Hunson and the People's Party led by their leaders won in the just -concluded Cambodian elections.This is a election that lacks competition and rare suspense.According to preliminary statistics, the People's Party did not obtain all the National Parliament seats like the 2018 election, but also won 120 seats, and the remaining five seats were returned to the Simbik Party.

Today's Cambodia is undoubtedly unique.The People's Party was predecessor, and the Khmer Revolutionary Party, which was established in June 1951 (later renamed the Khmer Labor Party and the Communist Party of Cambodia).In January 1979, Hun Sen and others who had been separated from the Communist Party of Cambodia participated in the reconstruction of the People's Revolutionary Party. Since then, Bensovan, Han Sanglin, and Xie Xin have successively served as the chairman of the party.Honor has been the position of Prime Minister (Chairman of the Minister of Minister's Meeting) since 1985, but he did not be elected Chairman of the People's Party until 2015 after the death of Xie Xin.

At present, there is a saying that after Hun Sen's position is taken over by his eldest son Hamane, he will still stay as the Chairman of the People's Party (editor: Hun Sen has announced his resignation of the Prime Minister and will take over the eldest son Hongma Na.Stay as party chairman and Congress).This should be conducive to the smooth transition of the regime.On March 17 this year, Hongsen appointed the second son, Hongma, as the deputy commander of the army.Under the new layout of the Hunson family and their relatives, they can continue to control the power of the Cambodian party, government, and military power.

The Cambodian People's Party is the Communist Party, which is basically successful in transformation, and has experienced many elections in 1993 and afterwards, including 2018 and more controversial this year's election.In the Cambodia election in 1993, the People's Party obtained less than the Fengsinsonic Party and obtained 51 seats (seven less than the latter).But by 2018, the People's Party has controlled all 125 seats in the National Assembly.After 25 years of "democratic transformation", the People's Party was unique, and the multi -party system of Cambodia was almost in name.Before 1993 (the Cambodian People's Republic), the shadow of one -party dictatorship appeared again.

This year's election is most likely to pose a threat to the People's Party.On May 15th before the election, the Cambodian Election Commission stated that the candlelight party did not provide the documents required by the registration election, and its qualifications were canceled.In order to achieve long -term governance, Hun Sen will not cancel the election, but will take "means other than elections" to ensure the victory of the election.The "methods other than elections" include preventing the opposition from running for elections and forcing opposition leaders to exile overseas.It must be mentioned that the candlelight party has not been dissolved this time, and the Cambodian Salvation Party has been dissolved before -it has pose a greater threat to the Hunson regime.

The National Salvation Party can be regarded as the predecessor of the candlelight party.The Sanglanxi party led by Sanlanxi (or translated Shen Liangxi) and the human rights party led by Gensoca merged in July 2012 to form the National Salvation Party.In the 2013 election, the party won 55 seats, 13 less than the People's Party, and became the second largest party in Congress.Although the People's Party is still the largest party, it lost 22 seats compared to the 2008 election.At that time, some thesex thought that Cambodia would go to the two -party system.After the 1993 election, Cambodia had a joint governance of the two major parties, but the National Salvation Party would not jointly govern with the People's Party. The two are the relationship between the opposition and the ruling party.

In 2015, the relationship between the People's Party and the National Salvation Party once again deteriorated -Sanlanxi was forced to exile overseas, and Gensoca was fired from the first vice chairman of the parliament.By 2017, Hun Sen took "very measure" to ensure that the People's Party won in the following year's elections.In February of that year, the amendments to the political party were passed in Congress, and the terms of the dissolution of the political parties were pointing at the Satisfaction Party.In November of the same year, the Cambodian Supreme Court ruled that the Salvation Party immediately disbanded.This should be regarded as one of the major events in the evolution of Cambodia in recent years: it not only destroys the prospects of Cambodia's two -party system (and realize political parties), but also reveals that Hunson will use various means to eliminate opponents, including the dissolution of the main opponents.In the 2018 election, the People's Party included all the seats in Congress.The small party was destroyed in the 2013 election, and this was the same this time.

The National Salvation Party Sanglan Nishihara was born in the Simbik Party, and Gensoka also joined the party.The 2023 election has 18 political parties, including the Fengsinsonic Party.Prince Sihanouk founded the party in March 1981 and served as chairman.The Fengsinsbik party became the largest party in Congress after the 1993 election.At that time, it reluctantly formed the United Government with the People's Party: the chairman of the Fengsinson Party Lamano served as the first prime minister of the government, and Hun Sen was the second prime minister.

In 1998 and 2003 elections, they witnessed the second largest party of the Fengsinsonic Party withdrawn, but still formed a joint government with the People's Party.In the 2008 election, the party was only obtained by two parliamentary seats and moved towards foaming.In 2013 and 2018, the party did not get any seats in the election.This year's election has obtained five seats, which has improved from the last time.After the candlelight party was banned from running, some of them supported the public or transferred votes to the Fengsinsonic Party.At present, the party is regarded by some people as the "Yong Yong Party" of the People's Party.

Under the current "Hunsen system", the new party can be established and participated in the election. If it will not threaten the people's party's "one -party independence" pattern, its development will be tolerated.Of the 18 parties participating in the Cambodian election this year, 10 were established in 2015 and later.Under the current political system of China, the new political parties cannot be legally established, including the unable to organize the party to participate in the election, and there is no room for survival.The so -called eight democratic parties can only "participate in politics" and cannot oppose; they can only "learn and implement" the spirit of the mainland government conference, and cannot compete with the mainland government in the election.In addition, the first Cambodian Parliament passed political party law in 1997, and China has not yet.These reveal the difference between the "Hun Sen system" and the current Chinese political system.China's political system reform may be able to learn from some experience lessons in Cambodia.In power, those in power should also promote the introduction of political party law in a timely manner.

The author is the Journey to the Journey