Source: Xinjing News

Author: Li Kangni

According to media reports, recently, the "Runner Restaurant" in the West Shuangshuang version of Yunnan was investigated and punished.After investigation, from April to July this year, a restaurant in the Xishuang Version of Yunnan hired a number of male actors to feed consumers in the restaurant, dancing with consumers, showing consumers with teasing performances, etc.There are still minors watching the scene.At present, the local cultural and tourism bureau has filed a case for investigation.

Many netizens who have watched related videos said that they can feel the greasy feeling full of wipe through the screen.In the video, some actors are naked on their upper body, showing muscles, and some of them are explicit and so on.

In the tourist area, the restaurant hopes to increase interaction and "atmosphere" through entertainment performances, creating a unique consumer experience for customers, thereby increasing popularity and passenger flow. Of course, it is understandable.Especially in the Internet era, some marketing ideas can make restaurants quickly "out", attract more people to punch -in experience, and achieve differentiated competition.

However, marketing cannot be too outrageous, let alone break through the border of public order and customs.The practice of restaurants involved is to intend to make vulgar performances into its own "signboard".It is not difficult to see from the evaluation of netizens on various social platforms that many people do not eat for dinner, but to "pursue stimuli".

Even more worrying is that the restaurant has no access restrictions on the age of customers, nor does it need to remind the performance content.In fact, the vulgar performance content of these "spicy eyes" does not meet the age of minors, and even mislead their gender awareness and value.

As the relevant departments have pointed out after the investigation, the behavior of the site has been suspected of violating the provisions of Article 25 (5) of the Regulations on the Management of Business Performance, and the performance content is suspected of having harmful social morality or outstanding national cultural traditions.The restaurant involved was obviously not injustice.Relevant departments decisively shot, which is also conducive to the effects of effects, prevent more merchants from following the trend of similar vulgar marketing models, and reiterate the boundaries of legal compliance operations.

It is worth noting that all kinds of chaos of the "male restaurant" was discovered during the local first -phase centralized case handling activity.Earlier, from April to July this year, the restaurant has provided several months of explicit performances, and these performances have been forwarded by netizens.

Obviously, the discovery of illegal operation in time is the prerequisite for effective supervision in the future.In this regard, on the one hand, the regulatory authorities also need to combine assault inspections with normalized supervision to prevent some illegal operators from passing, "changing a vest" to make a comeback.

On the other hand, it is also necessary to strengthen the communication and cooperation between the network platform and the relevant departments.The author reviewed the customers involved in the restaurant. As early as May of this year, some users pointed out that the male model of the restaurant had excessive physical contact with female guests, and "it was yellow."

In the future, the platform can establish a more convenient and convenient reporting mechanism, and connect with the regulatory authorities in real time, so as to timely take out the explicit "toxic" restaurants in a timely manner.