Source: Ming Pao

The results of the Spanish Parliament House of Representatives were unveiled on the Sunday (23rd) election, and the parliament eventually appeared.Although the right -wing "People's Party" obtained a maximum of 136 seats, its allies have greatly reduced the seats of the "Voice Party".Although the left Prime Minister Sanchez successfully used the people's anti -polar right emotions to obstruct the sound of the party to build the king, the left -wing alliance not reached a simple major threshold.The Asian political party supports.If the deadlock continues, Spain needs to be held as soon as the end of the year.

A few governments in the right -wing group are difficult to support


VOX (VOX) seats decreased 19 compared with 2019, only 33 seats, and a total of 169 seats with the People's Party (PP).The People's Party leader Alberto Nunez Feijoo announced the victory and sought for a small number of governments, hoping that all walks of life would not cause Spain to fall into a political deadlock.However, other political parties are unwilling to cooperate with the call party of extreme conservative political platforms such as anti -immigrant and anti -sex niche, making the left -wing "Spanish Workers Social Party" (PSOE, hereinafter referred to as the Workers' Social Party) led by Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, which is considered morePavilion.

On the other side, after the Workers' Socialist Party, which is Prime Minister Sanchez, elected the feathers in May, Sanchez made a political gambling in advance to recover the disadvantages.The People's Party becomes king.Sanchez said to supporters at the headquarters of the Workers' Socialist Party the day before yesterday: "The reactionary People's Party and the Corporation Party camp have been defeated." The people in the audience shouted with the slogan of the Spanish civil war from 1936 to 1939: "Don't let them (right right)Through! (No Pasaran!) "Sanchez strongly prevented the People's Party from organizing the government. He reported to the Spanish National News last month that some European leaders are worried about the people's party and the call party ruling will destroy the internal balance of Europe, and says:" Some thingsFar -than -harmful party dangers are the policies and positions of the People's Party adopting the call party's policy and position, as we see in front of us: negate social, political and scientific consensus. "

Even though the Workers' Socialist Party has an advantage over the organizational government compared to the people's Party, and has launched foreign lobbying, it is currently only 153 in the "Summary" of the Promise of the Main Allies.The threshold of the seat is too half.According to media statistics such as the British Financial Times and the New York Times, even with the other four small Catalonian separatist party seats, the expanded alliances still have only 172 seats, 4 seats than half.

JXCAT implies the use of a group government for independent referendum

Therefore, whether Sanchez and the Workers' Socialist Party can successfully organize the cabinet, the key is to fight for 7 seats, and toughly advocate the independent "Together for the Catalonia" Party (JXCAT) support (in this case, a total of 179 seats can be obtained in a total of 179 seats.To.However, Reuters pointed out that Gatai's separation of political parties may require a local independent referendum as exchange, so it is difficult to reach an agreement by parties.After the failure of the 2017 independent referendum, Carles Puigdemont, one of the main leaders of the JXCAT in Belgium, said earlier that Sanchez or Feiho would not support Sanchez.JXCAT spokesman Noglas said on the Sunday that he would "make full use of the opportunity brought by the results of the election", suggesting that he would use the group government negotiation opportunities to fight for an independent referendum.Sanchez becomes Prime Minister. "

If you fail to form the earliest election at the end of the year

The Spanish House of Representatives will start a new session on the 17th of next month and organize the government. If no political parties can successfully organize the cabinet, the king must dissolve the parliament within two months after the first setting of the cabinet, and it will be held within 54 days later.The election means that the next election will be held at the end of this year if necessary.