Source: Taiwan China Times Society

Chen Changwen, Luo Zhiqiang and others were scolding in the wild, and they scolded all the time, emphasizing that the Kuomintang "Da Da" must have the party and the soul of the party.He also proudly said that he "dare not tell confidence, the previous festival is chaotic, and now he is running as a camp." The host asked what to do if he was defeated.Sure enough, Wen Tianxiang's tragic feelings of "who has no death since ancient times, leave Dan Xin's heart".But today is the 21st century. Facing democratic elections, it is necessary to be pragmatic and pragmatic to win the election.

Do not rise in their own internal fighting

Jin Xicong must think about the two issues. First, is the Kuomintang still the "big party"?Second, can the Kuomintang votes be more than half alone?There is nothing wrong. The Kuomintang is a century -old party. In Taiwan for 70 years, Jiang Zhongzheng led a 600,000 army to defend Taiwan. Jiang Jingguo created Taiwan's economic miracle. Li Denghui completed the democratic tranquility revolution and contributed many.At that time, the Kuomintang not only had absolute power, but also received most public opinion support.

After the President's direct election, although the Kuomintang lost its political power, it successfully recaptured in 2008 and opened a short revival years.At that time, Jin Jicong, as a long -term staff and relative of Ma Ying -jeou, served as the Secretary -General of the Kuomintang, a representative of the United States, and Secretary -General of the National Security Council.Although the Kuomintang at that time faced the strong cup of the opposition party and struggled with the supervision of all kinds of social movements, he had absolutely adopt a majority in the Legislative Yuan, and the party's authority could still be reluctant to maintain it.Kim's assessment of the Kuomintang's strength may still stay at that time.

But the reality is cruel. In the 2016 election, the traditional blue camp was divided into two groups. Zhu Lilun's voting rate was only 31.04%, and the Democratic Party Song Chuyu was 12.83%.The voting rate creates the most embarrassing record.The "post -pillar storm" in the nomination stage before the election has made the Kuomintang Central Committee's prestige.The 2020 election South Korea Yu created a "Korean Wave" counterattack, but in the end, only 38.61%of votes were obtained. The Votes of the Democratic Party collapsed. A large number of middle voters fell to Tsai Ing -wen.The results of the two elections show that the Blue Camp votes have decreased by one time, the basic market is less than 40%, and the DPP has stabilized more than half. From this perspective, the Kuomintang is no longer the "big party".

Liech the Democratic Progressive Party in the wild

After the DPP is fully governed, the absolute majority of the Congress will be used to legislate and liquidate the Kuomintang Party. Although the means is rude but effective, the Kuomintang has fallen into a financial difficulties.Fortunately, the Kuomintang's grass -roots strengths are still there. In 2018 and 2018, the Kuomintang has won twice and nine -in -one elections. The Kuomintang has won greatly. Currently, of the 22 county mayors, the Kuomintang has 14 seats, the DPP has 5 seats, 1 of the people party, 2 seats for no party membership, no party membership 2 seats.This is why many people still hope for the Kuomintang's copy of 2008 experience to return to governance.It is just that the results of the two elections in 2018 and 2022 show that the victory of the Kuomintang local elections does not mean that the national elections will win, and voters will have a tendency to "split voting".

The reason for interpretation is related to the political climate at home and abroad, and it does not rule out the factors of strong local and weak local and weak central government.The local forces have their own interests and ideas. The Central Party Department not only makes it difficult to get out of the door, but also has difficulty in coordination. This time, Hou Youyi is running.EssenceJin Yicong believes that the little knife is returning, and the objection will be cleaned in one fell swoop. He forgot that the Kuomintang is no longer that year, and the self -expansion will only destroy itself.

The DPP has been in power for 7 years, and the employment has only relatives and corruption.In the past two presidential elections, the Kuomintang's votes have not exceeded 40%. Recently, all the credible poll data shows that the Kuomintang's basic disk is between 25%and 30%.Under the pattern of the three -legged supervisor, it is equivalent to keeping the Democratic Progressive Party's new authority and continuing to govern. This is the painstaking efforts of Chen Changwen and Luo Zhiqiang to propose the "political party rotation alliance".The China Times was published on April 11 the need for the people's need for the people. It advocated that the opposition party took "anti -corruption" as the main axis of the election campaign and pulled the DPP in one fell swoop.

The people's minds have changed, and Jin Xicong's anti -individual legislators to destroy Hou Youyi overall situation. It is understandable, but the Kuomintang is no longer a "big party".How to organize the joint government in the future can the opportunity to realize the party rotation and let the people live a good life.