Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Hu Enwei

Before hanging Typhoon Sula 10 Fengqiu, the chief executive Li Jiachao announced a series of measures to deal with the typhoon and set up a special group, which seemed to be very organized.After No. 10 Fengqiu, there was no major situation in the market in Hong Kong, which was roughly safe.It may be exactly the government's expectations of the citizens, which has pushed up everyone's awareness of crisis of No. 10.When the tenth wind ball passed through the destructive power of the typhoon "Mangosteen" in 2018, everyone was relieved, and the government was relieved.

The government's correspondence on Typhoon Sula originally made citizens think that Hong Kong's governance had a certain level and quality.However, a person is not as good as heaven. After a week apart, a century of dark rain occurred, which completely exposed the core issues of Hong Kong governance.

On the night of the dark rain, from 11:00 to 4 am, there have been a lot of information about the heavy rain disaster in the social media; especially after four o'clock, the floods of the districts have outbreaks.However, the government was postponed until 5:30 in the morning to announce the suspension of classes. In fact, many transportation, especially the MTR with the most passenger capacity, basically could not operate normally, which will inevitably affect the situation at work on the day.Why did the government wait until 5:30 in the morning to announce the suspension of classes?Who decides this time?

The author opened the social media at 4 am, and he was already full of disaster.That extent is more severe than the 10th windball, and a large -scale disaster is in Hong Kong.The government should announce the suspension of classes as early as possible instead of delay.Who is decided to stop classes?Stop school is the decision of the Education Bureau?Stop work is determined by the Labor and Welfare Bureau?Or is it decided by the government affairs department?Is it the chief executive decision?I believe the government should explain to everyone.

The biggest influence of this dark rain is the grassroots migrant earlier. Middle -ages can work at home, and employers also have some reasonable arrangements.Some people say that if the "extreme situation" is announced, some grass -roots workers will accelerate the disaster without going to work. This statement is unreasonable.The government should have a large -scale coordination layout. For example, when a large -scale flood occurs, the Dharma Department, the FEHD, and the Highway Administration Department should have emergency response measures.The government said that in order to improve regional administration, the regional mayor should bear the command of the commanding disaster prevention work in various districts. It should be responsible for the district commissioner (DO). Do should be responsible for the citizens of the district; the regional administrative system should have a team to implement the work.

Looking at this disaster, it seems that the media is actively reporting, but the government just came out to call on everyone to stay in a safe place, but did not deal with the specific disaster and water immersion problems in various districts.What is an emergency disaster?It is the real test of the adaptation measures when the disaster is not guess.Some long -predictable disasters, such as typhoons, can prevent pre -prevention.But in the face of this sudden heavy rain, I saw the true chapter of the government.

Actual logic reasoning, a dark rain that laids four hours will definitely cause conditions and accidents.Why don't the government announce a series of measures immediately, but must be dragged until 5:30 in the morning?In fact, KMB and tram have announced their suspension. MTR only provides limited services. Can people go to work and schools have no effect?

At present, the Li Jiachao government has a characteristic: it seems to be actively working, but the results are not like expected.For example, house policy, 230,000 public housing are waiting for applications, but the government has built 30,000 minimalist public housing units, which seems to be able to solve housing problems.In addition, after promoting "Happy Hong Kong" and "Hello Hong Kong" to the international promotion, there are "Hong Kong Nights" to do some movements, but what effect does it take?What are the positive benefits in the long run?Can the chief executive tell the citizens?The SAR Government is still walking.Sometimes it even uses the regulations of the "big stone to smash the crabs" to stifle the development of the industry. For example, after the Mirror incident occurred last year, the HKBC strengthened supervision, which means to strengthen engineers to supervise the stage of the mission of temporary building.method.

Do not review what you do wrong, and judge the mistakes to the public is the administrative characteristics of the Hong Kong government.Li Jiachao has been in office for a year, and this atmosphere has not seen much.Officials only care about whether they need to be responsible and not accountable. They have "power" but do not "blame". This is a major problem in Hong Kong's current administration.

The disaster made people see Hong Kong's frontline civil servants, such as the civil servants of the Fire Division and the Dutch Department of the Affairs Department very positive and disregarding the disaster relief. This is worthy of promising.However, the problem of governance in Hong Kong is not a question of frontline civil servants, but the quality of top civil servants and even accountable officials.They know how to speak some beautiful words and attend many large -scale activities, but how much interest in frontline work?The government has set up many committees to find some society and successful people, and how their thinking strengthen supervision and more restrictions.

