Source: Zhongshi Electronic News

Wangbao Society Review

Huawei Mate60 Pro mobile phones are on sale in low -key and are still sought after by the market.The Huawei stores in first -tier cities such as the mainland, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, were lined up, and the wave of buying appeared.On Tmall and, Mate60 Pro mobile phones were quickly sold out in dozens of seconds, and major social platforms' discussion on this new model remained high.

Sanctions anti -stimulus independent research and development

There are two reasons for the people of the mainland to support the new machine.First, this new model CP value of this price of 6999 yuan is high.The new Kirin 9000S chip provides power for it. The measured network speed exceeds 500Mbps, and the download speed and hardware are 5G.In addition, Mate60 Pro is the world's first Volkswagen smartphone that supports satellite calls, and access to AI Pangu models, which can control AI functions such as mobile phones, wisdom payment, gaze screens without extinguishing the screen.The second is emotional value. The United States has imposed comprehensive sanctions on Huawei since 2019. In the context of the comprehensive disconnection of chips, systems, and semiconductor components, Huawei has been born and designed by Huawei.It is regarded as a milestone in the development of mainland chips and the development of semiconductor industry.

This new mobile phone of Huawei has also received great attention from the international community.Professional institutions in the United States, Germany, and Japanese quickly conducted disassembly analysis.Bloomberg News commissioned the global semiconductor industry observation agency Techinsights for disassembly analysis to determine the use of SMIC's 7nm chips, so it comes to the conclusion that the mainland's "building local chip ecosystems has made progress".The Washington Post directly pointed out that the US sanctions failed to prevent the mainland from making key technological progress. It fulfilled the warning of American chip manufacturers. Sanctions only stimulated China's determination to independently develop and make the United States lose the market.

Huawei's breakout is also reasonable.Under the United States, Huawei once changed from a 5G field to a remote look, and mobile phone shipments also declined sharply, but it attaches great importance to technological innovation and talent training.In recent years, Huawei has set up a lot of project teams aimed at "tackling" to achieve localization of smartphone components.President Ren Zhengfei said in a recent speech in the company that Huawei has to establish a high -end talent reserve library, as long as it is an excellent talent."We reserve talents, do not reserve US dollars, and finally reserve our own talent pool."

On the other hand, from the perspective of the environment of promoting technological innovation, the mainland manufacturing industry is complete, laying the foundation for scientific research and innovation. In recent years, various support measures have emerged.Training plans provide soil for accelerating independent innovation of technology.

Blocking the huge market for anti -loss

Pressure is a reverse motivation. For the mainland, external pressure may further stimulate the enthusiasm of independent innovation.From "two bombs, one star (nuclear bomb, missile and artificial satellite)", nuclear submarines to large aircraft, chips, etc., many major creations related to national strength are achieved from breaking the "heavy siege".However, it is too early to assert that Huawei's "light boat has passed through the mountains".In fact, whether it is a high -end technology company represented by Huawei or the stability of the overall supply chain, it is still far away.

The United States may continue to pressure.The US Minister of Commerce Raymond, who has just ended its visit to China, said in the US CNN program that the United States will continue to sell chips to the mainland, but "will not sell the top chips to the mainland."Sulvon, assistant to the US President's National Security Affairs, also said that the "small courtyard high wall" technology restriction route will continue.Moreover, independent innovation takes time. Many independent innovation technologies have been consumed for a while to achieve great achievements, and the yield may not reach the optimization; there is still a gap between the domestic chips of mainland China and the 5G chip of the international advanced process.Chain replacement, there is still a difficult journey to go.

Huawei's new machine is born, and the United States will only build higher -facing walls and impose more strict sanctions on high -tech companies in mainland China.Grag, chairman of the China Issues Special Committee of the Federal House of Representatives, urged the Biden government to adopt a stronger position in exporting to the United States in China.

Globalization has profoundly changed the world, and any technological progress will eventually be shared by humans.It is the cold war thinking of the country through blockade to block the country's technological innovation. It cannot be fully effective. Instead, it will lose huge markets and turn itself into "islands".The protection of smart property rights is very important, but open cooperation is the optimal and fastest path of human technology innovation. It can also enable technological innovation to benefit humans larger. The United States and China must seek consensus as soon as possible.