Source: Taiwan Zhongshi News Network

Author: Lu Zhixiang

Chen Shui -bian and Ma Ying -jeou won the Taiwan election in 2000 and 2008, which also caused the twice of Taiwan's two political parties. They did not go to the United States before the election, nor did they think that the United States "interview" was necessary.However, this year's situation seems to be very different, because the election situation is tight, all of them are not sure, the three presidential candidates of the three parties of the blue -green and white party dare not ignore the influence of the United States. At least they have to rush to the United States to buy a "insurance".Arrange unprecedented interviews of this century, and the Biden government has to take the week.

Rosen Berg, chairman of the United States in Taiwan, has repeatedly stated that the United States will not choose to take the edge station in the Taiwan election to oppose intervention of overseas forces; she also refutes that the meeting with the presidential candidate is "interview."Looking at the results of the presidential election since 2000, the US interview is not the decisive factor. Despite this, in the face of the successive Taiwanese candidates and potential future leaders, the US government dare not take it lightly.Interview.

It seems very simple. As long as you order the rules of the game, it is necessary to apply it, but due to the different backgrounds of the candidate, the strict restrictions on the unofficial relationship of the US and Taiwan, and the close supervision of Beijing on the court, are actually difficult.Non -symmetrical operations, especially political risks, may set off a political storm.

For the Kuomintang candidate Hou Youyi and the people's party candidate Ke Wenzhe, they have not demanded much. As long as the United States follows the example, they can enter the White House National Security Council, the State Council, the Ministry of Defense, and even the deputy state officials.The point of the election will only add points and will not deduct points. In the eyes of the DPP candidate Lai Qingde, this is not only unfair, but also discriminatory.However, this cannot blame the United States to be unfair.

Lai Qingde was restricted by Taiwan ’s Zheng, vice president, executive director, etc. in the aura of the Vice President.In the Greater Washington area, let alone the Federal Government and the Washington Special Administrative Region where the Congress is located can only stay in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and other large cities.

In addition to the strict rigid regulations in the United States, Lai Qingde himself and his team must also take responsibility for the evolution of the situation.Lai Qingde, who claimed to be "pragmatic Taiwan independence workers", has always been difficult to get rid of the controversy of "suspicion". He recently published the "Taiwan Entering the White House" theory and stabbed the honeycomb. The Bayeng government had warned it through the Financial Times.However, Beijing refused to stop there. Mainland Mainland Ambassador Xie Feng showed that "the first task is to prevent Lai Qingde from visiting the United States."The gray rhino is Taiwan independence.

How to arrange Lai Qingde's transit and interview is really testing the political wisdom and response ability of the US government.Except for the location of the United States, whether Lai Qingde can contact officials of the administrative department and whether it can publicize the overseas Chinese community to build a general conference.If there is no official contact, the interview can only be performed through secret meetings or "long -distance video". No matter what mode, it is not as good as a face -to -face dialogue. This is limited by his vice president.What is more ironic is that Lai Qingde threatened to enter the White House in Taiwan and went to the United States thousands of miles, but found that the White House was "close at hand, far in the end of the world".

Of course, the above situation is only based on the policy and practice of the United States in the past. Assuming that the three candidates have a possible situation of interviews in the United States, and the Biden government will have different policy options and operation space.Let's make articles in Taiwan's parties and at the same time appease Beijing. We wait and see.

It is thought -provoked that Taiwan may set a precedent for the world. Presidential candidates must go to Washington for interviews in order to obtain the recognition and endorsement of the United States, and once 3, coupled with Guo Taiming, who does not have a "admission ticket", there is no "admission ticket".Although this phenomenon shows that "pro -beauty" is the largest number of conventions in Taiwan, but from diplomatic and national defense to the presidential election, it is not a health phenomenon that the United States is not healthy.

Thinking from the political reality, the most preferential support for the United States and even the international community is always the strongest and the candidates who will be elected. Therefore, the three candidates should be aware of the way to go to the United States for an election.One is the real victory battlefield is the votes in the hands of the people in Taiwan.

(the author is a senior media person in Taiwan)