The flags that fluttered around, cutting through the group of fighter groups that screamed through the sky, Chen Jieyi's family's heart was echoed, and people kept reminding people that the National Day came again.

After being summoned into the special police force, the "dual national service" generation, which was recruited into the armed forces again, has seen the blue wrapping of the road that rushed to the founding of the country all the way.There are today, all the time and now ", and you can celebrate your birthday as usual.

This year is the century -old birthday of the founding of the founding of the founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew. I remembered that he had worked hard for the survival of this "forced independence" of the "forced independence".And even more deeply.

Surrying the year, we finally spent year and after year, and after overcoming the difficulty of survival in the early years and the major crisis again and again, we gradually entered a good realm and even flew Huang Tengda.Looking at the modern metropolitan and fascinating scenes in front of you, how many people will still have questions about the continued "existence" of Singapore, especially the younger generation who grows up in a wealthy?

However, as the famous Taiwanese writer Long Yingtai, who visited Singapore's many times, said in a meal of a short time ago, Singaporeans seem to be full of worry, always worrying about the future of the country, in the long -term future to plan, Such as the recycling of wastewater and the long -term planning of water supply, the presence of the sea level rising, and the presence of the rising plane is an obvious example.After that, she saw her post on Facebook: "There are many countries with" worrying consciousness "... Self -consciousness, in other places, often turns into the inside or use external pressure to consolidate the power of one party", but"This city country is prepared by accelerated scientific and technological innovation. Recently, I recently learned how Singapore imagines a catastrophic future -serious insufficient water resources, global crisis in food, etc.R & D to face such a future. "

Long Yingtai's observation ability is keen, and she said it is right. At least for the older generation of citizens, the sense of worry seems to have been deeply implanted in our DNA, which cannot be removed.And internalization into the instinct and motivation of survival, which can also be said to be a spiritual heritage left by the founding of the National Prime Minister!

Maybe this is the sense of worry of "always worrying about the future of the country" -especially when looking around the severe geopolitical environment of the surrounding area -constantly spurring us, be sure to run in front of others, and we have to need to run in front of others, and we have to have to run in front of others, and we have to have to run in front of others.Keep a certain distance from the chasing person, use time in exchange for living space, and quickly develop a comprehensive survivability with rapid development.

Aware of the awareness of "forcing" a lot of achievements

Stability, social harmony, educational performance, technology application, medical care, environmental protection, environmental protection, integrity and greed, livability, the maintenance of the rule of law, etc., we can always make beautiful transcripts.Objective fact.

These obvious achievements can be said to be "forced" by the consciousness of worry.

Paradoxie is that the number of medals in international prizes is used to take it for granted.Some people even felt "praise fatigue" and began to question why Singapore was so "afraid of losing", and they must compete for first. Why is it "to live so hard" and relax a little?Some people also pointed out that the media often reported that such news is to please the government.

They forgot that these international investigations were not required by Singapore, but some international organizations, academic institutions, and business consulting companies took the initiative to do it individually and released them publicly for different purposes.The results of these international evaluations provide valuable reference materials for multinational groups, global investors and various talents.The so -called nice poultry selection of wood and habitation, among countries among the best in the international selection, especially those in countries that have outstanding performance in various aspects such as good business, business, stability, safety, integrity, livable, often attract high -quality qualityInvestment and talents, these are foreign motivations for continuous economic development and maintaining social vitality; whether they are direct or indirect investment, they can create high -quality employment opportunities, and the accumulation of funds and talents is often mutual cause and effect.Promote each other to form a virtuous circle.

In the increasingly fierce international competition, it retreates without entering, and Singapore has no tradition at all.As an island country with no hinterland, no natural resources, and small cities in some countries, we also have no "de -globalization" or "decoupling" conditions at all.

Ambassador to the abroad about international opportunities experience

In addition, these international survey reports also provide important international reference standards, so that governments of various countries can see countries that have performed outstandingly in different fields, so as to choose a model or cooperative exchanges that can be referred to.Because of the benchmark for international reference in many areas, Singapore has become the target of many countries to seek cooperation, which has also brought us a lot of development opportunities and further consolidating our survival strength.During the National Day, the ambassadors abroad came back to write about their jobs, giving me the opportunity to hear a lot of stories in some closed -door meetings.

Of course, we do not achieve excellent results in all international evaluations.In some international rankings about freedom and democracy, Singapore is often backward.Some well -known examples include: the 2023 report of "FreeDom House" refers to Singapore's degree of freedom of only 47 points (100 points is full score), just a "part of freedom";Reporters without Borders) In the release of the freedom of press freedom in 2023, Singapore ranked 129th among 180 countries; the 2022 democratic index report of economists said that Singapore was only a "part of democracy", ranking 70th among 167 countries;The "Human Rights Watch) report of the" Human Rights Watch) continued to make a bad comment on Singapore's human rights records, especially to restore the execution of the death penalty.

