Source: Hong Kong Ming Pao Agency Review

This year's Asia -Pacific Economic and Commerce (APEC) was held in San Francisco in November. The United States media revealed that the United States decided not to allow Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao to attend. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed strong dissatisfaction and submitted solemnly to the United States.

APEC is a platform for communication and cooperation between 21 economies in the Asia -Pacific region and does not belong to a certain country. According to the guidance of the APEC organizational meeting, the host has the responsibility to issue an invitation letter to the leaders of various economies to facilitate them to attend the meeting.If the United States refuses to invite Li Jiachao, it will destroy the rules of the organization and violate the basic obligations of the host.The Biden government said that he had to talk to China, but on the other side, he repeatedly made offense and provocative behavior. He talked about a set and lack of sincerity to improve Sino -US relations.Essence

Washington has repeatedly offended damage to Sino -US relations

In the middle of 2020, the Central Committee formulated the Hong Kong National Security Law. After that, Huafu quoted two bills against Hong Kong and sanctioned 11 Hong Kong officials, including then the security director Li Jiachao.Since Li Jiachao has become the Chief Executive, the outside world has been talking about whether Li Jiachao will be invited to the meeting this year.Earlier, the U.S. State Department responded to Congress earlier and expressed his intention to invite Li Jiachao to attend. "As the host, we believe that promoting regional economic dialogue and US -China cooperation, it is important to maintain global macroeconomic stability."A group of tough members of China immediately wrote to the Secretary of State and expressed their opposition.The "clarification" of the State Council of the State Council is a "wrong version" and reiterated that the invitation list has not been decided.

According to regulations, the host of the APEC summit must issue an invitation letter to all members 8 weeks ago.The Washington Post recently quoted news from US officials, and the United States decided not to let Li Jiachao attend.The White House refused to comment and reported that it was only expected that all APEC members would participate in the meeting under US laws and regulations. However, the White House used mainstream media to let go of the wind.Looking at the Chinese response, even if the White House did not make the ultimate shooting, I believe there is a preliminary decision.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs criticized that the United States implemented illegal and unreasonable sanctions on Chinese personnel including Li Jiachao, and refused to invite the SAR executive officers to the United States to participate in the meeting.The United States is required to immediately correct the wrong approach, lift the sanctions on officials such as Li Jiachao, and invite Li Jiachao to the meeting in accordance with APEC practices.

The Chinese and American struggles are intensifying. Washington politicians have repeatedly operated the Hong Kong cards, while curbing China while cracking down on Hong Kong.Refusing to let Li Jiachao go to the meeting, it shows that the United States hangs his mouth on his daily "international order must be based on rules".The guidance of the APEC meeting was clearly explained that the host mainly issued a meeting invitation to all organization members and arranged all entry permits for the organization membership delegation, while the organization members had the right to determine the list of members of the delegation.Even the former Consul General of the United States Tang Weikang also believes that the United States has morality and diplomatic obligations, abide by APEC's unwritten regulations and precedents, and allows APEC members to participate in the meeting appropriately.Washington does not allow Li Jiachao to attend, just ignore the rules of APEC.

The so -called "sanctions" of the United States are originally unilateralist measures. At the actual implementation level, if the United States does not want to go to the United States to attend the United States, the United States openly provoke Beijing and offend Hong Kong. In fact, there are also eclectic methods.In fact, the "sanctions" of the United States generally attach a "franchise mechanism", so that Washington can take special arrangements for individual matters, such as sanctioning Russia. There are also exemption mechanisms.If the United States has the intention of fulfilling the obligation and responsibility of the APEC host, it can be considered that Li Jiachao enters the United States to attend the meeting with a special license method.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs raised a serious negotiation to the United States yesterday, reflecting that the Chinese side believed that the situation was serious and the nature was bad.If the United States thinks that Li Jiachao will go to the meeting, it will not affect Sino -US relations and will have a wish.

In 1993, the then US President Clinton saw the Asian economic miracle. He hoped that the United States would be closely deducted with East Asia's economy, so as not to be excluded from this emerging area in the future.Invitation to Seattle to attend the meeting is of great significance to eased Sino -US relations.The goal of the United States that year was to promote the formation of the Asia -Pacific free trade circle through the APEC platform.In 2011, the United States was the host of the APEC summit for the second time, and promoting the free trade agreement was still an important theme.Time has moved, in recent years, American economic protectionism has risen, and has long lost interest in regional economic integration and free trade agreements.Washington has more importance to APEC. From last year, Biden chose to go to the G20 summit in Indonesia and did not attend the Thai APEC Summit. It was evident that he would rather return to Washington to attend his granddaughter wedding.

Diplomacy of Da Nations still goes to APEC to add variables

This time the United States is the host of the APEC for the third time, the theme of the meeting is blurred, and the outside world does not expect much expectations. From this perspective, there may not be much substantial losses without going from this perspective.However, APEC, as a regional cooperation platform, does not belong to a certain country, and does not send representatives to participate in the summit, which is equivalent to abandoning the right to speak, and let the United States use the host to "show".The government of Biden continuously threatened to communicate with China, but the other side has repeatedly provoked, offended and discredit.The so -called balloon incident, the United States had noisy for many months, and spy reconnaissance and other charges were endless. In the end, the Ministry of National Defense had a low -key acknowledgment last month that no information was collected while the balloon flew over the United States.It is another provocative behavior of the United States to not let Li Jiachao attend the APEC.The diplomacy of great powers and the exchanges of courtesy.Whether Xi Jinping will attend the APEC summit. In the future, it is believed that it will become the focus of all parties.