Source: Global Times

Author: Wu Qiubei

"Back to the motherland, Unicom world" is not only the requirements of the central government, the advantages of Hong Kong, but also the work that the SAR government has always been promoting.However, recently, individual articles have discredited the so -called "de -internationalization" in Hong Kong, and maliciously put "internationalization" with "national security" on the opposite side; in addition, some people put the development of Hong Kong's economy and maintaining national security on the opposite side.Let's not guess who is the "de -internationalization". Why are they spreading this absurdity that does not attack?Hong Kong has experienced turbulence and suffering. It has a deeper lesson and cognition for national security and economic development.

In 2019, Hong Kong's "black storm" was raging, everyone was in danger, and many ordinary citizens were also intimidated and attacked. Store banking, patriotic groups, and even legislators were affected by violence.Standard Chartered and HSBC published the entire version of the advertisements in newspapers, calling on the society to oppose violence and maintain the status of Hong Kong's international financial center.This kind of street violence is the British and American agents. The act of the purpose of disrupted Hong Kong and overthrowing the "one country, two systems" and endangering national sovereignty, security, and fundamental interests is the evil disease of the Hong Kong National Security Law.The National Security Law of Hong Kong is like a needle of the sea god, maintaining and stabilizing Hong Kong's safe, efficient, open, and international business environment.This is obvious and in line with international practice. Why is there a "de -internationalization" worry?Really weird yin and yang, weird things!As for the maintenance of national security to the so -called "seven or eight achievements", it is even more ridiculous to do more to "pay a greater price".Maintaining national security must not be missing two less.The lack of 20 % of the national security, can people say such words be guaranteed?In other words, can it be exchanged for Hong Kong to "internationalization" with sacrifice "two -30 % security"?This is obviously nonsense of the cause and effect.

After the Hong Kong National Security Law landed, some people still endured, lurking in a "soft confrontation" manner, and continued to try to confuse the citizens and spread the idea of "anti -China -China chaos" and "Hong Kong independence".Once the string of national security is relaxed, it is likely to make them organic.We must not have the pain, and the national security must be a long -awaited bell."The wise is not cute, and the wise map is suffering from the future." For extreme thoughts and terrorism, it must be crackled early. This is what any responsible government should do.Especially in today's flooding of terrorism, European and American countries attach great importance to national security and counter -terrorism work. Who is because they are worried that they will affect their "internationalization" and make less national security and counter -terrorism related work?In fact, European and American countries, especially the United States, the most concepts of "national security".Washington has repeatedly used "security reasons" as an excuse for sanctions and cracking down on dissidents.Those who say that Hong Kong is "de -internationalization" will not say that the United States is "going to internationalization" because their heads have already equated the United States with "internationalization".

Back to Hong Kong, the "internationalization" of Hong Kong must be based on the premise of comprehensively and accurately implementing the "one country, two systems" and maintaining national security. There is no so -called "to prevent the opening of the" Color Revolution ".The stronger the national security work in Hong Kong, the stronger the national concept and national security awareness of citizens, and the greater the space for Hong Kong to open to the outside world.For example, if some homes often secretly engage in "Hong Kong independence" activities, it is likely to be banned from participating in international activities in the name of "Hong Kong, China" and even disqualified.Hong Kong can participate in and hold various international events and conferences as formal and separate members and "Hong Kong, China". The premise is the "one country, two systems" first based on "one country".

Furthermore, Hong Kong's "internationalization" is not the same as "full westernization".Hong Kong is an international bridge, which integrates things and penetrates Chinese and foreign.Some Hong Kong people are still disabled, and their thoughts are still in the era of colonial.Taking "full westernization" as "internationalization" and "western values" as "universal values", they think that the relative proportion of "westernization" has decreased, that is, the degree of "internationalization" is declining.In fact, Hong Kong is not "de -westernization" now, nor is it "de -internationalization", but to improve the "non -Western" part, make Hong Kong's plate larger, and serve a larger "international" service.For example, at the questioning meeting of the Chief Executive's Interactive Exchange, I have discussed how to build Hong Kong into a training base for international legal talents in China and foreign countries.The law system contained in "China and Foreign International" is not only the common law of the British and American law system, but also the continental law of the European law.Hong Kong does not want to deny the normal law or "to the common law", but to further understand other law departments and establish a broader international perspective.Hong Kong needs to have a higher level and more magnificent opening up. It is not only open to "Western", but also to be open to "non -Western". Such "internationalization" is an inevitable trend in the future.Stable.

Similarly, because of the colonial thinking of some officials, the degree of Uniminalarians in Hong Kong and the Mainland insufficiently hindered Hong Kong to a certain extent.When we make adjustments and make up for the shortcomings in this area, some people think that Hong Kong "only look inside."In fact, the economic development of Hong Kong has been closely related to the Mainland for a long time.Many multinational companies set up bases in Hong Kong to open up a huge market in the Mainland.At the beginning of this year, the Chief Executive of the SAR "During the Middle East", the Middle East mentioned that the Middle East attached great importance to the unique advantages and opportunities of Hong Kong's "back to the motherland and the world of Unicom", including the country's "Belt and Road" initiative, the development of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area, etc.EssenceCooperation with the Mainland is the prerequisite for creating international opportunities for Hong Kong.Without the advantages of the motherland, Hong Kong's attractiveness to the international community will be greatly reduced.

In fact, due to the colonial aggression and rule of more than 100 years in the West, the actual problems in Hong Kong's society are the setting of Western thinking that has been reserved for a long time, and it is by no means "too much".The question of internationalization.Only the western horse is too much to look at and the country's concept is too small, which is the problem that Hong Kong really needs to improve.

The SAR government, led by the Chief Executive, has always promoted the internationalization of Hong Kong with the support of the central government. No officials have always said that Hong Kong's internationalization will undermine national security.Where does it come from?Some people have discredited Hong Kong for many years and slandered Hong Kong. The most important thing for us is to do our best to let the world understand Hong Kong and understand the unique advantages of Hong Kong without wasting time entanglement with them.

The author is a member of the Hong Kong Legislative Council and the president of the Hong Kong Federation of Industry and Industry