In mid -May this year, Wilianto Tanta, chairman of the Hundreds of Family Associations (PSMTI), and Hary Tanoedibjo, a member of the High Honor Committee, thanked the Presidential Palace to the Presidential Palace, on the grounds of Zako, President ZokoUnder the leadership, Indonesia's political stability, economic and social construction have developed unprecedentedly.After Chen Mingli, he announced to reporters that the association will fully support the candidate recognized by Zoko when the Indonesian presidential election on February 14 next year to ensure the sustainable development of the Indonesian economy.His conversation attracted the attention of Chinese society in Indonesia.

After the former President Suhado stepped down, the Indonesian Chinese established many community organizations. One of the Indonesians Association was one of them. There were branches in Indonesia provinces, claiming that they could represent the Indonesian Chinese Society.

Chen Mingli is a richest man with a television station and a number of companies. He is also the president of a small party of Indonesia's Perindo.In the presidential election in 2014, he supported Plaboor and opposed Zoko, but in the 2019 election, he may be supported by Siko to protect business interests.

Jusuf Hamka, Chairman of the Piti Consultant Committee of the Indonesian China Islamic Federation (PITI), is also a rich man and is closely related to the Suhado family.He criticized Chen Mingli that he could not represent the Chinese Chinese and support the candidate recognized by Zako.He said he was also a Chinese in Indonesia, but did not authorize Chen Mingli to speak on behalf of him.

Ardi Susanto, deputy secretary -general of the Hundred Family Associations of India, also issued a statement saying that Chen Mingli's conversation only represents individuals, not the Baihua family association.He said that the Baijia Surname Association is a community organization and cannot directly participate in political activities.At the same time, members including the National Awakening Party (PKB) and the Democratic Party (PD) and other political parties, it is impossible to support only a presidential candidate.Indonesian Chinese expert Dr. Johanes Herlijanto also believes that Indonesian Chinese are not a cell but a multi -body. They have different political opinions, some support the Gorka Party, and some support the Construction of the Unified Party (PPP), and alsoSome support the National Democratic Party (NASDEM) or the Democratic Party (PDIP).

There are currently three candidates for the Indonesian president.According to several poll agencies, the highest call is the current Minister of Defense Plaboor (jointly nominated by his own Great Indonesian Sports Party and the National Awakening Party);Nomination); the last is the former Jakarta head of Arnice (jointly nominated by the National Democratic Party and other three parties).

Chinese people think of the three candidates

Among these three candidates, which one is the most popular in Indonesia?

Chinese society is indeed a diversified body, which is diversified in terms of language culture and religion.Today, 24%of Chinese people speak dialects or Chinese at home, but most of them use Indonesian.In terms of religion, about 42%of Chinese are Buddhists and Confucianists, 35%are Christian and Catholics, 5%are Muslims, and 2%are Hindus.

Due to the different political tendencies, Chinese parties have Chinese participation, but most of them are the very small number of Chinese people who have a nationalist struggle Democratic Party and the Gorca Party.

In the presidential election in 2014 and 2019, there were only two presidential candidates, namely Zoko, representative of the nationalist faction, and Prabowol, representatives of the Mention and Excited School, as well as Suhado forces.At that time, Indonesian politics could be said to be polarized, and the two presidential elections were full of "identity recognition politics".

In the struggle of these two forces, Zoko received 53.4%and 55.5%of the votes and was elected president.Although there is no survey by Chinese voting, according to the religious cultural background of Chinese in Indonesia, it is more likely to vote for Zoko.In other words, Indonesian Chinese voters support Zoko.

However, will the presidential election in 2024 be similar to the situation in 2019?Will "identity politics" play the most important role?Will the Chinese in Indonesia fall to the ground to support nationalist candidates?

Indonesia under the leadership of Zako, politics is quite stable, and the economic situation is also good.Zoko did not have the hearts of the people in the second term, but it became a "lame duck" during the second term.The prestige of Zakko's term in the second term is still very high. The presidential election in the coming is a king, and the presidential candidate he supports is expected to be selected.

Among the three possible candidates mentioned above, the struggle of the Democratic Party Gander is very similar to Sako regardless of his thoughts and backgrounds. It was originally the most trusted.He is a governor of the Central Java, who is a civilian, belongs to the Sucano faction. He has a strong Indonesian nationalist idea and advocates the diversification of religious culture. He also agrees with Zako's construction plan.

However, when the Democratic Party leader, the Democratic Party leader, when he nominated the presidential candidate, dragged it again and again, Gandhar was nominated late.When the United States and the party's relatives decided to lift Gandhar, they did not invite Zako to participate in the discussion. Instead, they notified Zoko to attend the nomination ceremony after decision.In his speech, Michardoti told Gandhar that he wanted him to remember that he was the director of the Democratic Party, making him feel that he was doing things for the party instead of freedom.It is rumored that Michardi and Gandhar have a secret. If they are elected president, the cabinet candidates will be determined by the United States and Garvani.However, Gander denied that there was a contract.

Analysts believe that Zoko thinks that Gander may have been controlled by the United States and Canadi. Later, when he talked about the presidential candidate, he did not show that his supported candidates were the only one.Two names also appeared in the projects that supported Zoko's "volunteer groups": Gandchar and Prabovo, which complicated the presidential candidates.

Plabovo was originally the enemy of Zako, but was suddenly favored by Zako.In 2019, in order to stabilize the political situation, Plaboopo was invited to join the cabinet as the Minister of Defense.After the president of Plaboor's campaign has repeatedly failed, he decided to change his string more, accepted the invitation of Zoko, and was affirmed in Zokko's cabinet. His Great Indonesian sports party members also benefited.After becoming a member of the Siko Pavilion, Plabovo no longer publicly supported the Muslim conservatives and radicals. He appeared as a mild nationalist posture, and visited the people and generals who had previously confronted him.In addition, Plabowavo went to Zoko's home at an important festival, and became a friend with Zako's eldest son Giblan.It is rumored that he intends to run for Jizheng and Vice President with GiBlan, but Giblan denies the rumor.

Plabovo has continuously praised Zosko's political achievements, and threatened to continue the great cause of construction of Zoko.The change of Plaboor's strategy has increased his selection rate in polls.Some people think that he is a middle figure that can unite the Indonesian factions.

Anis is different from the two candidates mentioned above.He proposed to change Indonesia's policy and stop current construction plans, including stopping the capital.He attracted anti -Skoto voters in a different way.Obviously, he received the support of elites and Muslim Conservatives and radical support with Zako.

Anis is a player known for his "identity agreed politics". However, before unloading Jakarta's head, he began to cooperate with non -Muslim groups to shape himself as a advocate of a diverse ethnic culture.He is good at speaking, knowing how to pack, and attracts many young intellectuals.

Chinese votes may determine the victory and defeat

In Indonesia, the Chinese are ethnic minorities, with a population of less than 2%. Can they affect the election?60%of the presidential elections are young voters, and young Chinese voters also have similar ratios. Do they no longer follow the previous trajectory voting?

At present, no polls investigate the tendency of Chinese voting.However, the vast majority of Indonesians are non -Muslims, and they have fear of conservative Muslims, especially Muslims with the concept of Muslims.Anis is an Arabic politician. He has played a game of "identity recognition politics". Generally, Chinese memory is still fresh.Although he later changedStrategies to promote multiple religions, but Muslim conservatives and radicals are still by him.Some Chinese may admire their talents, but most of them may not support him.

Plaboor has a tendency to wash his mind. It seems to be a very courageous presidential candidate who has the ability to continue to stabilize Indonesia's political situation.Zoko still has a good opinion of him, at least some analysts think so.However, the old Indonesians remembered that he had a series of anti -Chinese and Chinese discharge activities in 1998 and his relationship with the Suhado family.They believe that he was behind the scenes behind the murderous Chinese women, and at the same time violated human rights records.Some young Chinese voters have no historical burden and may be attracted by him.However, the older of the older generation is likely to not choose him.

Gandhar is a newcomer, and some people say that he is the incarnation of Zako.The Indonesian Unity Party (PSI) composed of young Indonesia (PSI) nominated him as a presidential candidate.It was a diverse ethnic party, and there were many Chinese in the leadership.In fact, Gander is a cadre of the struggle for the Democratic Party. Many Chinese people have a good opinion of the party because it has the most good good for the Chinese and has the largest number of Chinese members of the Chinese Parliament.As a result, most Chinese are likely to be selected as Gambar.Of course, this is just a reasoning and guess.

When the candidate's votes are evenly matched, the Chinese votes may determine the victory and defeat.Because the Chinese political tendencies are diversified, when the presidential election involves ethnic interests and religious issues, most Chinese who are different from political opinions are likely to unite and choose a presidential candidate who is favorable to their own ethnic groups and truly sympathize with non -Muslims.people.At present, there is no polls to investigate the tendency of Chinese voting. The above conclusions are just a guess.

The author is a senior visiting professor at the Singapore Yusov Isaf Issa East South Asian Research Institute Nanyang University of Technology Radalon South International Research Institute