Source: Economic Daily

Author: Wu Jiajia

The temperature is high, and the sunscreen consumer market is ushered in a new round of peaks.In Xiaohongshu, the number of notes related to sun protection has exceeded 7.5 million.On the Tmall platform, the monthly sales of some brands of sunscreen have exceeded 10,000 orders.According to data released by Douyin E -commerce Super Brand Daily, the first -ranked sunscreen product set a record of selling more than 180,000 in the live broadcast room of Taobao anchors.Compared with mainstream skin care products, despite the influence of the epidemic, the attention of sunscreen categories has reached 67.32%in the past three years. The growth rate of consumers' attention to sunscreen products far exceeds other skin care products.

Behind the fiery sun protection consumption, it is the increase in sales of consumers with more diversified demand and more segmented use scenarios.Statistics show that in recent years, the trend of demand for sunburn anti -light and skin nourishment has begun to appear. At the same time, the use scenario of sunscreen products has also been subdivided into indoor sun protection, commute sunscreen, and outdoor sunscreen.A few years ago, people's demand for sunscreen products still did not take darkness and non, and it was possible to use it when it was going to the beach and other places.But now, as the concept of light aging is deeply rooted in people's hearts, sun protection to many young people seems to be good all year round.

At present, compared with countries such as Japan and South Korea, the penetration rate of Chinese sunscreen products is still low.With the continuous improvement of consumers' recognition of health and the continuous improvement of the social environment, China's future development prospects are very optimistic.According to statistics released by Zhiyanzhan Industry Research Institute, the market size of China's sunscreen industry reached 18.3 billion yuan in 2022, predicting that in 2029, the market size will be close to 40 billion yuan.The emerging market needs both business opportunities and maturity.It is necessary to stand out among the diverse sunscreen products in the market, and brand owners need to increase investment in research and innovation.It is necessary to focus on solving consumer needs, focus on the product itself, and upgrade and improve the product through various methods such as technological innovation.Compared with the results of the survey in recent years, consumers' appearance and brand influence when purchasing sunscreen products have increased year by year. It can be seen that competition between companies in the future will be a brand and design competition.

Sun protection category is a typical new consumer product category. This also requires enterprises to find new categories to find the differentiated characteristics of categories when they are developing new categories, and develop more personalized and cost -effective products in a targeted manner.On the "soft sun protection" track, brands can launch various types of products such as high -power sun protection, oil -controlling acne and sunscreen, adding anti -aging sunscreen, and refreshing sunscreen according to the gender, age and consumption focus of the consumer group.On the "Hard Sunshine" track, products can not only have sunscreen functions, but also have windproof and rainproof functions. Sun protection caps can be divided into beach sunscreen, shell sunscreen, fisherman sunscreen hats, etc. according to the design.Features have a variety of subdivisions such as dustproof or breathable.At the same time, from the perspective of protecting health, sun protection is not only a patent for women. Enterprises can also increase their development efforts to the male and children's markets and strive to fill the huge market space.

From the perspective of development trends, the functionality, comfort, and applicable scenarios of sunscreen products can become new brand competition points. Only emerging companies that are good at insight into the market can stand out in the competition.