100 years is a kind of achievement, a kind of completeness, and an important moment to review the past and think about today and prepare to welcome the future.

In September, Xiaohong Dot ushered in two century -old commemorative activities worthy of attention.September 6th is the century of the joint morning newspapers. On September 16, the century -old birthday of the founding Prime Minister Li Guangyao, which is of great significance.Reading some reports and chapters of the century -old and Li Guangyao's century -old birthday through Lianhe Zaobao, it is not difficult to find that people are reflecting on the past, and they are worried about the future, and even vision and expectations.

Li Huiling, the president of the Chinese Media Group Li Huiling, in the ink published on September 6, and the century -old thinking of the ink will be expressed by the disappearance of the paper and the ink.How to continue to be Singapore's cultural coordinates to think.In addition, does Singapore still exist in the new book commemorating Mr. Li Guangyao's 100 -year -old birthday?It also ignited the discussion of Singapore's future.

The publishing of the new book coincides with a series of political challenges in the Singapore government. Education Minister Chen Zhensheng takes Lee Guang Yew's spirit as an example at the sharing meeting. It is said that the government must effectively respond to internal concerns and avoid the future of Singapore.

I think that when the most representative newspapers and politics in Lion City have entered a hundred years, it may also be the time for people across the country to reflect on the past, present and future, especially in today's situation or challenge.How to plan the future.

In 1923, Singapore was part of the British Channel colonies.I don't know if people at that time had a vision or embarrassment about the future, but it may be difficult for them to imagine that in the next 100 years, Singapore will become a country of sovereignty independence, and the world will face huge challenges and changes.People will experience the invasion of World War II, Cold War, financial crisis, Shas and crown disease.People will also shift from newspapers and radio and network receiving information through television and networks.

Faced with various challenges and changing worlds, the predecessors and Mr. Li Guangyao of the Morning Post and Mr. Lee Kuan Yew in the turbulent era, upholding the concept of integrity and perseverance, made great contributions to the development of Singapore.It is important that these contributions are often the results of a team that adheres to the common concept, and it also depends on the unity of the Chinese people to do its best for the future of themselves and the country.

The so -called former race tree, the descendants are cool.Living in 2023, we can enjoy high -quality newspapers and peaceful and prosperous lives.At this moment, the world situation is turbulent. As a small country, we may be worried and embarrassed by the future, and we may not be able to answer whether Singapore still exists in a hundred years.However, predecessors collectively seeking stability in turbulence, creating a lot of music that belongs to themselves, and achieving the prosperity of future generations, perhaps one of the spirit worthy of our reference.

Recent presidential elections reflect to a certain extent that Chinese people have made a stable vote for the future in the context of the turbulence at home and abroad.After being elected as president with a 70.4%voting rate of 70.4%, many comments welcomed and congratulated this result, and believed that voters showed the party in the election process, reached a consensus, and selected a one that was most suitable to bear the responsibility of the election president's responsibility.Candidates can be described as expected.

Shang Damman said that the Chinese people have made an optimistic vote for the future.I think this time the presidential election is exactly the people of the country to show their wisdom, uphold the concept of integrity, and create a stable, harmonious, and prosperous soil for the future, which is the same as the predecessor planning for the future.

In addition, some young people are also building a better life and future to put forward their views and reflection on the past and status quo.On September 6, the Morning Post · Exchange Station launched a youth perspective for the first time, publishing a letter from several students to test pressure and equal subjects of men and women.In order to create a better learning environment and a society of gender equality, the three young people take the challenges that they face or see as their own. They are brave to express their constructive opinions through the Morning Post, which is very encouraging.Young people are maintaining rationality together to speak for social topics, and indirectly create a better society for future youths, which is another example of reflecting the spirit of the predecessors.

Back to the Morning Post and Mr. Li Guangyao, the two represent the Singapore media adhere to the objective and fairness, and the government's spirit of maintaining an integrity and clean government.This year, the Morning Post, as a neutral media in Singapore, was criticized by foreign media. The government's determination to be honest and honest, after the extramarital affairs and corruption storms were questioned by the outside world.However, the two did not shrink back because of this, but instead adhere to the bottom line under the challenge, reflect on the current situation, and prepare to welcome the future.Behind these challenges, "unremitting" may be a microcosm of the spirit of Singapore, and such a spirit may be the precious heritage left by our predecessors to inspire the Chinese people to move forward in the troubled times, innovate themselves, and jointly create a hopeful hopes togetherfuture.

The author is a student of the School of Humanities and Science, National University of Singapore