Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Ye Dehao

French President Macron gave a speech on July 27 at Vanuatu, the second stop of the South Pacific Island journey, warned that the South Pacific Island country would be alert to the "new imperialism" in its mouth.This remark comes from France, one of the former master nations of Vanuatu (the other is the United Kingdom), which is particularly abrupt.

Macron warned: "In the India-Pacific region, especially in Oceania, a new imperialism and a kind of power logic are threatening the sovereignty of many countries. These countries are the smallest and often the most vulnerable."Although Macron went on to mention illegal fishing and debt with unfair clauses, he did not name any country.

As the first Macron, the first visit to the Pacific Island country in history, the goal of this trip is to try to alleviate the unification and independent conflict of French overseas territoryIt is to show the French Indo -Pacific strategy and provide the "third choice" of China and the United States in the region.

After Wanuatu's itinerary, Macron immediately visited Papua New Guinea afterwards, and may reach security cooperation with the country during the period.(Previously, the United States had signed defense cooperation with Papua New Guinea. It is reported that it will open 6 military bases for the United States for 15 years.)

As a former colonial owner, it is a wise choice to warn your former colony to be careful of "new imperialism", although Macron is a wise choice for Macron's "French version of the Indo -Pacific Strategy".

Since China ’s crackdown has traditionally been traditionally belonged to the back garden in Australia and New Zealand, and signed a security cooperation agreement with the Solomon Islands, English -speaking countries inside and outside the region and Japan quickly expanded their diplomatic work to the Pacific Island countries that had been ignored in the past.After the United States' Security Cooperation Agreement was reached, it quickly established the "Blue Pacific Partner Program" consisting of five English -speaking countries, Britain, Britain, and Australia, and the United States, Britain, Britain, and Australia.-The Pacific Island State Summit, reconstructed the embassies in many countries in the district, visited the district frequently -this week, US Minister of Internal Affairs Hamlan, Secretary of State Brills, and National Defense Minister Austin visited the district countries.

For a while, this group of beautiful beaches and seemingly far away from the vulgar island nations have become the battlefields of the Greater Power of China and the United States.Of course, people remember the misery of the war here during World War II (some of the relics have become a tourist attraction today), and they are worried that they will eventually become a cannon fodder under the competition of great powers one day.

At present, whether it is China or the United States, the intervention in the district is mainly non -military projects.When Austin visited Papua New Guinea, it also stated that the United States had no intention of establishing a long -term military base in the country.The island nations who have favored the great powers also have a greater political stage to promote international cooperation projects they care about, especially in response to climate change.

However, "left and right" and "difficult to be a man" are often only the difference between the front line.Here, Macron, who has refused to join the "Blue Pacific Partner Program" in the United States, has become the "insurance plan" that the Pacific islands can buy.

In fact, France still has many overseas territories in the Pacific Ocean, making France a country with the largest economic exclusive district in the region.France also has nearly 1.6 million people and 7,000 garrison here.Macron has also positioned France as the Pacific country.

Nevertheless, it is literally that France in the Pacific country is only the remaining colonial history. France's geopolitical influence in the region is very limited.It is this point that gives France a special neutral position.On the one hand, Macron secretly criticized China, and on the other hand, it prevented NATO from extending its forces to the Pacific West Bank. It did highlight its national positioning between China and the United States.

For Macron, the ultimate goal of its Indo -Pacific strategy is of course to unify the power of the entire European Union or Europe. Through France's sovereignty in the Pacific region, it will evolve Europe into a Chinese and American and American.The "third pole of the world" in the shoulder.However, in fact, only in the old European colonial countries, only France still has such a dream.Even Germany had expressed his intention to join the "Blue Pacific Partnership Program" in the United States and talked to the United States.

Therefore, all countries in the district know that even in the sky, even if they are interested, they will be unable to establish the strength of comparison with China and the United States.However, there is a "third bachelor" such as France, but these countries can intervene in the United States when they need it when they need it.

Macron certainly knows that this is a real situation.The reason why its "new imperialist" remark does not name any country is to show France's "flexibility".In individual situations, this can be China or the United States, and it is France who is willing to help countries in the district to resist any party.

For the Pacific Island Countries, this is the main purpose of being willing to accept the politics of France's participation in the area of the district.For Macron, this is probably just to establish the third pole in Europe through France.But at this moment, the purpose of the former forms a rather match with the latter's means.