Source: Taiwan United Daily

Lianhe Daily News

Former President Ma Ying -jeou invited the Lu Sheng regiment of the mainland to visit Taiwan. After watching the cultural relics of the Forbidden City, the culture of both sides of the strait said that the culture of both sides of the strait was "the same root"; the girls of Hunan University also lamented that the compatriots on both sides of the strait were actually a family.The Green Committee Lai Ruilong heard the words and immediately jumped out and criticized: "This group is indeed a United Front."Seemingly a saliva that does not matter, reflects that the DPP has completed the fantasy jump of "from quantitative change to qualitative change" in self -consciousness.

The Democratic Progressive Party did not oppose the same roots of the same roots in the past.The key documents in the party in the party in Taiwan advocate that the two sides of the strait are "two countries that are similar in geographical, economically mutually beneficial, and culturally co -source.""Starting", creating a beautiful prospect of symbiosis.First of all, as far as the two sides of the strait are one country or two countries, the so -called "cultural co -source" is that the "cross -strait culture is the same roots of the same roots"; and the "long -term relationship of blood" is not the "Is it actually a family? "?

In addition to the expression on the document, the early Democratic Progressive Party also confirmed this concept with action.Chen Shui -bian took the child to find the roots in the ancestral home of Fujian, while Lu Xiulian went to Nanjing to worship ancestors in Zhangzhou. Xie Changting returned to the ancestor of Dongshan County, Xiamen.However, for the dreamed of Taiwan ’s independence dreams, the DPP has repaired the class since the first administration, cutting the long history of Chinese history from the end of the Ming Dynasty, and became one of the“ East Asian History ”.Then, from the ancient East Ning Kingdom, it began to be grafted in ancient times. In the history of Taiwan and the lotus in Taiwan, it has created a distorted history of lonely overseas and has nothing to do with Chinese autumn.

Since then, the historical renovation of the tiring chapter has been launched, and the concept of pseudo -historical concept has entered the media, official documents, and even all symbols, signs and narratives of public space.In just over ten years, the cross -strait recognition of the umbilical cord has reached a few breakdown.After Tsai Ing -wen was in power, he began to instill Taiwan ’s South Island, and there was an inexplicable journey of finding relatives of South Pacific.

Lai Ruilong describes the basic facts as a "United Front", which reflects that the DPP has completed the wave of mainstream consciousness after the completion of the renovation: the two sides of the strait are neither the same type, nor the same roots.When this "resolution" was stunned, the construction was completed. Next, Mazu and Guan Gong had to remove their membership from China.

Ke Wenzhe was angry with Lai Qingde a few days ago: Do not worship Mazu, Guan Gong, or Bao Sheng Emperor, and Kaizhang King in the future, because they are all Chinese.Immediately, there were pro -green retired teachers who voted that the above -mentioned gods were not Chinese. Guan Gong was Han military general, Lin Mo Niang was the Song woman of the Song Dynasty, and the king of Kaizhang was the general of the Tang Dynasty.EssenceHowever, can Taiwan independence history be so easily cut off the national ownership of these gods?Mazu and Guan Gongruo are the ancestors of the "enemy country". Isn't it ridiculous to worship these gods for many years?Sweeping the gods out of the ground is by no means the Democratic Progressive Party replenished the magic recipe of the "new national discussion", but instead highlights his confusion.

When the "new national discussion" has become a chapter, its logical inevitable is that the "Taiwan step into the White House" from Lai Qingde's bluting.It was not just Lai Qingde's personal wish, but the common longing of a group.The reason is that the new nation has not only generated endogenous driving force, and the "Taiwan country" that these people love must break out of the cocoon.Because of this, Lai Qingde Gigang voted for the Wall Street Journal claiming to maintain the status quo of Tsai Ing -wen, but has not yet returned to God, his "forward White House said" helps himself leaked again.The reason why Washington is "suspicious" is not to suspect that Lai Qingde's Taiwan independence belief is not strong enough, but to worry that it will roll up the Taiwan Straits War, so that the United States will be involved in a world war.

Practical look, the recovery and reconstruction of the cognition of "same roots" is probably a major key to resolve the fierce battle between the two sides of the strait.When Ma Ying -jeou brought Taisheng to sacrificing his ancestors on the ancestral grave of the Chaen Temple in Xiangtan, in addition to calling back many Taiwanese's Qingming memories, in fact, it also caused the small pink pinks on the mainland to cool a lot.Similarly, in addition to the distance between the young people on both sides of the strait in the exchange, the visit of Lu Sheng also helps the two sides to think about the relationship between the two sides of the strait and the peace that should be pursued.