The World Suicide Prevention Day (WSPD) in September each year has particularly important global significance. It is committed to raising people's understanding of suicide and their prevention.This fascinating day severely reminds us that the global suicide rate is amazing. Everyone should work together to save our lives.

In Singapore, the importance of WSPD highlights that suicide is still a serious public health problem in Singapore.According to a report by Samaritans of Singapore (SOS), suicide became the main cause of death for people in Singapore's 10 to 29 years in the fourth consecutive year in 2022.This frustrating statistics account for 38.7%of the causes of all deaths at this age. In 2022, there were 476 suicide incidents, setting the highest number since 2000.Each suicide case represents a unique story, the rupture of a family, and the potential losses to society.

On this day, looking forward to the future, the hope of firm embrace is critical.The road to prevent suicide may be full of challenges, but it can lead us to a more bright future. Ch prior considerations are given priority to eliminate stigma and save lives.Imagine that in Singapore, each individual can realize that they have the right to seek help, and don't have to be afraid of gossip.Imagine a society, people can discuss mental health issues publicly, young people can deeply understand their happiness and get timely support when needed.

This future journey is collective.Each of us can play a role in the realization of this vision based on their own abilities.We can work together to create Singapore, which generally cherishes mental health and sympathize with borders, and every life is cherished and protected.

The story of the way may be long, but the stories of countless tenacity, rehabilitation and hope will illuminate it.These stories remind us that even at the darkest moment, there are potential to change and heal.I hope it is the light of our guidelines. We can continue to make progress and help those who need help. Through unremitting efforts, it is a case in Singapore, not a common reality.

When thinking about the World Suicide Prevention Day, let us not only remember those lost lives, but also strengthen our hope for the future.Let us be a lighthouse that guides the society that is brighter and more compassionate in Singapore.

Faced with these challenges, just like people around the world, everyone in Singapore can play a key role in suicide prevention and achieve the following points.

1. Raise awareness: Improving people's awareness of suicide prevention and mental health resources, including the promotion of hotlines such as Singapore's aid institutions (SOS), and how to identify signs of the education public.

2. Reduce stigma: The stigma of mental health problems still exists in Singapore, hindering people's help.Chinese people should strive to create an environment of understanding and sympathy, so that people can discuss their mental health issues frankly without fear of strange eyes.

Three, actively listen: When someone is in trouble, it is important to provide support for support.In a local high -pressure society, many people may endure pressure and anxiety in silence.Borrowing sympathetic ears and providing emotional support can produce profound changes.

Fourth, encourage professional help: encourage friends or family members who show signs of serious distress to seek professional help, which is essential.Local mental health infrastructure is continuously improved, so it is important to ensure what available resources are available.

Although Singapore has made some progress in solving mental health problems, the World Suicide Prevention Day is still a key reminder. The continuous battle and collective action of suicide issues are important. We call on everyone to continue to reduce stigma and improve the spirit.The availability of health care, and cultivating a society that values and supports the people's mental health.As a Singaporean, we can create a more bright future and make every life cherish and protect.

The author is the executive director of the future college of Asian Youth Championship Group