Source: China Securities Journal

"You can also apply for loans for one month. I can make a loan plan specifically for your personal actual situation. It is not possible, you can also find a 'guarantor', but asset mortgage will be easier to apply."A staff member who claimed to be from the bank's credit department told reporters.

The reporter's investigation found that the ash production and other gray products such as AB loan rose again.Most of these marketing calls are not bank staff, but loan agencies.In fact, they are a financial intermediary that helps financial institutions to "pull customers" and provide users with different loan solutions to earn corresponding returns, but "hidden mysteries" in specific operations.

How to protect the rights and interests of financial consumers?How to promote the healthy development of the loan intermediary industry?In addition to regulating the illegal loan intermediary in supervision, experts in the industry reminded that financial consumers must choose formal loan channels and do not trust marketing.

Vagogical words are attractive

AB loan usually means that because A's qualifications are insufficient, they cannot pass the bank loan approval. They are lobbying under illegal loan agencies and seek better B as a guarantee for A and use B identity information to apply for loans.

In terms of words, illegal loan agencies usually use the banner of banks to conceal key information of loans and apply for AB loans. Among them, there may be risk of fraud.Under normal circumstances, people with good credit and stable income sources often become the role of B.

Liu Lin, a white -collar worker working in Shanghai, became B.Liu Lin told reporters that at the beginning, a good friend of her said that she needed to use her credit to collect a sum of money.Later, I printed the credit report that she knew that it was a loan, so her friend took her to a loan company.In the meantime, the loan agency has always emphasized that there is no need to sign the materials, and it can be collected on the credit.

"The later words are that my credit reporting is not too much, and I can only add my friend's credit to apply for a loan together. After signing a material, the intermediary said that compared toPoor, I can only use my identity information independently. After leaving the payment, I will go to my card, and I will transfer it to my friends. "Liu Lin said," My credit is obviously good, there is no overdue, and the five insurances and one gold are stable."

Liu Lin added that this loan agency took her mobile phone to apply for a lot of bank loans, a total of 1 million loans, and they explained a lot, but the key costs and risks have not explained.Service fee.

The reporter found that Liu Lin's material showed a lending center was Shanghai Xin's opportunity to opportunity to Internet Financial Information Service Co., Ltd.The national corporate credit information publicity system shows that the company was established in August 2015, and its business scope includes accepting financial information technology outsourcing and financial business process outsourcing.

A number of interviewees told reporters that the entire loan process, illegal loan agencies have always emphasized that "no risk is to help."

"I was stunned at the time, thinking that I was just helping to make a credit, and I didn't notice that he attracted me in the set." A respondent said.

Subsequently, the reporter pretended to be A role and learned about loans from a number of loan agencies such as Beijing, Wuhan.Although it has been stated to the intermediary that he has a bank that is currently overdue, and the credit reporting is poor, some intermediaries still tell reporters that this does not affect this.

A loan agent in Wuhan said: "You can do non -standard single business, and related asset mortgage will be better. This business generally applies in batches according to the first batch of people. Through offline artificial audit qualifications, the loan pass rate will be high, but it will be higher, but but it will be higher, butInsperinged. "

Some agencies also claimed: "You can also find a good friend to help raise credit collection. You can do it with your loan and have nothing to do with your friend."

Is this really true?

It may hide many risks

Many experts and industry insiders said that there are many risks behind AB loans.

First of all, AB loan may involve violations of laws and regulations.Dong Ximiao, chief researcher at Zhailian Financial, said that loans are specially used, deviated from the purpose, and the possibility of misappropriation of loans in AB loans.

"" Among them, it may involve the qualifications of some institutions without loan business, and issue loans in violation of regulations.

In addition, Ji Ang, a partner lawyer of Liaoning Law Firm, said that after using B's sympathy, trust and other psychology, B signed a loan contract by B, B will be delivered to Afraud.

There are also some regular loan agencies admitting to reporters: "I also encountered many customers to make AB loans, but in fact, this loan is very unreliable. In case of friends who do not pay the repayment, the debt is myself. It is recommendedChoose carefully. "

Secondly, if A defaults, B will bear over -liabilities.Many interviewees told reporters that in general, A repayment in the past few months was normal, but most of them did not repay afterwards, and finally owed a lot of liabilities.

For example, an interviewee said that a friend also called to help mortgage. He handled the vehicle financing business with a leasing company in cooperation with a rental company.10,000 yuan, cutting to about 53,000 yuan, there are other costs, and the final repayment is about 80,000 yuan."But the friend stopped paying it again for one year, and finally owed a bunch of debts, and some people came to the door to collect violence." The respondent said.

Ji Ang said that when the AB loan litigation case occurs, B is usually listed as the defendant.B, as the "help person" of the loan, did not make a profit from the loan. Instead, he carried a large debt, and it was very difficult to pursue A. In the end, he had to repay.

During the investigation of a reporter, a state -owned staff said that when a customer applies for a loan, if the customer meets the bank's lending conditions, the bank will review the loan.And loan.The bank has also continued to expand publicity in the near future, reminding customers not to be deceived.

Regulatory heavy boxing rectification

Wang Jianhui, a senior researcher in the industrial economy, analyzed that the existence of loan agencies is mainly because of the asymmetry between the information between the bank and the customer, especially many potential loan demand cannot be met in time, which provides soil for loan agencies."Loan matching is also reasonable. The biggest problem is that the illegal loan agencies are irregular or even illegal." He said.

In fact, regulatory measures have already had relevant measures for illegal loan agencies.In March 2023, the former CBRC issued a notice on the special governance activities of illegal loan agencies, and proposed the deployment of special governance actions for illegal loan intermediary agencies for 6 months (March 15th to September 15th, 2023).Recently, the news of self -inspection in many places financial institutions in many places has also made a rectification and crackdown on offline illegal loan agencies.

For example, the Chongqing Municipal Financial Supervision Bureau has jointly conducted a special inspection operation on the special governance of illegal loan agencies in conjunction with multiple departments, sorting out multiple companies as the key inspection objects, and found that the inspected enterprises exist in pretending to be impersonated by bank institutions for false publicity, suspected of suspectedIllegal collection and use of personal information and other violations of laws and regulations, and remind citizens to report it in time when they receive harassment calls.

Today, special rectification is about to end, and the living space of illegal loan agencies has also been compressed.

Dong Ximiao said that for illegal loan agencies, we should continue to increase rectification, and at the same time, we also need to try their best to train a group of legal loan agencies in the sun.

For consumers, formal loan channels should be selected.Ji Ang said that in daily life, as long as you need to provide your own ID information or the materials that need to be signed, financial consumers must be cautious to eliminate the psychology of fortune and improve the awareness of prevention of legal risks.Sign clearly and clearly.