Source: Bloomberg

Author: Linda Lew, Sarah Zheng, Gao Yuan, Chunying ZHANG

China's electric vehicle market is like a feast, but if it comes late, I am afraid that it can only taste the taste of sighing.

Once upon a time, under the stimulus of the government's bold subsidies, China's electric vehicle industry developed rapidly.Then the government began to regulate its development speed. Now it is not easy to enter the world's largest electric vehicle market.As consumer demand is hit, and the government's strict provisions on production permits continues to be high, those ambitious latecomers are forced to establish partnerships with the manufacturer of the certificate, or completely change their business plans.

FROSTSULLLIVAN senior consulting director ESUN XU said that technology companies need to find their own positioning in this fierce market, because facing multiple challenges such as technical barriers, financial requirements, market competition, regulatory obstacles, and supply chain management, they joinThis game became more and more difficult.

The most difficult obstacle is to obtain a permit for production of electric vehicles.Since the tightening rules in 2017 to curb the overcapacity, there are only a handful of production qualifications awarded by China, including industry newcomers.

The change in 2022 requires that electric vehicle companies and their production outsourcing companies must have production qualifications, which further increases the difficulties of entering the industry.

In fact, it is more difficult to operate than these, because the production qualification requires the approval of the two departments. One of them is the National Development and Reform Commission. According to people familiar with the matter, the National Development and Reform Commission has not approved the production qualification from one company to another.Company's transaction.Due to discussing non -public matters, people familiar with the matter demanded anonymous.

The National Development and Reform Commission did not reply to faxes seeking comments.

This is reshaping the industrial structure.Last month, Timei and electric vehicle production enterprises Xiaopeng Automobile formed an alliance. It may be a manifestation.Xiaopeng Automobile bought Didi's smart car development business to enhance the technical expertise. The two companies will launch a new brand for the mass market next year.

People familiar with the matter said that this is a major change for Didi, a ride -hailing giant. The company has seek to acquire the shares of traditional car manufacturers to obtain production permits, but it has changed its practice because transactions involved in production qualifications obtainedThe prospects for approved by the regulatory authorities are very slim.

Didi's representative did not reply to the request to seek comments, and the spokesman for Xiaopeng Automobile did not comment.