Source: Wangbao Society Review

The high -level dialogue between the United States and Middle -level has gradually recovered, but the tension between the two countries has not seen cooling. China invites the 100 -year -old Riki Singh who promotes the reconciliation and establish diplomatic relations and build diplomatic relations to Beijing to celebrate the birth.In addition to the contribution of China relations, there is also the meaning of conveying messages to the United States and the international community through flexible diplomacy.

Each US government has reiterated the policy position in the first China, but in the eyes of Beijing, today's "No. 1 Middle" and the "One Middle School" of the Shanghai Bulletin in 1972 are not the same as before.The Bayeng government emphasized not to support Taiwan's independence, opposed any side to change the current situation of the Taiwan Strait, and encouraged both parties to solve the differences in a peaceful way.Taiwan is a part of China. "

The Shanghai Bulletin opened the gate of the United States and China, and it is also one of Kissinger's most important diplomatic achievements. China is Kissinger's birthday. It is nothing more than Kissinger told US officials that "Taiwan is Taiwan's Taiwan."Kissinger frankly stated that neither China and the United States could bear the price of each other as their opponents.Kissinger Nianz is in that the Taiwan issue is the fuse of the conflict of the United States and China. The two sides must use wisdom to eliminate the principles of misunderstanding, and adhere to the principle of peaceful coexistence. The fundamental way is to return to the Shanghai commissions.

When Kissinger visited Beijing, former US President Trump was interviewed by Foss TV and asked whether he would send troops to defend Taiwan.Not conducive to the US negotiation position.But he turned around, "Taiwan snatched our chip work. In the past, we could make it by ourselves. Now it is made by Taiwan, and 90%are made in Taiwan." It emphasizes that "Taiwan has snatched our business.It should stop them, we should have imposed tariffs on them. "

Trump -style conversations may be often known, but Taiwanese cannot be ignored. He is currently a leader in the 2024 US presidential election and Republican party. It may be President of President Bayeon on behalf of the Republican Party challenge.The possibility of Trump returned to governing may be that his view may be the policy of the next US government, and Taiwan cannot take it lightly.

Trump used to be metaphorized by Taiwan but his nib is large. His extreme anti -China policy does not represent support for Taiwan, but will allow Taiwan to face greater risk of war.Under the principles of unilateralism, protectionism, and populism, the interests of the United States and "making the United States great again" are his primary political and economic goals, and at all costs to achieve this goal.

What should be alert is that the Tsai Ing -wen government fully cooperates with the United States' trade and scientific and technological war on China, and even easily allows the introduction of the "Guo Guo Shenshan" ace.Return.Biden did not thank Taiwan when he gave a speech at TSMC's Arizona Factory. Instead, he talked about the return of the US manufacturing industry. The United States' union workers were the best. As his personal major achievements and political capital.

Trump is even more outrageous, and actually claims that Taiwan has snatched the American chip manufacturing industry. In the future, taxation should be taxed. The DPP government eats Huang Lian.According to the refutation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs only stated that Taiwan and the United States have close exchanges with economic and trade cooperation, and the economic and trade and industrial structures of the two parties are complementary and mutually beneficial, and have no comment on Trump's speech.

The United States and China may have a war due to the Taiwan issue. It is the focus of global geopolitics today. The United States has repeatedly stated that the invasion of Taiwan in mainland China is not imminent, but also to avoid it. Beijing still takes peace and reunification.The most important task is not unity, but to crack down on Taiwan independence and requires the United States to implement the policy of the first Chinese middle school without supporting Taiwan independence.

Former Australian Prime Minister and the current ambassador to the United States, Lu Kewen recently stated that everyone's common goal is to avoid crisis, conflicts and war due to Taiwan problems.The war that his work could avoid last year advocated strategic competition in the United States and China to reduce risks and even prevent war.The United States and China have recently actively strengthened communication, effectively controlled the risks, and strengthening crisis treatment are efforts in this direction. The responsibility of the United States and China seems to have a consensus on the issue of Taiwan.However, the situation of the Taiwan Strait is strange. At present, in the face of the two major variables of the presidential elections in Taiwan and the United States, Trump will be an unpredictable "black swan" if he won the next year's election.