For three years, the author finally returned to China to visit relatives and friends.Three years of anti -epidemic dreams like a big dream. Today, the land of China seems to sing and dance again. There is no longer health code, a itinerary, no longer forced mask order, and no longer anxious for antipyretic medicine.Abandoned nucleic acid detection kiosk.Tourism is gradually recovering.On the night of the city, young people lined up on the street to taste some kind of net red snacks, popular restaurants entrances, etc., such as every summer evening in the past.

In the past three years, the United States has always been a huge existence in the hearts of Chinese people.From the origin of the virus to the effectiveness of the vaccine, to the price of "special effects" in the black market in China, it is a matter of concern to the Chinese people.The author meets different classes and cognitive relatives and friends, and can also feel the complexity of the United States in the hearts of Chinese people. This kind of mood is constantly colliding with some of the Chinese media's systematic propaganda on the United StatesThinking, or confused.

There are not many people who have experience in passports and international travel and exchange.Still enjoying some special status. Different cultures are actually gathered to the United States with the tide of immigration. Different information and research results are largely spread in English.The influential elite's perception of the world is naturally comparable to the underlying "red neck".

The situation in China is obviously more complicated.The author meets and talks about relatives and friends at different social levels at different occasions and at different social levels. I feel that the Chinese people's negative impressions of the United States are mainly concentrated in these aspects: 1. The American shooting is frequent, and life is not security; 2. The American racial discrimination is serious, AsiaThe descent is bullied; 3. The black American "zero yuan purchase" (this is a very cute Chinese word).It should be said that during the epidemic, there may be "the United States' comprehensive failure", like the impression of human hell, but in this summer, the words about the failure of the United States in resistance in the United States, at least in the author's experience, no one has mentioned it anymore.Essence

Instead of this, the author of the author has been a "big white" junior as a "volunteer", and he has no dedication to say that there are many cases of suicide and sexual assault of the community during the ban, as well as the tragedy of the transshipment buses fell late at night.

For the previous three items that may be typical to the Chinese, I tried to explain that I have always been an opponent who lacks restrictions in the use of American guns, but it must also be explained that in addition to news media reports, the United States is generally in the United States.Human daily life is still peaceful, and most people's guns are in a privacy and hidden state.In communities in ordinary small and medium -sized cities, there is really no difference in locking doors when going out. For children's security measures, such as the Amber warning system of mobile phones, it should be far beyond China.

Racial discrimination is the disease of American society, but during this complex game, when the Supreme Court of the United States decided to consider racial factors in June this year, many Chinese people also celebrated each other.Even in China, between urban and rural areas, metropolis and small places, as well as discrimination in gender and age, it can be said to be everywhere.Recruitment advertising openly lists the upper limit of age. For example, if a doctoral graduation must not exceed 35 years, it is an example. This is not only illegal in the United States, but also because of violations of academic and educational laws.

The contradiction between black and white in the United States has a long history, but the violent ransy malls have only happened in a very few large cities so far.It is natural to be biased.

The phenomenon that the author really pays attention is that most Chinese people have lived in the simplified Chinese world due to the single source of information, and most of them live in the world, and they will gradually produce a twist and unrealistic view of the world.For example, the vast majority of Chinese people do not know the wide use of credit cards in Western society for many years. The functions of accumulating personal credit, the benefits of cash return, and the significance of at least as an important option."It is the only criterion in the world.Some friends will naturally issue such questions "Does Americans don't use WeChat?" I do not know that Americans also use WeChat, but more people are free to choose among many global social software.The technical means are really original in China.

Before the epidemic, the author was shocked by the question of "Is there a highway in the United States in the United States" by relatives of his hometown.Relatives in rural areas driving private cars on a wide and straight highway, which lamented the great progress in China for decades, but the ignorance and pride from this did not make people appreciate.

The problem is that on the one hand, it is rapid development and change, including the government's real investment in environmental protection and people's livelihood, and on the other hand is insufficient information and knowledge.This asymmetry will make the Chinese world imagine more complacent and arrogant, and some people even have the an illusion of Chinese survival.The fact is that China is no longer the largest importer in the United States. The total imports from China have only accounted for 13.4%of the total imports of the United States. Even if the daily consumer goods from China are imposed on tariffs, the impact on the inflation in the United States is alsoFew.Conversely, the United States exports to China with very important people's livelihood agricultural products with a very small agricultural population and efficient agricultural production, and the US chip ban can "stuck" China's "neck".It's hard to say.

Fortunately, there are sober heads.The author also encounters different ages, including the elderly who are over 80 years old. Frankly acknowledge that China cannot surpass the United States at least in the short term, and does not have to deliberately compete with the United States.Due to the economic and technological advantages accumulated in the United States for many years, and the rainbow effects of talents around the world, it can still lead the world for a long time. Many Chinese people who are sober minds understand this.Due to work reasons, friends in South America and Africa also talked about the decline of the Confucius Institute in South America within a few years.

The author also wants to point out that the American educational system emphasizes and encourages innovation, attaches importance to the freedom and circulation of information, and guarantees academic discussion of freedom.The fundamental perspective of systems and culture has led the United States to some extent.In the university where the author is located, when evaluating the professor every year, you must ask if you have "innovation" in teaching methods and means.This and what the author hear, China's basic education suppression of children's personality, the pursuit of uniform pursuit, and suppressing children's lively and natural practices with campus safely, strict training for teaching and scientific research practitioners, in colleges and universities, in colleges and universitiesWith national control of projects and funds, and administrators' pursuit of abnormal pursuit of publications and the number of published quantities, administrators are very different.In the parents who suffer from the "inner volume", even if they are arrogant, they have to admit that the education of their children is not ideal.

The author believes that the United States and any society can be rationally criticized and examined, but all this cannot replace and block the difficulty of "opening to the world" that China started from more than a hundred years ago.For the Chinese Empire, it is not easy to admit and study the advantages or characteristics of others, but under the guidance of the media that liberate public opinion, it is not difficult to return blindness and pride, especially in some high -tech means developing rapidly, infrastructure infrastructure, infrastructure, infrastructureThe current is changing.The Chinese proud of the "mobile phone to complete various payment, which is convenient for too much (a friend's original words)" actually causes the serious inconvenience of foreign visitors and even Chinese -born relatives. This may also be ignored by the "China Center" vision.Essence

The harmonious coexistence of China and the United States and even the outside world depends to a large extent on the rational cognition of the Chinese people in the real outside world, as well as technical tolerance and acceptance, rather than creating internal convenience and refusal to the outside world to refuse to the outside world.People are gap.

The author is an associate professor at the Department of History of the Academy of Academy in the United States