Source: Hong Kong Ming Pao Agency Review

Hong Kong's development of the aerospace technology industry, the response of the average person may be the night, but as the first satellite manufacturing center officially opened yesterday, Hong Kong will take a seat in the global satellite industry, which will undoubtedly take an important step forward.The development of the international commercial satellite market is in the ascendant, and many emerging countries in Southeast Asia need to build a communication network with the help of low -orbit satellites. China is one of the fastest development of the global civil aerospace industry.EssenceScientific researchers from the University of Hong Kong have experience in participating in national space exploration tasks. Low -orbit satellite manufacturing does not require a large area of factory buildings. In addition, Hong Kong has both the advantages of the international market and a member of the Greater Bay Area.Conditions, opportunities must be grasped well, from industrial policy to pioneering markets, the SAR government can actively play and support.

The satellite industry can make good use of favorable conditions for the satellite industry

Hong Kong Aerospace Science and Technology Group is the first commercial aerospace company in Hong Kong. It was established in 2019. It takes satellite manufacturing as the core. The core technical team has many former academicians and director of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the former Academy of International Astronautics, and the aerospace and geography of many countries.Information expert.The Group's ASPACE Hong Kong Satellite Manufacturing Center is located in the Tseung Kwan O Science Park. It officially opened yesterday and was served as chief strategic officer and chief scientist at the former president of the University of Science and Technology.The Group described it as one of the world's largest satellite intelligent manufacturing factories and the most advanced smart satellite manufacturing center in Asia. It has the ability to produce at least 200 30 to 1,000 kg of commercial satellite each year.Commercial civilian use is expected to be manufactured in the first year of "Made in Hong Kong".The Group also signed a memorandum of cooperation with many countries, including satellite communication and satellite monitoring.

Before eight years in ten years, if someone says that Hong Kong wants to develop the aerospace technology industry and become a satellite manufacturing center, I am afraid it will be regarded as a dream.Time has moved, and now Hong Kong is going to march towards this aspect, in fact, there are many favorable conditions.Let's talk about the international market environment.The current civil satellite industry is in the stage of high -speed development, and the application of low -orbit satellites has been particularly noticeable in recent years.Data show that in 2021, the global satellite industry revenue is close to US $ 280 billion, and the application scope is also more and more extensive. It can be sent in handy by communications navigation, smart cities, resource and environmental protection, disaster prevention and emergency management.The industry estimates that the average annual demand of global artificial satellites has reached more than 30,000, which is almost four or five times that of the global annual capacity (6000 to 8,000), indicating that the industry still has a lot of room for development.

Traditional satellite communication is the weakness of the signal transmission capacity and high delay.In contrast, the low -orbit satellite is only hundreds of kilometers from the ground. The communication network built by it is low and the transmission capacity is high.Last year, the Russian -Ukraine War broke out. The founder of the American SpaceX Musk provided low -orbit satellite services to Ukraine, allowing Ukraine to maintain the unobstructed domestic communications and connecting networks, so that all parties fully realized the benefits of low -orbit satellites.At present, China is stepping up its own satellite Internet to compete with SpaceX's "Star Chain" satellite services. Some people describe Hong Kong Airlines Sciences as "Hong Kong version of SpaceX", which is also because the group is willing to participate in the "China Star Chain" construction.The national "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" supports Hong Kong to become an international innovation technology center. The satellite manufacturing center is settled in Hong Kong, which has important strategic significance for Hong Kong and the country.

China is the highest aerospace country and is at the forefront of the world. The technology of "one arrow and multi -star" is mature, which means that it can reduce the cost of launching commercial satellites and meet high -density launch tasks.In 2020, China has incorporated satellite networks and 5G into the construction of new infrastructure. The State Council 2021 China Aerospace White Paper has clearly mentioned that it is necessary to strengthen satellite public welfare services and commercial applications.Looking at the Greater Bay Area, Shenzhen proposed a leading enterprise that developed the aerospace industry and cultivated the commercialization of satellite as early as 10 years ago. Two years ago, a series of new measures also launched a series of new measures to strive to build Shenzhen into a global satellite application industry innovation.In addition, Guangzhou Nansha is also building the first commercial aerospace industrial park in the country, as well as civilian independently developed solid rocket production bases.A aerospace industry group is gradually formed in the Greater Bay Area. Hong Kong should seize opportunities and participate in it.

Although Aerospace Technology is an university in Hong Kong, scholars have always been drunk.In the past 10 years, the research team of the University of Science and Technology has participated in many national aerospace scientific research projects, highlighting that Hong Kong is capable of cultivating more relevant talents.Hong Kong's advanced manufacturing industry, lack of land is an important obstacle. For example, the electric vehicle production line occupies a wide range of land and it is difficult to set up in Hong Kong.In contrast, low -orbit satellite manufacturing does not require oversized plant, which is also a favorable factor.It is true that the current struggle between China and the United States is fierce, and geopolitics may affect the development of high -tech industries in Hong Kong. However, Hong Kong has always been a separate customs zone recognized by the WTO. Imported high -tech equipment must be easier than the Mainland.In addition, the foundation of the rule of law in Hong Kong is profound and is an international financial and trade hub. Putting satellite origin and data analysis services in Hong Kong instead of the Mainland will also help develop the “Belt and Road” markets in Southeast Asia and the Middle East.

Industrial policy to pioneering market special zone governments can actively support

The Hong Kong Chief Executive recently led a delegation to visit the three countries of the Star Malaysia, and some representatives of the Hong Kong Airlines Department of the Hong Kong Airlines mentioned that Indonesia is a "wide range and a large number of islands".On -site use, hopes that this trip can promote cooperation.Although the development of satellite manufacturing and related service industries in Hong Kong, although it starts from scratch, if you can make good use of various favorable conditions, there is still an opportunity for "siege".Talent training, while attracting more foreign talents.In addition, the SAR Government can also connect with experts in the industry to communicate and cooperate with other cities in the Greater Bay Area to plan and deploy the satellite industry chain together.base.