Recently, whether Euthanasia should be legalized, the issue of whether it is legalized has been proposed publicly.The discussion about euthanasia is not only in Singapore, but even those countries that have not been legalized by euthanasia, such as China and Japan, this topic is also highly discussed.Ando Tadai, an associate professor of the Department of Medicine of Japanese Bird University, revealed in an article discussed that in 2020, two doctors in Kyoto accepted a "want to eaten" request with a female patient who suffered from "frozen human symptoms",Drugs that are injected by injection through injection in the home.They were eventually arrested by the Kyoto Police with suspicion of commissioning killing.The victim met one of the doctors in social media, and discussed the matter, but until the day before the incident, the two had never met.

Ando Tadai, who specializes in graduate student death and life ethics, believes that the two Japanese doctors, even in the country with euthanasia legalization, believe that they will constitute the same criminal crime.Because they neither do a test of the victim, nor do they have to treat, nor do they accurately grasp the victim's condition and mental state, let alone judge whether there are other means to alleviate the pain of the victim.These two doctors have continuously made remarks to deny the survival value of weakened elderly people and severe patients, so there are very few supporters.However, quite a few people advocate that in order to prevent similar incidents from happening again, Japan should begin to discuss the legalization of euthanasia.

The articles from Ando to Tadai to the difference between popular science and "euthanasia"."Dead dignity" refers to the behavior of controlling or stopping the use of artificial respirators, artificial nutrition supplies, and artificial dialysis.As one of the choice of treatment of "ending" patients, the "death of dignity" is actually applied to clinical medical care, but its legal positioning is relatively vague.He believes that many people cannot distinguish between "euthanasia" and "dignity death", and even many people do not know that there are "soothing care" that designed to reduce pain and improve the quality of life.Before discussing whether euthanasia is feasible, the first thing to think about is how to create a nursing and supportive environment so that those who suffer from severe diseases or disability can "live as a person with dignity."

Ando Tadai has given important considerations about euthanasia: Even in a country with euthanasia and legalization, doctors must also do a good job of examination, treatment, control, scientific judgment before the deployment of euthanasia in response to the requirements of the victim.Other steps such as reducing pain.

Before the legalization of the Netherlands, the Netherlands announced a medical guide that stated the conditions that must be met by the implementation of euthanasia: First, the patient is voluntary, has the ability to express his willingness, clearly and continuously put forward the requirements of euthanasia;2. The request is based on all information. The patient's condition is in the pain of being unbearable and desperate; third, there is no other acceptable alternative to euthanasia; fourth, negotiate with at least another doctorThis other doctor has his own independent judgment.

The undergraduate study of Southern Medical University, who studied neurological biology, was studying Zhu Hangfei. In a case of euthanasia published in the authoritative issue of the rule of law in the authoritative issue of Chu Tian, it quoted a case that occurred in China and explained the general demands of euthanasia in society.

For example, in 1986, Wang Ming of Hanzhong City, Shaanxi Province became the pain of mitigating his illness, asking the doctor to perform euthanasia for his mother.The local procuratorate arrested Wang Mingcheng and the implementation of euthanasia for intentional homicide.After the investigation, the court announced that the two were innocently released.This case promotes the formal discussion agenda of the Chinese academic circles for euthanasia.

Zhu Wen also listed two attitudes held by the Chinese people about euthanasia.At the two euthanasia academic seminars held in 1988 and 1994, the guests reached four basic consensus: first, euthanasia is a manifestation of social progress: second, euthanasia can reduce the physiological and psychological pain of patients:Third, euthanasia can reduce the spirit and economic pressure of the family: Fourth, the implementation of euthanasia can promote the reasonable distribution of medical resources.From the perspective of supporters, euthanasia is a reflection of the right to life, and people should have the right to end their lives.

The opinions of the euthanasia opponent can be summarized as three points.First, euthanasia is essentially murder.As a powerful weapon against euthanasia, euthanasia is considered to violate the principle of sacred life.Life itself is higher than everything. Survival is the instinct of animals. The nature of human change of survival is disrespect to life.Third, if you face the illness of incurable, you choose to be euthanized, and your doctor will lack the motivation to overcome medical difficulties, which is undoubtedly not conducive to the development of medicine.

Zhu Wen also pointed out that a study had conducted a systematic analysis of China's euthanasia survey between 1987 and 2017. The result showed that the higher the cultural level, the greater the proportion of the approvedness of euthanasia.In addition, this trend is in line with the development of the times.

Shandong Wanjie Medical College conducted a questionnaire survey about euthanasia on more than 600 nurses in 2015. The results showed that 57.6%supported euthanasia legislation, 32%opposed, 7.6%neutral, and 2.8%did not know.85.2%agreed to whether you choose euthanasia when you are sick.

Zhu Hangfei believes that although the results of the above survey can not fully reflect the wishes of the Chinese people, it also reflects the support of the Chinese people for euthanasia legislation from the side.

In early February of this year, the discussion and euthanasia of the reporter Ying Chen published by the China New People's Weekly published the results of the euthanasia in the article.In 2021, the Population Journal released a research data on the attitude of the Chinese people for euthanasia: 55.2%support, 7.1%opposed, and 37.7%neutral.Researchers believe that compared with previous data, the proportion of euthanasia is significantly up.

Yingchen pointed out that in real life, euthanasia is not only a matter of law, but also about social ethics.He quoted Jia Ping, executive director of the Independent Think Tank Public Health Governance Center, summarized by Jia Ping, who currently has three technical obstacles in the legalization of euthanasia: First of all, it is a measure of pain, ending pain and ending life. Which is more in line with the patient's maximum interest?Secondly, it is easy to cause social injustice problems in the process of implementing euthanasia, such as corruption and competition for heritage.Finally, it involves the weighing of the patient's own, family members, and the sign of the patient's opinion.

As with Ando Tadai, Ying Chen also mentioned "soothing medical care".The latter pointed out that in the face of the last journey of life, can patients with sickness only end in pain if euthanasia cannot be legislated?the answer is negative.Anning therapy is also a way to guard the last dignity of patients' lives.Prices for treatment, soothing medical care, and dying care are collectively referred to as tranquility treatment. Through service teams such as doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, psychological counselors, volunteers, etc., they provide physical, spiritual, and psychological care and humanistic care for the end of dying patients.Help patients to relieve physical and psychological pains, and let patients dignity and quality died.

Due to the different national conditions of new and China, Chinese research survey data can only be used as our reference.I asked a specialist at a government hospital in early July this year whether a specialist at a government hospital agreed to the legalization of euthanasia. She said clearly that as a doctor, the treatment of patients was a duty, so the legalization of euthanasia was not in her scope.

The issue of legalization of euthanasia is currently a trend of each end of each end. This phenomenon is not limited to Singapore.If Singapore can carefully demonstrate this serious topic and strive for social consensus, it is the ideal; if the Chinese cannot reach a consensus on this issue, the official or considering the method of considering the national referendum decide whether to legislate.

The author is a local amateur writer