Usually family members rarely talk about politics. Recently, because of a series of negative events related to politicians, we encountered the presidential election. The talks of our family at the dinner table are actually related to politics.

The daughter of the middle school suddenly asked us who was going to be the president. The children and my father and I expressed their opinions. The two almost quarreled because of different positions.Finally, I thought about it, and said calmly and said, "Okay, although we are a family, we have the right to maintain their own political stance. You vote for your favorite presidential candidate.people.

What is politics?To be honest, I have never thought about this problem carefully, but the overall feeling is that politics is very abstract.It wasn't until a brief dialogue with the son of the military service that I started to really think about this proposition.I asked my son, "Do you care about politics?" He thought about it and said, "I don't care much about politics, but I am very concerned about policies."

What is the difference between politics and policies?

My understanding is that politics refers to the behavior of governing the country by the government, political parties, etc. Politics is a upper -level building based on the economy, but politics has always affected the economy and the influence of politics and the economy.

Politics covers many aspects such as the state, the government, the party, the election, the governance system, and the international relations.In politics, people debate and game on different views, interests and values to achieve common goals and interests.Political decision -making usually involves resource allocation, weighing interests, resolution of social issues, formulation of public policies, and the formulation and maintenance of social norms.

The process of political decision -making usually involves interaction between various political participants, including political leaders, government officials, interest groups, and public.Therefore, policies are the result of political decision -making, and are specific guidance and regulations on the basis of political decision -making, which aims to influence the operation and development of social, economic, or other fields.

The core of politics is interaction between power, decision -making, interests and values.It involves the arrangement of power relations in society, the formulation and implementation of decision -making, and how to cooperate, compete and coordinate between members of social members.

This shows that it is a pseudo -proposition that does not care about politics and only cares about policies, because our social policy is developed by politicians, although there are public participation in the meantime.In addition, the formulation and implementation of any social policy must be associated with political figures and political goals, but some politicians are politically politically politically, and some are in politics for public interests.Therefore, everyone's life is actually inseparable from politics, and some people have politics. Just as a playful words say, "You don't care about politics, politics will care about you".The voting card will be automatically sent to the house.

So what kind of politics and policies do we need?

Since politics is closely related to everyone, what is the ideal state of ideals?

Recently chatting with a person who is nearly 60 years old, he came to Singapore by immigrants. He felt that life here was very stable and happy. He didn't care about who was in power. As long as the government was as high as ever, he would serve the people.The reason is that the country he was born is engaged in politics every day. Politicians fight for politics. Every day is a party dispute.Most of the politicians who came to power were for private interests. After the stage, they wanted to use political power to fish. Therefore, the corruption of politicians was very common.In a good country, good human resources and natural resources have not exerted potential. For politics, politics, and does not provide a good and stable political environment for economic development, leading to unstable people's hearts.Intersection

The people have insufficient confidence in politics in politics, and their economy has been sluggish for a long time, so many talents choose to immigrate to others.

The best politics is not to talk about politics, shouting slogans, consciousness, fighting party disputes, and asking people to say politics correctly.It is ordinary people who never care about political ideas but can live in peace and work. The state does not seem to talk about politics, but the people seem to be concerned about politics but they can feel the policies that are closely related to themselves, such as housing policies, fertility policies, and pension policies.Cute the people.

For ordinary people, talk about the policy of governing the country and the century -old blueprint, a bit like painting big cakes, and talking about supporting the ruling party, it is difficult to resonate with emotion.The more difficult it is to make people convinced.

Really good politics and good political parties are honest and trustworthy, frank, courageous, faced with problems, do not say for the country and the people, but always launch various policies that benefit and satisfy most people.Essence

How does good politics and policies come out?

Politics and policies are inseparable from people, so people engaged in policies in politics and take on important roles in society.The politicians mentioned here refer to as leadership positions in the government, such as presidents, prime ministers, ministers, etc.They are responsible for formulating and implementing policies, making important decisions, guiding the development direction of the country, handling crisis, promoting social progress, and affecting public opinion and international relations.Their decision -making and actions directly affect the destiny of the country and the development of society. Therefore, politicians with strong ability and responsibility, high moral standards, and the spirit of the people are the key to ensuring social stability and prosperity.

Good politics and policies are inseparable from good politicians. Even if we only care about policies and do not care about politics, we need to make wise choices when exercising our own voting rights.

The author is the company's financial staff