Hong Kong lacks good political leadership and policy orientation.Everything is solved by doing an event.However, visiting Asia in Asia once does not mean that Hong Kong has completed the Asian fine security policy, and a founding scientific research seminar will not appear in the innovation industry; even if a 20 artificial island seminar has been held, artificial island cannot be built smoothly.This kind of meeting, document, and activity governance leads to sinking in Hong Kong.

This dark rain completely exposed Hong Kong's problems.Although there is no great reaction to the people, everyone saw that the citizens were really complaining, and government officials did not come out to say anything, nor did they inspect the area. What are they doing?Do you need to revise the regulations to decide the "stop school and stop work"?That night, members of the Legislative Council called on the government to declare the suspension of work as soon as possible, but it turned out that Hong Kong could only announce the suspension of work suspension when the typhoon was hit.Then, under the framework of national security, if large -scale disasters, such as terrorist attacks, nuclear radiation leaks, or other big disasters, how can we respond?Does the government have a certain guidance?I believe the government needs to explain.

I am very worried about a kind of atmosphere. What do mainland officials say and what leaders say. Hong Kong government officials followed like parrots to learn the tongue. After that, a public activity and a seminar may be held to complete the work.This kind of atmosphere is not worthy of rewards.For example, the recent consultation of Shinada Industrial Zone is actually dragging down again. It was not far from 2035, not far from 2047.In the face of this situation, Hong Kong citizens are afraid to use the mainland's urban governance model to control Hong Kong. I believe that it is more effective for governance methods for governance than only doing activities and not doing specific strategic research.

Many policies in Hong Kong remain in the 1990s.When can the paper government be promoted to electronic mode management?The mainland has been electronic, and the Hong Kong government is still managed by paper. Who should be solved by this question?Normally, it should be to reform the civil service system by the Government Affairs Department to review how to promote electronicization systematically.Do you concentrate on looking for experts to study how to enhance the government's applied technology capabilities?Can it start from big data?Doing some practical things can make citizens confident in the government.When I saw a patient cough and vomiting blood, if the doctor only gave him some throat sugar and said that he would resume the yuan, do you think this is a way to solve the problem?of course not.

Most of the policies of the SAR Government are dealt with by this throat method, hoping that it is only a short -term measure after Li Jiachao took office.There must be some longer -term plans for this year's policy report. Don't think that a event can solve the problem.At present, the most important thing in Hong Kong is the reform of the political system. From this heavy rain, it can be seen that regional governance and top -level leaders need to be strengthened. They must have the ability to respond to disaster and political leadership.

The incident in 2019 and the outbreak of the outbreak in 2020 exposed the systemic problems of various governance.Who should be responsible for systematic review and reform?Many citizens now go north to compare Hong Kong and Shenzhen, and find that Hong Kong is very backward.Shenzhen has its advantages of governance. Under one country, two systems, Hong Kong can absorb international governance methods. It should also learn excellent governance methods from "one country" at the same time.If Hong Kong maintains only activities, only documents, only large engineering infrastructure, do not handle the essenceThe problem of governance software will only continue to sink.

The post -disaster chief of the post -disaster affairs department held a press conference instead of inspecting the area, and it was already a major failure of political public relations.At the press conference, the director repeatedly repeatedly repeatedly repeatedly "the dark rain once in five hundred years".The reporter kept asking, and officials did not answer why they would not announce the "extreme situation" until 5:30 in the morning, and the Labor Office would not issue a labor guidance until 7 am.If the director of the government affairs department is responsible for led this heavy rain arrangement, he should apologize directly to the citizens, instead of pushing responsibilities to the Observatory and Dutch Office.In the final analysis, stop work is a political decision. It starts from 11 pm. It has continued to rain. At 4 am, many areas in Hong Kong are severely immersed in Hong Kong. As an official with political judgment, they should immediately announce the shutdown and suspension of classes.

Director of the Minister of Administration can simply say: This is a disaster that encountered once in five hundred years. If you do n’t do it well, I hope that everyone can forgive and apologize to the citizens., Instead of holding a press conference at the government headquarters.After watching it, the public will only be more angry, and feel that the senior management of the Hong Kong government is not concerned about the public. He only sentences all responsibilities to employers, outsourcing to the dark rain weather, and the observatory.The four hours of dark rain is an objective scientific fact and cannot be relieved, but those political decisions have nothing to do with astronomical science.

Therefore, the government has made a mistake this time. If you do wrong, you must admit it. If you admit it, you must change it. After changing, you must review the results. This is a political leader.At present, this kind of governance method that you push me and "Lai Lai" will only make everyone lose confidence in the SAR government, and let a century of dark rain expose the core issue of Hong Kong governance.

The author is a member of the National Hong Kong and Macao Research Association, a member of the Jiangsu Provincial CPPCC, the joint art director and CEO of the Twenty Famous Body Body