Singers: Sing Tao Daily

Sing Tao Society

The three major US chip giants and semiconductor industry associations all spoke to the White House last week, trying to prevent President Biden from adding spicy to China in the chip field.The US chip industry is not to help China, but to launch a counterattack method in China and the global chip industry to enter the contraction cycle. He is worried that the chip war will be fell to a heavy decline.

The US chip industry giant Intel, Qualcomm and Nvidia high -rise, met with members of the US Secretary of State Brosky, the White House Guoan consultant, Shalv, and the Minister of Commerce Raymond Cabinet members, trying to lobby the Bayeng government not to be on the government.The chip scope, combined with spicy hitting China, and said that if the Sino -US chip war is upgraded, it will hurt the diplomatic efforts of the White House to contact China.The US Semiconductor Industry Association also issued a statement on the same day to oppose Bayeng's sales of chips to restrict chip sales in China, calling on him to allow the industry to continue to enter the world's largest chip market in China.

The chip industry giant knows that Biden is moving the knife Huohuo

The American chip giant shot, trying to stop Yan Biden further crack down on China, at least three reasons.

One of them, Biden will introduce a number of heavy tricks in the short term, targeting Chinese chips and high -tech industries.

Although Bayeng sent a number of senior officials to visit China in the past month to give the outside world an attempt to alleviate the impression of Sino -US tensions, however, fully understand the chip industry giants of Biden's policy trend and American political climateHuo Hao will introduce a new round of measures for Chinese chips and high -tech industry in one or two months.

Comprehensive US media news, Biden will strengthen the sealing method, restrict Nvidia and other chip vendors, and shall not export chips to China without a license. This is because the United States implemented the chip method at the end of last year.The high -end chip ordered by China to bypass the chip method with the figure; in order to prevent Chinese enterprises from using American cloud services to perform high -end chip operations, it is also intended to prohibit Chinese enterprises from using American cloud services. In addition, Treasury Minister Yellen alsoIt is revealed that it will restrict US funds to invest in China's high -tech industry, especially for semiconductors, quantum computing and artificial intelligence.Biden's shot will further damage the sales of Chinese chip business.

Second, China will have more anti -US chip industry actions.

From the former President Trump to Biden, the United States has continuously used chip exports to China in the past five years. The American chip industry giants have rarely lobby the government as this time. Because of the beginning of this year, China does not have the US chip industry.No matter how dumbly tolerance, it is prohibited from purchasing American -funded Micron's chips, and then the export of important raw materials for controlling semiconductor -controlled semiconductor was launched earlier this month, which seriously threatened American chip production.The Chinese ambassador to the United States Xie Feng also said last week that "people do not commit me, I am not a prisoner. If people are committed, I must be a prisoner", it shows that the Chinese government will not take the behavior of the United States.

Politicians will lead the political and economics to become a US company killer

Since the United States will hold a president and Congress election at the end of next year, not only is Bayiden intended to add spicy to China to take points, but the Republican House controlled by the Republican Party last week also investigated the four US funds to China high -tech to China.Investment, and stated that this is just the beginning of a series of surveys.If the Bayeng government and Congress continue to use China to operate, it will inevitably stimulate China to retaliate more vigorously, and may even launch a rare earth war. The US chip industry will be the first group of brunt.The Sino -US scientific and technological warfare may rise rapidly, and American chip giants should be stopped as soon as possible.

Third, the global chip industry is in a contraction cycle.The US chip industry not only faces Bidden and China pinch, but also faces the triple pinch of the chip industry into the contraction cycle.The electronic consumption and ebb tide caused by the crown disease epidemic, coupled with the significant expansion of production in the chip industry, has led to serious production capacity. Micron and Intel have released the worst quarterly results earlier this year, and they must vigorously lay off their expenditures.If the China -US chip war intensifies, the chip factory has become colder.

In addition, the American chip giant is also worried that Biden and Badden blocked China to obtain high -end chips, which will only drive China to develop and develop their own strengths at the same time.U.S. high -end chips, the United States not only lost this important market for a long time, but also made a major competitor for the US chip industry.

The US chip industry has lobbying the government in vocalization, not for China, but worrying that the US capitalist free market has been seriously deteriorated. Politicians will have a political economy and have become American companies killers.The chip industry must be rescued by itself. Even if Biden does not prevent Biden's forces against Chinese chips, he also hopes to delay its actions, so as not to upgrade the vicious recycling of Chinese and American chips.