Prime Minister Li Xianlong, who was invited to attend the Group of 20, pointed out that the conflict between the great powers in the basic strategic position deepened. Singapore can only accept this environment and find opportunities for cooperation.Several plots of the summit, especially the United States and China, confirmed the observation of Premier Li at the venue and outside the venue.Although the two sides have continuously released the goodwill that to improve the relationship, the game of the United States and China not only has not eased in the near future, but it has become more and more intense, and it seems to be difficult to repair.Regardless of regional organizations such as Singapore or Asia, I am afraid that they must find their own positioning in increasingly complex international relations.

The most obvious example is the new economic corridor led by the United States in the venue.The United States, Saudi Arabia, the European Union, India, the United Arab Emirates, France, Germany, and Italy signed a memorandum of understanding at the Summit of New Delhi Group Summit.There are railway lines with maritime and highway transportation lines to provide reliable and cost -effective cross -border ship transport to railway transportation networks, which is convenient for goods and services to circulate between India, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Israel, and Europe.

Some analysts pointed out that this ambitious plan is a measure to compete in the Belt and Road project, which may have a wide impact on the geopolitical situation in South Asia, the Middle East and Europe.Chinese President Xi Jinping did not participate in the summit, which triggered a negative guess of China's host India and the relationship with the United States.Before the Summit, the White House clearly stated that the US President Biden did not meet with the Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang in the meeting. Although the two communicated briefly at the meeting, they still strengthened this association in this regard.According to the Financial Times, during the meeting, the Chinese delegation suddenly tried to prevent the United States from being the Guo Guo, the chairman of the G20 round in 2026, all highlighting the unfriendly relationship between the two sides.After visiting Vietnam after the summit, Xiang Zhuang's dance sword was clearly revealed.

The "2023 Edition China Standard Map" announced by China at the end of August has once again ignited territorial sovereignty disputes with neighboring countries such as India, Russia, Japan."Duan Line" also caused dissatisfaction and attention of the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan.At this time, Biden visited Vietnam high -profile and upgraded the US -Vietnam relations to "comprehensive strategic partnership". It signed cooperation covering semiconductors, rare earths, and arms, all of which are targeted at China.Although Vietnam has tried to avoid offending China, it has attracted the strategic interests of the United States that meets Hanoi.

Outside the Summit venue of the 20th Group, the game of the United States and China continued to heat up.Since the United States shot down the Chinese spy balloon in China in February this year, although the two sides repeatedly released their oral and goodwill, the actual relationship has been difficult to improve.Biden again emphasized at a press conference in Hanoi that he had no intention of curbing China.The U.S. Department of Defense just announced a new round of military sales against Taiwan on August 23, providing Taiwan with 500 million US dollars (approximately S $ 676 million) F-16 fighter-tracking reconnaissance systems.This is the 11th time to sell Taiwan for Biden.The U.S. Department of Justice announced on September 3 that two naval officers and soldiers who served in California were suspected of providing information from warships, military exercises and bases to China.China is unwilling to be outdone. After the newly revised anti -spy law was implemented on July 1, the news of the capture of the spies of the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States.This has led to increasingly hostile bilateral relations.

The serious impact of the scientific and technological blockade of the United States on the Chinese economy will undoubtedly worsen bilateral relations.After Huawei released the latest mobile phone, after the use of domestic 7 -nanometer chips, the US Congress immediately asked to investigate whether it violated the US chip ban;International technical sanctions.Some analysts said that Xi Jinping did not participate in the Group 20 of the Group, nor could he exclude that he would not attend the United States to attend the Asia -Pacific Economic and Commerce Summit in November.Sure enough, the United States wants to use the high -level meeting to avoid the desire of accidental conflict between the two countries, and the world will inevitably be even more unrestrained.

Therefore, Prime Minister Li's observation of deepening the strategic position of the great power after the summit is undoubtedly reminded in a timely manner -it is necessary for Chinese people to make full psychological preparations for the increasingly uncertain international situation in the future.Major challenge.