There are individual surveys in the above report that are completely scientific and rigorous, and some of the facts are obviously biased, especially about the freedom of press and human rights, but let's listen to it.In any case, they have successfully depicted Singapore into a country that lacks freedom and democracy in the Western world.If this is not enough, the fact that the United States has noticed Singapore's participation for two consecutive sessions has not invited Singapore to participate in the United States since 2021, which will undoubtedly prove Singapore's "not democracy" by action.

Does this contrast mean: a country that lacks free and democracy in the West, can also perform excellent performance in taking care of the well -being of the people, improving the quality of life, and maintaining basic human rights (even better than many Western countries).It still lives well, even better than many countries that are considered "free and democratic"?

While thinking about this problem, I saw an international championship sent to Singapore.

Studyfinds website recently reported a new survey report, which is noticeable: "Singapore is the best country in the world? A new study will list the United States as 23rd!"It turned out to be a research report from Julius-Maximilians-UNIVERSITT WURZBURG, a historic university in Germany.It released the "2022 Stateness Index Report" on June 29, pointing out that Singapore is the world's most functional country.

How can this result get?Research party clarified according to the reportLaw, the "National Characteristic Index" is a performance comparison and policy analysis of the "overall data and sub-data" method of "overall data and sub-data" by the 72 years (1950-2022) in 173 countries.And based on this survey of more than 3,500 experts.

German survey: Singapore is the best country

After the investigation and analysis, the report believes that Singapore has become the best country due to its laws, lack of violence and administrative management.Nine countries behind Singapore are Australia, Denmark, the Netherlands, the Netherlands, Estonia, Luxembourg, Norway, Belgium, New Zealand and Germany.Perhaps because this is a survey made by a university in a non -English -speaking country, it has not attracted the attention of the mainstream English media. So far, I have only seen reports from the British Daily Mail.

Singapore's investigation of German universities is not surprising to get a "world first". What is also interested in is an important conclusion of the report: "Is the operation function of a country good?Always related to democracy. For example, Singapore is not a democratic country, but its state status is the first. "

Another interesting conclusion is: "Good reforms can improve governance. If you just change the government, it will often have no effect."

The two conclusions are meaningful for Singapore, which is wearing a 58th birthday and is about to enter the year of ears.

So far, Singapore has proven to the world that even if it is criticized by the West as not democratic or "democratic aliens", we still insist on taking our own way, and finally walked out of Kangzhuang Avenue.It brings happiness to the people, and also guarantees its continued survival and development, and has become the object of imitation learning in many countries.

The question is, how long can Singapore be maintained?Will we eventually become a "normal" democratic country and embark on the "change of government", the only way to regard the mainstream political thought of the West as the process of democracy?

This kind of thing that has been considered "unimaginable" in the past has become less unimaginable in recent years.Too many examples in the world prove that the implementation of a democratic country with one -person and one -vote election will eventually escape the fate of populist politics, even the most advanced and "mature" democratic countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom.Can Singapore resist this general trend?How long can I resist?

In fact, from the increasingly intensifying remarks of Congress debate and social media in recent years, it can be clearly seen that populism has germinated in Singapore.Excessive simplifying and opposing problems, constantly encouraging anti -elites and anti -building population demands are the easiest to please voters and strive for votes.If the populism grows locally, it should be a matter of time to change the government.If the government has made serious mistakes or any major scandal broke out by the ruling party, this time may come earlier.

The key question is that after changing the government, can Singapore continue to win in international competition and continue to operate as a "high -functional country"?According to the conclusions of the above report: The impact of changing the government on the national efficient operation is not great.

Is this really the case?Taking advantage of the recent climax of the recent climax, the minister -related case and the peach -colored incident of politics were thrown out of this problem.This group of people is a generation of founding or establishing a country. Most of them are worried under the impact of far -reaching worries.

Everyone has a mouthful of mouth, but maybe because they are all at the same temperature layer, their views are very similar: the rotation of political parties caused by populist politics often causes the country to fall into an endless political fight, causing the deadlock and administrative paralysis of the Congress, Social tear, economic stagnation, capital and talent outflow ... When politicians argued for the small things of sesame and mung bean, focusing on the political interests in front of them, just to win the next election for calculation planning, who else will have a century -old plan for flood prevention and water.For long -term planning related to the long -term planning of the country's long -term survival and the interests of future generations?

When politics is no longer stable, society is no longer harmonious, and funds and talents are scared away, can the country continue to prosper?Can the economy remain vitality?Can our current lifestyle be maintained?Can we continue to exist as a sovereign state?

More importantly, how long can our "booger -like" little red dot be held?The sea level is rising or the food is broken. The people of the great powers also have the mainland, hinterland and natural resources to rely on. What does Singaporeans rely on?

Perhaps the weather is too hot, and everyone's emotions are getting higher and rising, as if "changing the government" will happen.

Is it too far away?Is it a sense of worry?

The author is the former editor -in -chief of Lianhe Morning Post