Source: Wangbao Society Review

Taipei Mayor Jiang Wanan participated in the Taipei Shanghai Shuangcheng Forum. In just three days, it has attracted great attention on both sides of the strait.However, what is more important than the volume he created by him is that Jiang Wanan's trip broke two myths and brought two inspirations. The two myths and two inspirations were closely related to promoting further exchanges on both sides of the strait.

Jiang Wanan's style, cultural heritage, and eloquence in Shanghai have given the image of the people, and the graceful image has indeed made Shanghai a sense of stunning in the production and academic circles of Shanghai, adding a lot of points to Jiang Wanan's Shanghai Bank.Some people think that this is the first time he visited the mainland after he served as the mayor of Taipei. With the special identity of the fourth generation of the Jiang family, this trip was already topical.These two points may have a "selling point" on the mainland, but for Jiang Wanan, it may be hidden in danger.Since Jiang Wanan decided to run for the mayor of Taipei, the DPP has continuously used his identity to perform election operations, and even Jiang Wanan's father Jiang Xiaoyan was dragged down. Before this visit, the DPP also grinded Hoho and waited for the opportunity to enter the attack.The "fourth generation of the Jiang family" may not be completely positive.

But this time Jiang Wanan did not allow the DPP to succeed.Green camp politicians first talk, and ask Jiang Wanan to ask the mainland to stop the military aircraft around the Taiwan. Otherwise, Jiang Wanan will go to Shanghai to participate in the Shuangcheng Forum.He responded.The long -lasting military aircraft lasted for a long time. It was the disaster of the DPP government, but Jiang Wanan was responsible for it.The DPP's operation did not trigger too much resonance in Taiwanese.

In the past, Taiwan's politics always believed that the people of Taiwan were generally not impressed by the mainland. Political figures would be deducted from the mainland when visiting the mainland.It is believed that it is selling Taiwan; the Kuomintang is even more worried about being poisoned by the DPP, which is not good for political future.This time, Jiang Wanan visited the mainland as Mayor of Taipei. He not only won the favor of the mainlanders, but also was generally affirmed by the Taiwanese.The "mainland heart knot" that has been entangled in the minds of Taiwan's political figures for a long time should be resolved to some extent: Taiwan's public opinion is not a piece of iron plate, and it is not as the DPP government that the government wants to operate.For related issues related to the mainland, they seem to be tied to their hands and feet.

Jiang Wanan repeatedly mentioned "the two cities and good cross -strait" in Shanghai, which not only became the golden sentence of the Shuangcheng Forum, but also made more good interactive spaces on the two sides of the people, which is worth looking forward to again.It is unknown that the DPP government has been in power for more than seven years. Except for the Shuangcheng Forum, the official cross -strait officials are almost not coming to each other; without communication, there is no mutual trust.The cultural and economic and trade exchanges between the people on both sides of the strait, but the officials have not seen each other for a long time, which is too unhealthy and dangerous.Once there is a situation and a problem, it is often impossible to get real -time and correct treatment, which will make cross -strait relations worse, the result of the vicious circle, resulting in the cross -strait movement, such as the merchants, the heart of the soul, and it is very easy to cause unexpected conflicts.

In front of it, the mainland will start a trade barriers to investigate the trade barrier in October. Many people worry that this is the prelude to the land to stop ECFA.Why do the mainland do this and what do the goods involved in trade barriers?There are few officials on both sides of the strait, and the Cai government has no active actions, and the related industries are at a loss.I do n’t know the bottom line of the mainland, it is difficult to respond to it, very anxious.The industry does not want to improve, but just can't touch the clue. If there is a clear direction, I believe it can be adjusted soon. Pineapple Shakya communicates with the mainland in the Taitung County Government. Fruit farmers actively improve the production and output process.Essence

The Taiwanese businessmen who work hard to create a $ 100 billion trade trade surplus for Taiwan each year. At the end of July, the cumulative foreign exchange deposit was 566.493 billion US dollars, ranking fourth in the world.Nowadays, the difficulties encountered by enterprises are no longer able to deal with it and urgently need political assistance.If the DPP government governed by the central government is interested, then the Kuomintang should carry this responsibility.

The success of Jiang Wanan's Shanghai trip, the first inspiration brought by is that when the relationship between the United States and China is more confrontational than the cooperation and the Taiwan Strait soldiers are in danger, it is necessary for political figures to communicate in the mainland.What is the inspiration of Hou Youyi, who represents the Kuomintang for 2024 President?Why not do it. Before the official leave of the election, visiting the mainland as the mayor of New Taipei not only became the first of the presidential candidate, but also directly for the rights and interests of Taiwanese businessmen and Taiwanese farmers and fishermen.Who is not suitable for the support of the constituency?