The Malaysian Constitution contains special status clauses about the Malay people (and other indigenous peoples, but in essence, mainly Malay), such as the discounts of official funds in terms of scholarships, official service positions, and business licenses.This is the question of who is the subject of who is not the Malay tribe. It has been promoted to the level of realistic and social and economic significance. It also makes the importance of the division of the Malay and the non -Malaysia.The definition of the Malay tribe in the Constitution is actually irrelevant. As long as it is a daily exercise of Malay and hugging Malay customs, as well as the believer in Islam, that is, the Malay tribe.In this way, the subtle way of religion and the ethnic groups combines the two social and cultural elements, and has long become the main discussion topic in Malaysia politics.

Former Prime Minister Mahathir, who has been in power for many years, was written by the "exile" era in the middle of the last century, and later wrote a book, and later became a classic book for the Malay politics.), The content cleverly combines the wave of nationalism that has risen across the world at the time.Directed by ethnic groups, other ethnic minorities should be served here and should not be created.Mahathir took Malaysia as an example and believed that the Malay people who should be dominated failed to do smoothly, so they should be awakened and actively worked in that direction.This book is a diverse Malaysia country in ethnic groups and culture, which naturally caused an uproar and affected the ethnic relationship, so it was once listed as a ban.

Later, Mahathir came to power and tried to transform his philosophy in his book into Malaysian national policy, such as institutionalization and extension of various preferentializations to the Malay people.Later, Najib, who was governed later, saw that the Malaysian economy bears the bearing on various ethnic -based policies. He once carefully managed to make Malaysia's economic field more open and liberalized, but he was long -term monopoly and enjoyed vested interests.The parties rebounded strongly, and the economic reform plan was gone.

When Mahathir came to power for the second time, because the government he led was composed of non -Malay seats, there were more senior officials of Malay.In this way, Mahathir felt that he was tied to his hands and failed to implement his concept of Malay dominating Malaysia. Therefore, he resigned as a result.The land was governing, but unexpectedly, Paba watched the regime by Mu Yuding in the party.

For more than half a century, Mahathir has risen in politics for more than half a century, the so -called Islamic rejuvenation movement in the world has also been popular, or the Islamic political movement.

This seeking to bring religious factors into politics, so that the wave of religiousization of the entire society began to be reflected in some cross -border Islamic student movements, including the current Prime Minister Anhua, Turkish President Egypt,Irsnia student movement leaders who were independent of that year were also connected with each other.The Islamic Party of the Malaysia was also rising at that time.

After the success of the Iranian religious revolution in 1979, the world ushered in the first modern deity rule, and it even greatly encouraged those in various places, such as the Iraqi party of the Malaysian country.After that, Afghanistan also ushered in the Taliban's divine power, and Turkey, which has always emphasized the secularization, has gradually deteriorated into the country of religion under Erdogan's rule.

It is worth mentioning that although Mahathir has been advocating nationalism for a long time, he has not agreed to emphasize religious elements until now.Religion to compete for the Iranian party.

In recent months, the Iraqi Party has won the most seats in all political parties in the Malaysian election, and Erdogan is also re -elected as the president in Turkey. In the Presidential election of Indonesia next year, religious forces are also crowded. These signs are inIt highlights another orgasm of the Islamic revival campaign, and it will still encourage and connect each other.

These backgrounds are very helpful for understanding the rise of the current political groups in Malaysia's current political community.Because of the long -term duality of the above -mentioned ethnic groups and religion, the main political exposition of the Malay tribe has evolved into a full range of positions in the Malaysian groups in all aspects of Malaysia.For example, although Mahathir was defeated in his own constituency in his last election, he was not even guaranteed to press the cabinet gold, but he was still more brave in the Vietnam War.He has engaged in a Malaysian declaration movement in recent months, claiming that he wants to defend the interests of the Malay tribe, mainly because he wants to connect each other (in the wild) party -based political parties to overthrow the current political opponent Anhua and the Anwar Institute.Leaders and are considered to be too advocating diverse governments.

Mahathir believes that this is essential for the future of Malaysia and the survival of the Malay people. In order to achieve these political goals, they realize that their own political power is thin.He has led, and not long ago, he was supported by the wealth of the Tuling Party.Mahathir even extended an olive branch to the Iraqi Party who had criticized him for many years and performed on the same stage with the Iraqi Party Chairman Hardy (although Mahathir still emphasized ethnic interests rather than religious elements).From this point of view, Mahathir’s political Ruyi algorithm should be the increasingly strong political strength (also known as the green tide) in combining the soil and the Yiji Moon.The religious forces of the Iraqi Party (how to do it is unknown).

The selection of Liuzhou states we ushered in next month will provide a timing for Mahathir's goals.For example, the green tide forces can not only maintain the original Three State ruling power, but also win one state, then the federal government of Anwar will be shaken immediately, and after some political manipulation, maybe it will fall soon.Once the operation is successful, the Malaysian government, which came to power, must be dominated by the clan as before two years. If the extreme religious elements are biased into the national policy, the Malaysian diverse society will shrink.The future of Malaysia is also attentive.

The author is a senior researcher at the Singapore International Affairs Society (Research Institute)

Chief Counselor of the Malaysian Pacific Research Center