From February 2022, a superpower, a strong country with the second military strength in the world, and a nuclear weapon, has also threatened to use nuclear weapons for nuclear countries, and the territory has repeatedly expandThe world's largest but not satisfied country, once again "adopting special military operations."Unlike those "good people" who have been invaded millions of square kilometers but always make excuses for the invaders, they are more than those who are bullied and aggressive in the weak country.The thieves were unexpected, this time Ukraine even resisted, and all kinds of satiricals had followed.Because of the strength of others, it just reverses his poor and sadness; the righteous resistance of others just reveals his contempt.Those who are lying under the shadow of power for a lifetime, of course, cannot understand the value of national freedom and anti -aggression war.Supporting the invaders has become a sin that should be verbally cut, which is really a big glue.

Since Russia's full invasion of Ukraine, the largest war in Europe has caused hundreds of thousands of people's casualties after World War II.Of the 40 million Ukrainian population, about half of them were forced to escape from their homes and displaced them.This unprecedented humanitarian disaster, many people do not care, or selectively derived, and once other countries provide assistance to the innocent invading country in Ukraine, and provide weaponsThe people live and die. "These "sense of justice" can always find support for the invaders in a strange direction.

In the review released on the official website of the United Nations on December 31, 2022, it is clearly mentioned that "credible reports show that since the invasion of Ukraine, the Russian armed forces have used clustering ammunition in the dense population of Ukraine, resulting in a large numberCivilian casualties. By the end of the year, UN human rights agencies have verified more than 17,000 casualties locally, and the number of real deaths and injuries may be much higher than this. "Of course, many people will still be blind.

Now the United States "in response to Ukraine's own request" provides a bundle bomb. Not only is Russian officials immediately "condemned the United States to provide a bundle bomb for Ukraine ... the crime of committing war", people who opposed other countries also jumped out immediately.It turned out that Russia used a bundle bomb in "Ukraine, a foreign territory". Now the Ukrainian Minister of Defense Leznikov promises that "no bundle bombs will be used in Russia, it will only be used to liberate the Ukrainian region occupied by the Russian army."It has become the object of condemnation.This logic is generally: he holds a knife to rape you. Of course, this is not good, but you also take a knife to resist him, that is, you are not right. After all, it is a weapon.You can't move the knife.

It is impossible to participate, such as Russia, a country that has always been peaceful in Russia. However, the United States, Ukraine, and even China have not participated. How to use a bundle bomb to crack down on the invaders?It is said that Russian President Putin had made it clear that Singapore had various destruction methods half a year ago ... When Singapore's territory is threatened, we will of course use all the means we control to protect the Russian and Singapore people. "The problem is that in Putin's eyes, "Singapore's Territory" will always be accidentally drawn in other countries.He can "take special military operations" as he wants. He even use nuclear weapons to threaten a nuclear -free country like Ukraine, and Ukraine has been guaranteed by Russia and many great powers when he abandoned nuclear weapons many years ago.An aggression like Putin, who has no bottom line, can't do anything?

Russia invaded a sovereign country. There is only one fastest solution for this incident, that is, the invaders roll home early.When the great Chinese pioneer Mr. Chen Jiageng, when the war in Japan invaded China, it clearly put forward a proposal to "the enemy before the enemy was out of the country, and the traitor".Essence

Fortunately, the Singapore government's judgment on the war is also very clear, and invasion is invasion. This should also receive the support of all Chinese people.Otherwise, today we make excuses for a good country to invade the weak country, and the next victim may be ourselves.In this unrighteous war, Ukraine was the greatest victim, but the unjust war of militarism also made Russian young people a cannon fodder and victim of Putin's personal ambitions and desires.The most threatened threat to the bomb is naturally the ignorance and innocent Russian soldier who acts as an invaders on the battlefield.They can awaken early and abandon this unjust battle in other country's territory. Putting down the swordsmen is the only way for their bones to smell in the exotic.

The author is a literary and historical worker, religious researcher