"Li, respect for people".Recently, Sino -US relations have slowed down slightly, and Xiaoyangchun has appeared. The high -level people of Biden's government visited China. State Secretary of State Broskented, Treasury Secretary Yellen, and climatic special envoy Kerry's trip to China, which received the interview with the Chinese leadership."There is no small matter for diplomacy", in these interactions, the levels, etiquette, and details of the Chinese reception, passing the obscure or straightforward information, is a interesting perspective of observation.

The most noticeable thing is that the former 100 -year -old US Secretary of State Kissinger visited a few days ago.Kissinger once talks with Zhou Enlai in Building 5), and also arranged a number of auspicious elements such as Shou Tao, Nanshan Shouxing, Songhe Yannian, Bridge of Friendship, and other auspicious elements during the luncheon.A top Chinese 100 -year -old life banquet.

On June 19th, Chinese leaders met with Blinks in the Fujian Hall of the Great Hall of the People. The background is huge lacquer painting Wuyi spring."The homophonic is" He "and" He "; and the three bows of Yellen when visiting China have become the object of tough factions in the United States.If the vertical extension is extended, the subtle information passed on to the United States is effective. For example, Hillary has never forgotten the carpets seen in the Great Hall of the People -this can be understood as her certain identity of Chinese culture.

Observation horizontally. In the first high -level strategic dialogue between the Bynden government and China, Yang Jiechi said, "We think of you too well, we think you will abide by the basic diplomatic etiquette ..." - " -" - " -" - " -" - " -" - " -" - " -" - " -"The first emphasis is "ritual".Blintin's visit to China this year because of the hot air balloon incident, whether you can see the highest leader of China is considered the biggest highlight, Ge Laiyi, the executive director of the Indo -Pacific Project in the Marshall Foundation in the United States, once believed: "BrinkenIt will meet with Wang Yi on Monday and may meet Xi Jinping. This will be the most important meeting, if it happens. "

In early June, the Sino -US defense director did not formally contact the Shangri -La dialogue in Singapore.On May 30, the Pentagon issued a statement saying: "At night, the PRC (People's Republic of China) notified the United States that they rejected the invitation of our Minister Austin in early May with Li Shangfu, Singapore."The emphasis on the details "at night", hoping that it is highlighted that the Chinese side is rude to the United States.However, as we all know, Beijing and Washington have a 12 -hour time difference. In other words, the Chinese side finally decided and announced the United States during the daytime work time.—The changes in the last moment.In fact, the observation line was eliminated. In 2021, Austin believed that the vice chairman of the Chinese Military Commission was the "appropriate corresponding party" who had a dialogue with himself and was rejected.

Because Kissinger saw the Chinese Defense Minister Li Shangfu, a spokesman for the National Security Council said, "an ordinary citizen (Kissinger) can meet with (China) National Defense Minister to communicate and communicate.But can't, this is regrettable. "

If analyzed the latest statement of the US National Security Consultant Sarawan on sanctions on Li Shangfu, he believes that US sanctions should not be why China refuses to communicate.First, many people in the Chinese military have not been sanctioned -why do the United States find Li Shangfu?Because do you want to contact between the Chinese and the United States and the United States?Li is the Secretary of the Defense; second, many people in Biden Cabinet are also sanctioned by Russia, but this does not prevent the United States from communicating with Russia when necessary.——The problem in China and the United States has never been set up with Russia and the United States. Russia aims at thousands of nuclear weapons in the United States. It is the basis for Russian -US relations. So does China also need to go to the foundation of "set"?

In a word, in the Li Shangfu incident, the United States has a "grievance" statement declared at the night, sophistry with concepts of stealing, and self -proclaimed bureaucracy, formatism with Kowloon water ...There is a little sour.

The author is a senior media person in Nanjing