Recently, various provinces in China have announced the undergraduate stage of the undergraduate stage. This year, the enrollment situation of various majors in various schools has been clear at a glance, and the changes are amazing.Take Shandong Province as an example. In the past, some schools (after 200,000), which recruited candidates, were mostly private universities with poor reputation.The universities, Jiangsu Normal University, Jilin Normal University, Shenyang University of Technology, Inner Mongolia University, etc. are generally recognized as two, one, or even double first -class public universities.They are all over 120 points, and some are still around 150 points, which is very rare.

In the same college, why are the differences in different professional rooms so large?Most of the reasons may fall on Zhang Xuefeng, who is known as the "professional application teacher", because most of these schools are translated, Japanese, Russian, Korean, Arabic, etc.The news and marketing, which were most voiced by Zhang Xuefeng, also generally declined, and some fell.Taking Shandong University as an example, the news and communication majors were directly dropped from 7,907 last year to 14,321, down more than 6,000 times.It makes people have to feel that Zhang Xuefeng's skills are deep, and with their own strength, let China's college entrance examination admission and achieve unprecedented changes.

As we all know, China's economic recovery is weak, and the epidemic has a "scar" effect to consumption. Parents generally consider practical considerations and make professional choices, which is also understandable.But so generally follow a person's point of view, and abandon the so -called professional collective collective collective, which is enough to worry.After all, the volunteer is essentially personal affairs. You should choose according to your personal hobbies, goodness, personality characteristics, etc.Learning a major and engaging in a job, first of all, should be personal likes, can be willing to devote energy to do it, in order to do well.The most basic principles and truths in this way, now they are also facing challenges. I have to say that the realism of volunteer filling is a bit overwhelming.

Those who have encountered too many people who listened to the opinions of experts to fill in the report, and finally chose a profession that was not suitable for you.The best time for them to use college and work to prove that they are really not suitable, and the price is too high.

From this perspective, when the "Zhang Xuefeng Effect" occurs, public opinion has generally been disgusted with majors such as small language and news. At this time, should the relevant education administrative department come out to speak and correct?Is there really so bad about the small language?Is there a "discount" of more than 100 points or more?I don't think it must be.

What is a popular professional?What is a promising major in the future?People's current cognition must be limited.Just a decade ago, news and small language were also popular than Chinese and other majors.It is just because of the factors of civil servants and public institutions, such as examinations, etc., Chinese majors have become the most popular major in liberal arts.According to news and small language, this year happened to meet the superposition effects of Zhang Xuefeng and ChatGPT, so it fell.However, the trend will always pass, and now these majors in cold will be popular again in the future, which is really hard to say.

In the final analysis, there is no optimal solution at all in the voluntary report.Even Zhang Xuefeng's realism or utilitarianism is just the "reality" in the eyes of others. The "benefits" that others think, and what is actually needed, it is necessary to consider and measure it.What a lucky thing if a student likes a major.Following your own hobbies, preferences, and doing things that are interested are both the original intention of education and a social consensus.When there is an impetuous utilitarian atmosphere around the surroundings, individuals need to calm down and consider what they really want.

The author is a reporter from Shandong