States expected.

It must be pointed out that in the early days of the Bayeng government, in order to focus on fighting against China, it was once worked out to escape from the Middle East affairs, but after seeing the relationship between the Persian Gulf countries such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates and ChinaInstead, it is necessary to return to the Middle East diplomatic stage.

Bynden government's influential trend of Middle East affairs, from the perspective of the geopolitical perspective of the United States, can be said to be understandable.Taking Saudi Arabia as an example, it is one of the members of the G20 and the second largest oil producer in the world. Therefore, of course, it has become a country that the United States cannot ignore and must strive to win.It and the UAE have recently been approved to become a new member of the BRICS organizations led by China, making the Bayeon government more urgent to work on the work of pulling the Persian Bay countries such as Saudi Arabia.

It is just that the Bayeng government's attitude towards Middle East affairs is different, and the differences between the United States and the United States in response to the Kashuji case have affected the trust of Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf countries in the White House.Chinese President Xi Jinping's red carpet treatment when he visited Saudi Arabia at the beginning of the year was obviously more enthusiastic than the reception he received earlier.This largely reflects Saudi Arabia's dissatisfaction with the White House.

In fact, it is an unrealistic view that the Bayeng government's imagination of the Middle East policy can alienate Saudi Arabia's current good relationship with China.China has become the largest trading partner in the Middle East, and it is expected that trade volume will continue to rise.Two years ago, Saudi Arabia's total trade with China reached US $ 81.7 billion (about S $ 111.1 billion), which briefly exceeded the total trade with the United States, Britain and the euro zone.More importantly, the relationship between the Persian Gulf countries and China has far exceeded the category of oil.All countries in this area are committed to transforming their own economy, diversifying the economy that originally relied on oil, and has a strong desire for the introduction of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, energy, logistics and life sciences in China.

On the other hand, the trade relations between the United States and the Middle East, with the development capabilities of North American shale gas and the energy industry, the total amount of oil imported from the United States has declined in the past 15 years.In the past few decades, the foundation of a solid relationship that the two sides maintained, that is, to ensure stable global energy supply, and on the other hand, it provided security guarantee, which has no longer existing.The White House wanted to restart security guarantee this time in exchange for the interests of Saudi Arabia to abandon all aspects of cooperation with Chinese cooperation. I am afraid that it is not easily accepted by Saudi and other Middle East countries.Based on the Persian Gulf countries such as Saudi Arabia, it is determined to formulate its own diplomatic route, and the New Middle East policy computing of Bayeng's government may fall out.

The author is a local current affairs commentator