Source: Bloomberg

The semiconductor industry warns that the United States will not have enough engineers, computer scientists and technicians to support the rapid expansion of the industry this time, thereby threatening the country's efforts to promote the domestic chip economy.

The Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) quoted a survey entrusted to conduct a survey that by 2030, chip manufacturers are expected to increase about 115,000 jobs.However, based on a study of the current degree completion rate, about 58%of these positions may be vacant.

"By 2030, the semiconductor industry should grow from 550 billion US dollars to a trillion -dollar industry, and more talents will be required," said SIA CEO John Neuuffer."If we cannot solve this problem, the industry will generally be in trouble."

SIA said that by 2030, the total industry revenue will increase to $ 1 trillion, almost twice as much as 2020.According to the Oxford Institute of Economics, about 460,000 talents will be required in this field.Based on the current trend, about 67,000 new positions will be vacant.

SIA said that there are not enough Americans to study science, engineering, mathematics, and technical related subjects.Foreigners who learn these skills are leaving the United States.

In American universities, more than 50%of engineering graduates and 60%doctoral engineering doctors are citizens in other countries.In the above subjects, about 80%of the master's degree and 25%of doctoral winners have left the United States because of choice or because the immigration policy is not allowed.

Neuffer said that the problem must be solved through immigration reform in the short term to allow the United States to retain more talents trained in world -class universities.In addition, the United States must attract more students to enter the relevant education path, and the chip industry must better attract talents who have the need to have the skills.