Source: Global Times

Author: Zhao Junjie

Spain has recently held parliamentary elections in advance, but none of the political parties have obtained an absolute majority.The Right -wing People's Party obtained a seat of 136 House of Representatives, an increase of 12%from the previous session, becoming the largest party of the parliament.The emerging right -wing voice party received 33 seats, with a voting rate of 12.39%.Earlier, the People's Party and the Corporation had a joint governance experience in some local elections in Spain. The results of this election were conducive to the two parties alliance at the national level, and then strived for governing power.So, can the Spanish right -wing parties compensate after the election?Will the Spanish election lead to the upper right wing of Europe?

The Spanish election should have been held in December this year. As the ruling Workers' Socialist Party failed in the local elections in May, it was forced to take the strategy of breaking the boat in advance.Surprisingly, the voting rate of the Workers' Party was only 31.7%, and only 122 seats were obtained.According to the rules of the general election, as the People's Party of the largest party of the parliament, it has the right to organize the cabinet, which is extremely detrimental to the Workers' Party.However, in fact, both the two major parties have problems, and they are unlikely to succeed easily.For the right -wing party, the People's Party added only 169 seats for the call party, and the 176 seats required to be separated from the pavilion were still 7 seats.For the left -wing parties, the Workers' Party added only 153 seats for the "Sumar" (15 left -wing small party alliances).Therefore, some media predict that the "suspended parliament" may occur in the Spanish election. When the final period of August 24th came, it was difficult to produce the cabinet in the pavilion.

No matter what the election will occur, there are a few points of the Political situation in Spain:

First of all, the election fully shows that the phenomenon of fragmentation of the Spanish political party is becoming more serious.Since the Franco regime fell in the mid -1970s, Spain entered a new stage of democratic politics.The right of the Right -wing People's Party and the left -wing workers take turns governing. Generally speaking, a big party plus a small party can ensure the success of the cabinet.But to this day, just like the two major Germans and Civil Affairs Alliances and the Social Democratic Party, there are more problems, and Spain is no exception.The German government is a joint group of the three parties, indicating that the political political party's politics has also been fragmented.If the party attributes and political claims are divided, the Spanish left -wing party is expected to reach 172 seats, and the right -wing party is expected to reach 171 seats.In the case of evenly matched, the seats obtained by the Spanish local party have become the focus of competition between the two sides and the vital "balance".

Secondly, from the perspective of governing political achievements and political claims, the Spanish People's Party and the Workers' Party have their own advantages and their own shorts.During the administration of the right of the right of the right, the unemployment rate of youth was high. It pursued the fiscal tightening policy, reduced social benefits, had a slow economic growth, and there were many social problems.During the ruling period of the left -wing workers, we paid attention to the class rights and interests of the workers, increased the minimum wages, adopted a pragmatic and mild social improvement line to promote the transformation of economy to green and digital.The advantage of the right ruling party is to control finance and develop steadily; the advantage of the left -wing ruling party is to lead Spain to recover from the economic crisis. The disadvantage is that the fiscal deficit expands and has a soft attitude towards the Spanish nation.On the performance of the ruling period, the Spanish left -wing worker party party must be stronger than the Right -wing People's Party.However, the new advantage of right -wing parties now is that the mainstream politics of Europe today turn right, and the right -wing party is more popular.However, although the right -wing party has received more attention, its populism claims, such as expelinary immigrants, banning national separatist parties, and opposition to accepting refugees, but have been criticized.Therefore, whether the People's Party and the Right -wing Corporation can successfully all alliances have become a problem.

Once again, Spain, as a big country in Europe, once the election has a tendency to turn right, it will inevitably have a linkage effect on European right -wing politics.In recent years, the European energy crisis, immigration crisis, debt crisis, economic crisis, and anti -globalization trends have risen, making extremely right -wing populism and "suspicious Europeanism".From the "National Alliance" of the "National Alliance" of the two elections in France, to the Palace of the Palace, to the German Right -wing to select the party to become the third largest party of the parliament; from the Swedish Right -wing Democratic Party to the Parliament's second largest party, to the leading party leader of the Italian right -wingNiger is elected as the Italian Prime Minister; from the Austrian Liberal Party to the Poland's Justice Party, etc., these European Right -wing parties gradually become a climate and will definitely have a major in the future of European integration and European political economy, diplomatic defense, and social and cultural fields.Influence.

Given that Spain has become the new rotating chairman of the European Union, a series of uncertainty brought by Russia and Ukraine's conflict to European geopolitics is not surprising that the Spanish election has received widespread attention.If the two major political parties in Spain launched a fierce battle around the cabinet, the domestic political bureau was turbulent, and a new government could not be successfully generated, then the EU's attention of electricity price reform, green manufacturing recovery, and Ukrainian refugee issues, which will not only be delayed for a long time, but also EuropePolitical unity will also face unprecedented pressure.

The author is a researcher at the European Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences