Singers: Sing Tao Daily

Sing Tao Society

Facing the severe situation of continuous slowdown in economic growth, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Mainland Government, presided over the Central Political Bureau meeting yesterday. After analyzing the current economic situation, he decided to adjust the current economic policy.After the meeting, in addition to the expansion of domestic demand and optimizing the development of private enterprises, there have been important changes in the statement of the property market. Only the words "housing do not fry", and referring to major changes in the supply and demand relationship of the real estate market. Timely adjust the optimization of real estate policies.It is expected that the central government will re -adjust the property market, and the policy will change. He can inject strong needles into the weak market and boost consumption and investment confidence.

Songlou control must follow the bottom line of the city

The meeting pointed out that the current economic operation is facing new difficulties. It is mainly due to insufficient internal demand and complicated external environment. It is necessary to improve the stable employment to a high degree of strategy.The three -headed carriage in the Mainland slowed down. In the first half of the year, fixed asset investment increased by 3.8%year -on -year, which was lower than the 5%growth target set by the central government.12.4%; the annual growth rate of consumption in June is 3.1%, which reflects that the momentum of economic recovery is not as expected. It presents wave -type development and twists and turns. It means that the central government believes that the economy is still undulating in the second half of the year.Stimulate the economy.

The central government has issued the prescription to boost the prescriptions of the hetermonistic medicine, which continues to implement active fiscal policies and stable monetary policies, optimize and implement tax cuts and fees, and strive to expand domestic demand, boost confidence, and prevent risks. Some measures can be said to be old bottleNew wine.In terms of intra -valley, it is required to boost consumption such as automobiles, electronic products, and home furnishings to promote sports and leisure and cultural tourism consumption.The former is a copy of policies such as cars to the countryside, home appliances to the countryside, and the Development and Reform Commission has launched 10 policies to promote automobile consumption with relevant departments.At 77%and 82%before the epidemic, there is still room for further growth.

However, the meeting focused on boosting market confidence in the property market, and rarely mentioned "housing housing and not frying". It emphasized that it is necessary to adapt to a new situation of major changes in the supply and demand relationship of the real estate market.Signals re -adjusted in the property market.The move reflected in the current decline in property prices, the internal debt crisis deepened, Evergrande Real Estate announced its performance. In the past two years, the loss of 580 billion yuan in the past two years and the total liabilities of 2.43 trillion yuan, which caused the entire housing stock price to be pressured.Because the internal housing -related industries account for more than 20%of GDP, the property market policy is required. If the property price continues to fall, it may be difficult to boost people's confidence in buying buildings and enterprise investment.

It is not mentioned that "housing does not stir -fry" does not mean that the property market policy is turning sharply. After the meeting, the statement emphasizes that the local area should abide by the bottom line of the city's policy, and use the policy tool box to revitalize the transformation of all kinds of idle real estate.As for actively promoting the transformation of the village in the city, it is only for about 20 mega cities. It is not a large -scale demolition and construction like a "shed reform" before, reflecting that the central government's control of the property market is not cut and large water irrigation.The impact of the downward property market on the economy.

The question is what the central government will take property market measures. If only relaxation of mortgage and dividend reduction, the effect is not large, it must start with the aspect of price limit and purchase restriction.If the price limit order is relaxed, the developer is expected to sell the building cash on the market price to alleviate the broken capital chain. However, this trick must cooperate with the relaxation restriction order so that those who already owns the property can release the deposit for investment, and the property market is expected to quickly stabilize.

Another focus is to effectively optimize the development environment of private enterprises, resolutely rectify charges, fines, and disputes. It is also necessary to establish and improve the normalized communication mechanism with enterprises, encourage private enterprises to dare to break through, vote, and bear risks.Actively create the market.

Frequently introduce the confidence to boost private enterprises

In the past, the major policy adjustment was only introduced after the Politburo meeting, but this time the Central Committee rarely launched the confidence measures to boost private enterprises before the meeting.Last Friday, the "31 private economy" was launched to support private enterprises to become bigger and stronger. Yesterday, we launched 17 suggestions to promote high -quality development of private investment, and clearly encouraged private enterprises to participate in investment in transportation, clean energy, new infrastructure, advanced manufacturing and other fields.This reflects that the economic situation is very grim. You cannot keep the city rules. Before the meeting, you must take measures to motivate private enterprises' investment intentions.It can absorb more people by expanding the scale to relieve the problem of high unemployment rates of young people.

The central government proposes the general direction of stimulating economic policies. The specific implementation measures will be released after the Ministry of Commission is fine. Whether the intensity is strong enough is to wait and see.