U.S. universities, especially Ivy Famous University, take care of the "equal rights" policy of ethnic minorities such as black people during enrollment. On the eve of the American Independence Festival this year, the Supreme Court was judged to be unconstitutional and caused a lot of storms.In fact, 20 years ago, the Supreme Court has stated that "equal rights" enrollment is a historical "correction" with limited limitation.Now conservative judges are absolutely majority, and this policy has been abolished unexpectedly.

However, this unfavorable judgment of the disadvantaged group has also caused public opinion and legal rebound in the traditional policy of "Legacy Admission" to take care of alumni children in the United States, because the beneficiaries of the latter policy are mainlyA white family.

On July 24, three economists at Harvard University released a big data research result to show that among the American middle school graduates with the same "college entrance examination", they applied for eight Ivye University and the University of Chicago UniversityThe admission rate of Duke University, MIT, and Stanford University has the relationship with the level of family wealth: the admission rate of the richest 1%of family children, which is one -third higher than the average, and the top thousandths of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousands of thousandsThe admission rate of a wealthy child is doubled.Researchers set "inheritance admission" as the culprit of this unfair phenomenon.The New York Times made a special report on the same day, exacerbating public opinion.

Under the pursuit of pursuit of all walks of life, the "inheritance admission" policies of the American prestigious universities take care of alumni children, such as Wesley College (the alma mater of Song Meiling and Hillary Clinton) and John Hopkins University"Bai flag has been made, and this tradition is announced.I don't know how long I can persist in Harvard University's prestigious school?

The longer -term crisis is that the "equal rights" policy is just a new thing for more than half a century, and "inheritance admission" is the DNA for hundreds of years of Ivy University for hundreds of years, and it is also an important factor for them to become a world prestigious school.Once you abandon this tradition, can the status of a famous school be maintained as before?

From the beginning, the Ivy League School was not only the cradle of the birth of higher education in the United States, but also trained the "blue -blooded" elite children in the northeast into a base for the new generation of "ruling class".The tradition of "aristocratic blood" and "my family's old things" in the disguise is long. In 1951, the admission rate of alumni children applied for Harvard was 94%;In the 1980s, he also frequently recommended his children and grandchildren to school.

Since the middle of the last century, the recruitment policy of "get talents" based on grades and other capabilities began to implement the "talents" of Yale University.The "long -term investment strategy" to ensure that Ivy University can lead the training and transportation of the upper levels of social elites in the long run.The tangible return here, at the time, a banker Yale alumni and the principal argued very clearly: the alumni donated money to the alma mater.

The prestigious school of Ivy can have world -class experts and scholars and scientific research facilities. In the final analysis, it is the huge financial resources of the school.According to a study of Stanford University, in 2006, Harvard and other top universities spent more than $ 90,000 in each student. At that time, the full amount of miscellaneous tuition of these schools was more than $ 60,000 a year.In other words, even if all Harvard students do not get a penny for a penny, the school will "invert" more than 20,000 US dollars to cultivate each student every year.This is the "lost business" that all public universities, including brand -name state universities, and the quality of undergraduate education that the latter cannot compare.

Alumni Network is huge social resources

supporting this expenditure is a school -based fund fund of the Famous Endo School.The initial and subsequent sources of these funds are donations from successful alumni.The schools of Ivy have spent major financial resources and manpower, maintaining the huge social resources of alumni networks in the United States and even around the world.The "inheritance admission" to take care of the children of alumni is an important part of the alumni relationship network.A few years ago, the person in charge of the alumni of Princeton University acknowledged that the alumni donation reached a peak before their children's admission age would enter the university; if the child enrollment application was rejected, the donation fell sharply.

The alumni relationship originated from the Ivy League school is the characteristics of the upper -level culture of the United States: the previous undergraduate graduates of the same university, and the strong sense of belonging to the alma mater is unable to live.Especially in the past few decades, the American family bonds are loose, and more than half of their marriage ended with divorce. Non -blood relatives' step -parents and step siblings have abound.For most of the middle and upper class, there may be countless objects in the same bed in the same bed. The spouse can divorce and then marry, but there is only one university alma mater, so it has formed a very dedicated loyalty object, even more than the parents of the biological parents (especially the particularly, especiallyDivorced parents).For the Chinese who overwhelm the traditional family relationships, this is a special American cultural characteristics.

For example, Trump, a former president who graduated from the undergraduate graduation of Ivy, as an example, he officially married three times, plus the extramarital affairs that he knew how many times he knew.Of the four adult children from the wife's rooms, three are also undergraduate from Pennsylvania University.Another example is the old -fashioned Bush family, from President Bush's father to President Bush's daughter, and he is already a Yale alumni of more than four generations.Such a deep -rooted "inheritance admission" tradition, now it has become a street mouse. How long can I still take a lot of time?

Finally, the chart reprinted reprinting on July 24th of the New York Times also showed that under the same "high" score, the middle -aged and upper -class children of the United States who were wealth sorted between 70%and 90%, the admission rate for the applied for prestigious schools is not as good as thatGiant rich children are also significantly lower than the poor children who are below the median. They are portrayed by a Atlantic monthly columnist as "portrait of anxiety of middle and upper class universities."This is another story of the American society ecology.

The author is engaged in scientific research in North America