Democracy in the field of political science, Cambodia is classified as the type of democratic politics of "military authority rule". It is similar to Egypt, Myanmar, and Sudan. Although there are regular national elections, a few fixed people or single political parties are often used as a few fixed people or single political parties.Long -term governance, they have more military power, and to some extent strictly regulate freedom of speech, and fight against opposition through various means.

The recent election of Cambodia, the People's Party (CPP) led by Hun Sen once again achieved a close to the full number of parliamentary seats.Most of the strengths have been strangled. For example, the candlelight party, which had achieved good results in local elections last year, was not only disqualified from the election, but many important cadres were arrested and jailed.Political asylum of local United Nations agencies.

In addition to mastering military power and political means targeting dissidents, what really allows Honor and CPP for many years, in fact, there is another factor, that is, he has indeed brought Cambodia's economic development to track, the average living standard and 10 10It's much better than the year ago.According to data from the International Monetary Fund, Cambodia's per capita national economic income is about 1,900 US dollars.

Since Cambodia depends on China that depends on China in the economy, research by the Southeast Asian Research Center of the Royal University of Phnom Penh has found that the infrastructure supported by Chinese -funded is not only conducive to the Cambodian public, but also a stable force in the legitimacy of the regime.This is why the Hundon government is almost the first of China, whether it is political or diplomacy.

This election is the seventh national election since 1993. Among the about 9.71 million voters, 125 Congress members must be voted.The free and fair election environment, the independent committee consisting of the Human Rights Expert Group has repeatedly requested to release disagreements and members of the opposition to protect the political and citizen rights of all people, but it does not affect the Hunsen regime.All with the National Unity Party (KUGNP) have been refused to register and cancel the qualifications of politics. The remaining 17 political parties on the votes are essentially "accompanied" nature, creating a democratic appearance of "political party politics". ActuallyThe above is the situation of the CPP winner.

Hongsen, who has been in power for 38 years, confirmed that after confirming that he can continue to solidify the power, it just announced yesterday that he will resign the position of Prime Minister next month, which also means that the procedure for opening Homeshin's succession.The "Royal Prince", who has been specially cultivated since childhood, graduated from West Point Military Academy in the United States, and has a master's degree in economics from New York University and a PhD in the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom., And participated in a number of major policies of the country, and appeared frequently at conferences such as national defense and diplomacy.The results of this year's election are as expected, but people originally thought that Hun Sen would be renewed as the Prime Minister as a transition, allowing Hongmane to serve as the first prime minister, and then retired to the second line by health or other reasons as soon as 2025.His son has been practicing for a few years to avoid the risk of direct succession. On the other hand, there is also the opportunity to start a new second -generation succession.But everything came faster than expected, Hun Sen was anxious to continue the vested interests of the second generation.

In Cambodia ruled by soldiers, in addition to Hun Sen's control of the leaders and leaders of important units, the leaders of the ministries and units are also his own., I am not young. For example, the current Minister of Defense Tea Banh is 77 years old, Foreign Minister Prak Sokhonn, 69 years old, and the land and construction minister, CHA SOPHARA, who is building, built.) 70 -year -old, Minister of Commerce Pan Sorasak, 68 years old, and these Hunson's good buddies have also reached the second generation of succession.The focus of a very worthy of observation is whether the second -generation child led by the old votes will be inserted into various ministries with the role of deputy or secretary on the list of Hongma Big Pavilion.

Some comments actively look at the full replacement successor

Although the difference between military power and monarchy, the people who have the power should be almost the same. How to continue the power of governing power and how to make vested interests endless.Given that this group of "second generations of politics" is closely dependent on the social network, if they can transition smoothly and let the next generation master the development of the country in Cambodia, it is also a good thing for Hongmanen's succession.Help him perform his ability to manage and control.After all, most of the history (especially Chinese history) tells us that the young master is the most taboo old ministers, and the contemporary political struggle is not inferior to ancient court dramas.

For this assumption of this comprehensive replacement, some Western critics and Taiwanese businessmen who are resident in Cambodia actually hold optimistic views. The reason includes Hongma Na is the elite of Western education.Society also understands the rules and trends of international game rules and trends (such as environmental, human rights and other issues).Compared with his father, Hongma Na has a chance to become a pusher of Cambodia's social reform, not a dictator against dissidents.Furthermore, these second generations (also the second generation of the rich) have been worried about eating and wearing, and most of them have studied in Europe and the United States. Theoretically, the lack of wealth is not as strong as their parents."Money" should not be the most important thing in their hearts. Instead, how to pursue historical positioning and make Cambodia the first goal of emerging countries with internationally respected.

Of course, this is just an ideal state. Regardless of whether they can successfully take over, the greed in human nature and Hongma Ni, who has been baptized by dictatorship from an early age, has it been the ambition of a ZTE Lord.The intricate factions and the long -term interest entanglement, I am afraid that in the short term (10 to 20 years) in the succession, it is unlikely to give him the opportunity to start political reform.

Although Cambodia has performed slightly on the development path, the establishment of democratization and the establishment of a social system still needs to be brewing for a while.Many middle -class and intellectuals who vote are not dedicated that the most needed at this stage is not the democratic system that West expects, but economy and bread.They believe that in a state of unsatisfactory food, they rashness to the hands of most people, it is likely that people with interested people will only incite unstable, economic development, and the excuses for large powers or neighboring countries to interfere in the internal affairs.

The author is the United Nations Advisor of the Information Technology Department