Source: Surging News

Author: Shen Bin

Writer Su Xiaozhu took the child to drive the car. The child sat quietly on the seat, but was two the initiative to remind "control the child" by the flight attendant, and all children in this carriage were "reminded".She posted on a social platform that she felt offended and had complained to 12306.

This incident was reported by the media and also got hot search.If it is separated alone, the flight attendant is reminded twice to "manage the child" to complain, which makes people feel that the writer himself is "arrogant".In fact, this is just another boiling moment of discussion about "bear children in the compartment" and the so -called "children in the carriage" since the summer vacation.

Recently, news about children in the compartment has been making noise. Previously, public opinion was often attributed to "bear parents."It is easy to get out of control and cry in the closed space of the high -speed rail. This is not the problem of indulgence of "Bear parents" indulgence.However, these parents who took the infants and young children were treated, and even when they didn't pay attention, they became the protagonist of the "bear child" news, so they trembled.

The hats of "Bear Child" are too large. If you do not distinguish the age, specific scenes, etc., it is easy to cover the real problem: some are parents' supervision, some are not tolerant and even hostile emotions for children, and some are some of them.Because public service facilities are not friendly to children.

At present, Su Xiaozi's Weibo has become a "complaint conference" for parents to go to children.Some parents contributed that their eight -month -old babies were questioned by passengers because they made a loud voice.Some said that when the child was more than 1 year old, he cried and was coaxing, and the flight attendant asked to go to the connection.Some said that children who took one year and 9 months had just sat high -speed rail, and the child sat quietly in the seat to eat. The flight attendants came to remind the children not to let the child kick the seat in the front ... Also, some compartment broadcasts in the broadcasting broadcastFrequent broadcast "If the child is crying, bring it to the carriage connection."

In the background of the aforementioned noise, Su Xiaozheng felt that the flight attendant "took the initiative" to remind the children to be good at "offense".She believes, "Now that I have not done anything, I will come to remind all families with children alone."The connection is shaking, noise, a lot of water, very easy to fall). "

The discussion about "noisy compartment" has remained high for a long time. In fact, the problem is not only in the carriage, but behind the public places who belong to who belongs to, how to build a friendly society, etc.After being refined, it exacerbated the differentiation of the public opinion field.Some opinions believe that "childishness" itself is a kind of discourse trap; there are also opinions that under the coat of "order" and "public morality", it wraps the suffocation and disgust of children, but it is regarded as a flow password.Essence

If one party adheres to the paranoia of "I can't be disturbed in the compartment", the other party has a filter with "my child is still small", then the public opinion field will only tear and confront;The indifference of the child is the right, and the other party insists that "my child is the world", so saliva will only make saliva instead of progress.

Putting down the paranoia and prejudice: salvage the true demands of the parents in Su Xiao's laziness on Weibo; think about it in other places, when you take a one -year -old child out, you will be invited to the bumpy compartment connection.Difficulty?Think about it, I was exhausted and exhausted. I wanted to squint in the carriage for a while, but I was forced to collapse by noise?

The discussion of "noisy carriage" has been hot for so long, and opposition and tear are definitely not a solution."Bear Children" is a bad label that allows infants and young children to bear the unbearable weight and detonate online carnival.Even if it is a pseudo -concept, "hate" should be vigilant enough to open the "Pandora's magic box".The solution is to explore the construction of a child -friendly social environment together in the society.