Source: Taiwan United Daily

The latest presidential election of the Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation is released. In the case of the four -legged governor of Guo Taiming, Lai Qingde showed uniquely with 33.9%, which greatly ahead of Ke Wenzhe's 20.5%, Hou Youyi 18%and Guo Taiming 15.2%.Accompanied by the last seat, but took 24%of Ke Wenzhe supporters, 12%of Hou Youyi voted.Judging from this poll, Guo Taiming's election was Lai Qingde, who was sent to the DPP, and was not groundless.

and specially, this poll shows that although as many as 41.5%of voters "enjoyed" Guo Taiming, only 15.2%will really vote for him.Only less than 37 % of them are loyal to Guo Fan; that is, under the psychological psychology of voters, Guo Taiming, who is a big boss, also appeared ink and performed well. Guo not only went to Penglai Elementary School to accompany his children to accompany his childrenPlaying aball and seeing the former Secretary of State Kissinger in the United States, although there are tens of millions of people going to the pose.

It's just, why don't you choose me without choosing me? Guo Taiming still insists on me?

First of all, Guo Taiming believes that the "breaking bottle theory" on the mall is believed. In the past, everyone was saying that buying and selling can not be benevolent, but in the past, Guo Taiming, who was deeply wolf in the business field, could not believe in buying and selling.You can't buy it. Use this kind of jade crushing, not a psychological warfare to force your opponent to fight. It is applied to today's political occasions.And Ke Wenzhe (not alliance with him) could not be selected. He used "breaking the bottle" to force the other party to talk to himself. It can be seen that in the eyes of Guo Taiming, there was no "Republic of China" and only his own interests.

Secondly, it is to see that Zhu Lilun's three hearts and two intentions are allowed to cause the Kuomintang's internal faction. When Zhu Lilun first selected in the party, Guo Taiming, who was not a party member, ordered the rules of the game unknown.After Hou Youyi, he did not set a clear norm, and let the party's factions, chickens, and Guo Taiming have eyebrows.

Now that when Hou Youyi's polls have not improved, Zhu Lilun also advocates the "Government Alliance" with the People's Party. I can't get the psychology of the Kuomintang host, and don't let you be good.Let Guo Taiming organically take advantage of his best stage.If you do n’t see, Xu Qiaoxin and Guo Taiming have hosted the “Chairman’ s lecture ”on the same stage, and also participated in the Hualien Fengnian Festival with Fu Kunzheng.

Guo Taiming has undoubtedly become the biggest factor in dragging blue and white to ensure that the DPP continues to administrate the biggest box office. If Zhu Lilun still cannot strengthen the wall, he is still in the minds, and pray for Guo Taiming and Ke Wenzhe’s goodwill.When he joined the party to become a joke, he was even more firm in Guo Taiming, although millions of people did not choose him, but I still went.