Source: United Daily News

After the Kuomintang officially nominated Hou Youyi as a presidential candidate, Guo Taiming wrote a long article that "Although there are millions of people going to", suggesting that he will continue his own way.In the past few months, Guo Taiming has held a conference, worshiping temples, meeting local characters, and even visiting the United States and Japan. He has never stopped.But as his president's dream desire is becoming stronger, his support has gradually declined.At present, the blue and white camp is worried that he will destroy the opportunity to cooperate in the field to cooperate in the field. Guo Taiming should worry that the good image he donated by the vaccine is about to disappear.

Every time Guo Taiming builds a terrain in various places, a group of people holding a "integrity" brand like a shadow, reminding him to forget to obey his commitment to the Kuomintang.This idea, the Kuomintang has never publicly said it, but it is actually the common feelings of many people.When Guo Taiming fought for nominations on April 18, he sincerely asked "please give me 30 days" to prove that he was prepared.When the Kuomintang was often called Hou Youyi on May 17, Guo Taiming said that he would keep his promise and support Hou Youyi to win.However, after a lapse of half a month, he performed the unpleasant "Oath Mountain League" in Kinmen and the Civil Party, and said the next day he said what he forgot.

Guo Dong is a veteran of the business community, but he is a recruit in politics. He regards the word "integrity" so lightly. It is difficult for the general public to accept.If you can speak in the election, you will have no letter in the future.Guo Dongyou walked between blue and white, and on the surface, he seemed to promote the cooperation between the people and the people. In fact, he only wanted to "be the boss" and asked the two parties to give up.Therefore, in July, he reported that he wanted to "mergers and acquisitions" the people's party, and then reported that he asked Ke Wenzhe to "let the elder brother do four years first", which detonated the dissatisfaction of the people's party. Ke Wenzhe was so scared that he couldn't answer the call.

In any democratic country, even if there are rich and powerful rich people, who dares to rush the world to say the "merger and acquisition" party?However, some people around Guo Taiming released such a message, as if the merger and acquisition of the party "can be rich", which is stunning.The initiative of "let the elder brother do four years first" also has similar logic: the power is privately determined. As for the public opinion, it has nothing to do with the macro.Guo Taiming treated the people's party like a "younger brother", and he nominated the Kuomintang as "knocking on the stepping" and the rudeness of abandonment, all violated the equality principles of democratic politics and the political spirit of political parties.

Guo Taiming may think that as long as you wear a flag hat and call off the DPP to make a bad words to the Kuomintang, you can keep your own "positive blue anti -green" image and get the pan -blue voters and middle from April to date, his road has become narrower.Before April, Guo Taiming asked Jin Yicong: Suitable for being King or Kingmaker?Jin Yicong replied that "the creation of the king".But Guo Taiming did not respond again, showing that "being king" was what he thought.Guo Taiming also responded yesterday that when Kingmaker was "too falling"!How strong Guo Taiming's presidential dream is, it can be seen.No matter how roundabout is twists and turns, his goal is that throne, even if it seems quite illusory in the outside world.

What is important is how Guo Taiming now persuades voters: he is more suitable for president than other three party candidates?This is obviously not easy.As mentioned earlier, he lost his trust in the Kuomintang several times in the primaries, showing that he lacks respect for the rules of game rules of democratic politics; the process of seeking allies in the process of seeking allies, and he has degraded the dignity of the people's party, highlighting his self -proclaimed high -ranking person who is a senior person who is a senior person.The authoritarian mentality.In the eyes of voters, these performances will reduce the legitimacy and fairness of his leader.If Guo Dong vowed to pull off the DPP who had abolished power, but he might be more centralized than the other party. Can the people rest assured?

More to be discussed that Guo Taiming dug the blue camp wall in the local area, and the target he attacked whether it was Yan Qingbiao in Taichung or Zhang Rongwei of Yunlin, Pingtung's Zhou Dian, etc., all of which were traditional local familiesThe factions may not be the power of the Kuomintang reform.If Guo Taiming can only rely on the support of such traditional politicians, he will lack the persuasiveness of the ruling party, and also lacks the far -reaching justice that calls for reform.

Guo Taiming's ambition to chase the president's dream is great, but in the eyes of the people, it is actually deeply disturbed!