Source: Hong Kong 01

Author: Ye Dehao

Since Russia withdrew from the Black Sea Food Agreement last week, people originally expected that this was just a few serious threats with the average semi -thes of the previous agreement. Under the pressure of Turkish persuasion and the pressure of the "Global Southern" country, Putin soon soon became.Will return to the agreement to "get lost".Unexpectedly, the development of the situation in a week of week indicates that this is a part of the Russian upgrade war. The goal may be to make the reputation of Ukraine land, which has the reputation of "granary" in ancient Greece.

After exiting the food agreement, the Russian army used missiles and drones to remotely attack the food port facilities in Odessa for a long time. During the period, at least 60,000 tons of grains were destroyed.At the beginning of this week, the Russian army launched an attack on the Grainy Facilities of Ukraine outside the Black Sea. In the early morning of July 24, the Ukraine and Romanian border Reni Reni Reni (Reni) was attacked by drones.

This town located in the Danube River is a part of Ukraine's active construction of the Euchang Grain route since the Russia and Ukraine War last year.It can already be as high as 2 million tons. This number is higher than the Russian side has not withdrawn from the grain agreement, but the Ukrainian monthly measures are exported by the Ukrainian monthly plan.

A few days ago, Russia's missile attacks were also targeted at the city center of Odessa belonging to the cultural heritage of UNESCO.After the 2019 Ukrainian Orthodox Church officially established another portal, the church did not change Ukraine until it was attacked, and Shangli belonged to the Ukrainian branch of the Orthodox Church of Moscow.(Moscow said that damage may be caused by Ukrainian air defense missiles.)

If the above attack trajectory continues, the United States has always believed that the United States dominates NATO East Expansion forced Putin to invade Ukraine's international relations realist master John Mearsheimer. The judgment made last year seemed to be more obvious — thenThat is, Putin has changed its strategy to position the goal of war as a tattered country that cannot operate.

The importance of Orthodox Church to Ukraine is no problem.The Ukrainians have always been proud of the fertile black land on the land. Many people think that the color of the national flag on the blue underworld on the Ukraine is exactly the infinity wheat field under the blue sky -the production of grain above ground can be regarded as the "National Soul ".

Of course, this does not mean that Putin's strategy will be successful.Looking at the energy attack launched last October, it is clear that it has not achieved the purpose of dragging Ukraine's resistance in winter.

However, when Western countries have recently believed that there will be opportunities for negotiations at the end of this year, when Russia and Ukraine will have a chance to upgrade the war through the above attacks, and cooperate with Ukraine to launch a counterattack near two two counterattacks.In terms of the situation of the month, the Russian side seems to be convinced that his long -term advantages in this war will not easily accept potential compromises and strive to stop the war on the negotiating table at the end of this year according to the western script.

If Mills Heimer's judgment is accurate, before the Ukraine did not take the initiative to give up, the war ended in this year.After all, even if the Western disgusting sentiment is gradually, if Putin does not make some substantial concessions, it is difficult for European and American politics to have a downfall with a contraction of Wu.

If so, we can pre -prepare for the second anniversary of the Russia and Ukraine War.